3rd after Leo and Strv
Aren’t Strv just leopards?
Well, we know that Chobham, that formed the basis of the first generation NERA includes a Plastic strike face & backing layer , so I wouldn’t say for certain that it doesn’t exist. It’s just that we don’t know and the limited cross-sections we do have of the M1’s arrays don’t delineate between Non-Conventional, Conventional, and Homogeneous armor and said description is broad enough to include plastics.
Also is it just me or does the quality of the scans, and the reference [PDF page #12] to “Tri-plate” assembly mentioned in the definition of the Special armor make it look like the middle layer is encapsulated, potentially the same way they are as outlined in the Chobham excerpts, which we know are plastic.
actually interesting, so there may be some hope left if we manage to get more information
SEPv4 upgrades are being rolled into the SEPv3 program while M1E3/A3 is in testing.
It’s also worth noting, the SEPv4 specification is for an improved LWS, meaning there should already be one if there is going to be an improvement
correct me if im wrong, but i don’t think i’ve seen the lws being an upgrade for the SepV3, but only for the Sepv4
just what i know tho, i may be wrong!
Sep V4 probably gonna have an armor upgrade prior to the sep v3 too
m1147 is probably m830a1+heatfs capability and also the obstacle reduction round right?
SEPV4 doesn’t exist anymore. It has been cancelled.
SEPv3 has an undisputable hull and turret armor upgrade from all previous M1A2 models. It is the only model we have definitive evidence of an increase in hull effective armor over its direct predecessor.
M1147 is essentially the replacement for all non-APFSDS rounds the tank would carry.
so m1147 is basically everything but apfsds?
m1a3 might be interesting too
they have worse gun and electronics, but better side protection. Maybe a bit more front armor too, give me a minute to check that fact
What kind of spall do people expect in modern MBT combat?
so, Strv has worse gun and electronics and identical internal armor, though it has greater composite screen coverage on it’s sides, and little bit of armor on its LFP
I heard they added the turret basket to the Abrams, can’t see the dev server as I’m on ps, and no one on YouTube covered it… May I get a confirmation it’s true maybe?
Unsure. I play steam so I don’t have the dev server.
Yeah gg
I’m not gonna touch the Americans and probably uninstall altogether
Yeah no, they just made it the horizontal turret drive. Even if it doesn’t wipe your crew, if you can’t move, you’re dead already. Why can’t they just give it separately from the turret ring?