Actual Panther II

Boring, give bacc cool and unique WT Panther II.

That would look sweet along side the M26 Pershing in my 6.7 lineup. Anyone that disagrees is a video game racist.

Germany had the Panther II first, unique and beautiful. It should get its lost children home before the imperialist yanks get to occupy more propertey.

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It maybe boring, but there needs a filler between Panthers and Leopard.

Sadly it was never in real life, thus rendering it a paper tank. Also if you want tanks to play, why not have both? Best of both worlds. I also want it to be in German tree.

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When germany occupied sweden they used sweden ore to produce steel for army. So in the name of justice, that ore should return to Sweden at least in game, this is why it should be in sweden tree.

Why not have two different vehicles? First, delete and burn whatever incorrect turret that gaijin has implemented in the game. Second, replace it with these two different possibilities:

1.) Panther II with the H-SKA 86176 / H-SK 88517 turret mounting a 75 mm:

2.) Panther II with the Hln 130 turret mounting an 88 mm:

I don’t know if you are serious, a racist, a self-loather, or trying to make a bad joke, but Sweden is Germanic. You can’t occupy yourself


No. This would just put another fake vehicle into the game, which is something that Gaijin is specifically trying to avoid.

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Following this logic, than the Panther II Schmallturm, Tiger II 105, and Flakpanzer 341 can be added back as well, because the E-100 was, as you said, not 100% completed, and the Maus was never officially completed, only completed by the Soviets mating the V1 turret with the V2 hull (Or vice versa)


These vehicles should be made available, at least temporarily in an possibly yearly event for all players. But that’s simply because they are already in the game.

I have no problem if unfinished vehicles like the Flakpanzer 341 or even paper vehicles are added to the game, as long as they are necessary. Vehicles like the Panther II Schmalturm and Tiger II 10.5, however, are simply not even unfinished or paper.

They should be made available for the sole reason that Gaijin already has them in the game and will not completely remove them from the game. However, they are also the kind of vehicle that shouldn’t have been in the game in the first place, and simply are because of mistakes related to their history (originally it was thought that the Panther II mounted a Schmalturm with the long 88).


During the time they were in the game, they were still trying to flesh out the German Ground tree.

Plus, the Tiger II 105 WAS on paper, and so was the Panther II Schmalturm and Flakpanzer 341, but those documents were destroyed or lost after WWII ended.

The Tiger 10.5 was a proposal. It was not an actually fleshed out design, so no, it was not a paper design. Once they started to actually try to design it, they realized that the tank basically not feasible. Not to mention that even the original proposal lacked things such as the rangefinder which is in WarThunder.

No. Panther II was never even proposed to mount the normal Schmalturm, much less the 88 mm Schmalturm. And all the documents for the 88 mm Schmalturm that I have seen specify that it is for the Panther, not the Panther II which had been abandoned a couple years before then.

Yes, as I said, it is an unfinished/paper design. There was seemingly functional wooden mockup for the turret.



Aren’t all blueprint vehicles proposals at some point? Each blueprint goes through numerous revisions to ensure a working end product.

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Yes, at the very start when someone proposes to build such a vehicle. And then they actually make the design.

The image you’ve posted isn’t a blueprint. It just shows what the Tiger II would look like if they just put a longer barrel for the 105 mm cannon and has no other changes. It’s a proposal to look into the 105 mm and attempting to mount it on the Tiger II, with no actual modifications, specifications or technical details other than the length of the new barrel, because it hadn’t actually been designed yet. And again, as I pointed out, even this proposal lacks the rangefinder that we see in WarThunder.


Ah, thanks for informing me its not an actual blueprint.

Well, from what I see, it would be possible, but the turret would’ve needed to be stretched out so the round and propellant could get into the breech.

Yeah, kinda suprised.

That idea of using the Tiger II (H) transmission was probably only for the E-50.

Which means that the Panther II has the same hull dimensions as a Panther but just thicker armor.

So no wonder nothing came out of the Panther II project, since it just added weight to an already overweight vehicle.

I am fairly certain that the Panther II was meant to have the transmission of the Tiger II (commonality between parts and all that jazz), it’s just that the one that was actually built doesn’t. Much like how there were plans to have the HL-234 or the whatever turbojet engine that the Germans was cooking up but the actual engine on the prototype is just a HL-230.

Basically, stuff that was planned for the Panther II, but simply didn’t matter because the Panther II was abandoned either way.



Why you say that? That doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense. German tanks were severely underpowered. If they had a HL-234 in 1943 they would have started to put them on their vehicles, but they didn’t even do that before the war ended in mid 1945.

The Chieftain said that the Panther II was getting weight but the HL-230 was suppose to make up for the loss in mobility over the production Panther with the HL-210.

If they planned to put a more powerfull engine in the Panther II than they already had, why wouldn’t they put them in every other Cat?

Maybe the idea existed that the Panther II, that was suppose to replace the Panther, would have stronger engine.
But having a vehicle like the Panther II was still a long way to go.
In the end they just incorperated some design elements of the Panther II project into the production Panthers over time, like the Ball MG mount, engine deck arrangement and a turret with a narrow profile and better protection.
A much better engine was of course never fitted but I think that it was used in some form by French tanks after WW2.

The Samua SM is basically what you get when you combine German WW2 Tech with post-war French engineering:
You get a gun in the ballpark of the German 10.5cm with a loading system that makes it more feasable with a much more powerfull engine and some armor diet to lose a few tons in weight, probably to allow it to cross more bridges.
The only thing missing is a rangefinder.

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Maus was finished they did extensive tests with it

But it was never fully assembled until AFTER the Soviets got a hold of it.

After the war, the commander of Soviet armored and mechanized troops ordered the hull of V1 to be mated with the turret of V2.