Edit: I’ll see if I can find some documentation on the M113A2 as i am certain that is the chassis for the UK adats but I am not sure if it could neutral steer.
Update: As I though the original M113A2 would pivot on a single track by locking the other track. The Norwegian M113 F3 can turn in place with both tracks. Unfortunately the change is correct.
The Canadian ADATS in the U.K. ground tree is actually a slightly modified M113A2 chassis
(Though there are some interesting things I found that may indicate it uses M113A3 upgrades)
since currently in-game it has:
- NVD equipment for the driver
- Suspension height difference with a different idler back wheel
- 8 forward gears for the transmission, instead of 6, like the other TOW missile/SPAA M113 chassis using vehicles of other nations
- Exterior fuel tanks (which was also exclusively an M113A3 only upgrade over the M113A2 variant)
- A more detailed visual radiator with a cooling fan to the side and steering controls next to the driver
The original M113 APC chassis was widely known to be incapable of neutral steering despite the numerous hull and turret configurations and modifications it had added later over the decades. It still used a controlled differential steering system used mainly by U.S. tanks in WW2, up to including the M113A2. The more modern M113A3 should however be able to neutral steer/pivot in place as it is listed so in its performance data sheet (which I obviously can’t show here since it is listed as private and confidential data).
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I guess we have a A3 based one in game.
Issue I see with it. Is Gaijin says it’s an A2. So the question comes is it a modeling bug? Or can we get neutral steering on it by having them say it’s an A3. I’ll look for more evidence to see if I can make a bug report to revert it.
Did you find anything that says the ADATS was on an A3?
They were supposed to be upgraded from A2 to A3, but funding were cut. But then they decided to look for a different way to pay for it. I am here. Now I need to find out if they found a way and went with it or if they gave up.
All documentation I found shown them looking at another platform such as the LAV3 with the MMEV.