Abrams tanks should get crew cages

sep v2 is way too fat tho

The challenger 2 with TES armour is heavier than a tiger 2, you have no idea what a fatass tank feels man that stock grind was awful as i could never get first cap

Dude i swear the challenger is more morbidly obese than the sep v2 lmao

it is lmao. shame the armour currently isnt reflecting that, theres a reason why CR2 hasnt got as crazy armour addons as leopard

gaijin would make it 80+ tons

Chally 2 will never be able to keep up with Leopard2 no matter what they do Most of them use in the British army don’t even have CITV and still use rifle gun which mean say bye bye to standard NATO ammunition
And the engine that they still using 1200hp
That the reality check for British top tier tanks
It just suck and people knew it
Gaijin can give them something they lack like missing additional hull spall liner but in the end that tank will not be able to keep up with Leopard.

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Its not quite that extreme on the weight. however its armour is very lackluster for the weight, reports from during the development of the challenger 2 showed that chobham is just as effective as what is seen on leopard, if not slightly better performing

nah british shall suffer

atleast make it so it can survive some what cuz im pretty sure that thing is pure suffering

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Challenger 2 doesnt suck bit it is certainly missing parts from its model.

It cant keep up with abrams or leo and never will. Just like all nato guns from the 105mm onwards its missing a lot of punch.

Challenger 3 has a CITV and will probably have an APS as well as using NATO standard kit (I will be amazed if HESH doesnt appear as theres no way britains giving up its favourite squishy boi) I believe the CV12 on the challenger 3 will be uprated to 1500hp too. pretty much all the issues cr2 had are fixed on cr3

they need to expand its first stage ammo first
4 is diabolical

Its also completley unrealistic. look at how many projectiles are held in the turret and how many bag charges are on the turret basket, thats the realistic “first stage” ammo rack. in other words it should be near 20 like whats seen on chieftain, as its essentially the same layout and gun but modernised

wonder if gaijin will ever fix it

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In 37 quintillion years, the Snail will take pity on the Challenger 2 and raise it’s ready rank to 5.

The problem is
Challenger 3 still don’t have production series
What we have in the game is just technology demonstrator we still don’t really know what production series will look like
Leopard 2A7 on the other hand is already on production
If there other variant that would really help British before Challenger 3 production series come out right now it would be 130mm version of Challenger 3 prototypes.

Inb4 M1A2 SEP v3 with unremovable ARAT II, Belly Plate, Trophy APS and Mine Roller: 83 tons.

Don’t give gaijin that idea lol.


Picture of Abrams turret basket which is what OP talking about.


You present a fair argument. Thing is, an LFP shot will likely kill the entire abrams crew, or force it into crew replenishment (arcade) and fully disable it. The abrams LFP however is much larger and more consistent than many of its adversaries. My positioning and situational awareness could be at fault, but I really can’t find many good hulldown positions when I can get flanked quite easily. The abrams doesn’t even have a plow, which I believe it does on the M1C (I think it’s that one) and the turret basket should go to all NATO tanks to give it more survivability. Top tier is either one shot or multiple shots to take out an enemy. And no, I have not played the T90M. While the 3BM60 is quite bad, the LFP and small driver hatch weakspot are harder to hit than the abrams’ massive turret ring and LFP, and it has a smaller profile so it’s better for hulldown. For the SEP V2 it even has a massive CROWS that can be overpressured. The M1 tanks are very large and aren’t the best at urban combat (in my opinion.) The T90M and Leopard 2A7V both have spall liners, and in real life the abrams doesn’t, so there needs to be something added to the SEP V2 to fix this.

Sorry for the late reply, didn’t look at forums for quite a bit.

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That is true. Although soviet tank doctrine is mostly about advancing, not retreating, I do find the T series tanks reverse speeds to be quite miserable. Maybe a smaller buff, doesn’t matter if it’s accurate or not.