ADATS, what Gaijin got wrong

  • Radar can track up to 10 targets at once (like pantsir) Uses TADS/PNVS system

“When within the
appropriate range for either airborne or land targets, the
missile is launched and guided to its target by the
encoded laser beam. The system has the capability to
track up to 10 targets simultaneously.”

  • Radar should work in all weather conditions at maximum range

“The Forward Looking Infra-Red (FLIR), based on the US common module and operating in the eight to twelve micron band, provides full operational capability in adverse weather. Other systems include a near infra-red vidicon television for day use, a carbon dioxide laser for missile guidance and a Neodinium YaG laser rangefinder operating at 1.06 microns.”

  • Chaff/Flares are ineffective of countermeasures

“Effective: Very short initial reaction time; 10 km
maximum range; Mach 3+ maximum speed; re-
engagement in less than 2 seconds; defeats all available

  • Can lock IR missiles

“IR missile localizer”

  • Can be locked via FLIR, TV, or Radar meaning it should lock like the pantsir since it can use radar lock

“Initial target detection to missile launch takes less than five seconds. The engagement sequence begins with target detection and turret slew using radar, FLIR and television systems against air targets and FLIR and television against ground targets.”

  • Should be able to lock ground vehicles via FLIR, TV, and Optical sights

See Above

  • Laser should be able to be toggled so Adats can shoot over terrain and reacquire laser (like helicopters)

See sales brochure

  • Adats radar should datalink with other Adats (not sure if this would be able to be implemented in game)

“The radar is frequency agile and fully coherent. The ADATS radar can also assign targets to other ADATS in a command, control and communications network with their radars in silent mode.”

  • Warhead weight of 12kg although I do not know how that equates to TNT equivalent

“The missile has a laser fuse with variable fuse delay automatically set at missile launch. The combined fragmentation and shaped charge warhead weighs 12kg and has demonstrated penetration of over 900mm of Rolled Homogeneous Armour (RHA).”

  • Adats has a -9 degree to +85 degree elevation range and is incorrectly slaved to the Bushmaster’s -9 to +59 degrees

“Launch Elevation Range -9o to +85 o -9 o to +85”

  • (this one isn’t in any source material but since it uses a standard bushmaster, it should have access to M919 belts)

  • FLIR system is a modified version of the Apache A meaning this should have 2 gen thermals (FOUND THE SOURCE)

  • Radar detection (Contraves Italiana X (I/J)-band LPD 20/11) with optical tracking



Try submitting a bug report(s) (1 per item)


Maybe someone else can, every topic with sources I post Bug Reporting Manager #1 always says not a bug or needs historical documents. Perhaps my user name ticks the wrong box lol


Maybe a moderator can hand that off to devs? @Gunjob ?


Sounds good to me!


Where do you get this?

All technical moderators who handle bug reports are hidden behind that title. It’s not just one person most of the time.

Because army technology is just a third party website. Not something we accept as source materials.

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ADATS already has that locking functionality.

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Slideshow | NASM.1997.0014_ref7197 seems like a reliable source, does it count as a primary or a secondary though? It’s by Oerlikon so in theory it should be a primary source… right?

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Not for locking ground units

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The second source looks to have directly from the manufacturer Oerlikon.

National Air and Space Museum Archives
Herbert Stephen Desind Collection
ADATS (Air Defence Antitank System)(Switzerland)(MIM-146)


You would need to suggest the whole Datalink thing,
Right now all of the Japanese SPAA’s in same that had it lack it. I guess that also means the US ones also lack it.

Should it even be suggested, honestly no, it shouldn’t even be a bug either. Should have been in on day one but considering none of these things are ever on day one. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ sigh…

Which doesn’t matter cause we have mouse aim.

Found some more info

Page 2

Adats has a -9 degree to 85 degree elevation range

This source says it has a max g of 35 so I edited initial post


or it should just drop to 11.3 or 11.0 the new 93 osa nd 2s6 are the same 10km range missile while osa 93 is arguably the best 4 spaa in game because even at 7 or 8km the missile is very responsive unlike adast or 2s6( pansir s1 itom90 type81c tv1 top 4) while both 2s6 and osa 93 at 10.3/10.7 10km range like come on yes its was 900mm but its spaa not tank destroyer USA real life will use it in that way


The OSA missile is slow af and has a huge smoke trail, in comparison to the adats it’s lacking the ability to not allow CAS to react to an incoming threat, that being said they need to change the adats gunner sight to be linked to the missiles and not the gun so it can actually look vertically like the Canadian version. (the adats missile smoke trail was bugged) i dunno if it’s fixed. Honestly i think the adats is a 11.0 spaa being forced to fight 12.7 aircraft. Most nations need better systems in place imo.


The elevation issue with the US adats is because for some stupid reason the gunner sight is governed by the 25mm gun… Even tho recently they allowed the missiles to elevate fully the sight is still stuck at like 65° meanwhile the Canadian Adats has demonstrated the sight can swivel vertical. With the US one you have to guide the missiles in 3rd person with is just a hamstrung way of doing things in game considering it’s counterpart can already do it.


“Radar lock”, that is TWS, was already reported. It can track 10 targets at once iirc.

Does that occur even when you have the sight through gunner sight?