New Leopard & Abrams traverse

The problem is realism can be implement well if they implement it well, in this case id say the devs team either just incompetence or do anything to try meet their quotas(in this case make 500k usd+ from one premium in 1 month)

Well, I’m sure with enough proof in this case you can be for sure there isn’t a single way to do it in this game ( not entirely the devs fault BY THE WAY).
Screw fun, we straight coping in this h*e

im guessing Gaijin just removed common sense from their devs team or just dont have common sense at all while their superior russian autoloader magically protect their crews while every NATO tank suffer because of their double standard

Nah chillax with that one.
The eastern stuff ain’t in no way better than the western. A leo farts once and u get a missfire on the russian breech. Dw I’ve tried both ends, it’s still a repair sim.
The only sense they talk is money my dude, and outsourcing their work so that more issues arise.

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So hilarious.


This is an awful change but if they insist on doing it, at least apply it evenly. This is a huge nerf to the leopards and abrams. If its an intentional nerf, find some other way to do it, maybe by adding detailed internals like some light vehicles do. If its not an intentional nerf either (preferably) revert the change or apply it to all top tier MBTs


Well not exactly a nerf, though since only Abrams and Leo2s get these, it affects drastically in a negative way since the other tanks dont have these wich they should get too at the same time.
If we get it for all tanks that all well and good, but having them like this is just nonsense.

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Or they can just code seperate function and make the turret basket /absorb_partical or sum like that

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Like this can be fix by cut out the model of the basket and turret ring, making them 2 seperate pieces
After that code how they code the russian autoloader e.g eat the spall but DO NOT CREATE MORE SPALL

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From who says he is a swedish tank crewman:

It has enough torque to swing 30+ ton turrets around like it doesn’t exist, a bit of bent metal won’t do shit. The only conceivable way it could prevent it from rotating the turret would be if metal somehow got inside of the actual turret ring which can’t happen unless the turret ring itself took damage. Damage to the basket will never stop the turret from rotating. The turret drive will simply bend it back into place by sheer force if a buckle gets in the way.

source: crewman who was part of a crew that bent our own turret basket by accident and it didn’t stop the turret from turning the slightest, there was merely a scarping sound.

Adding the crew basket as an armor part which will either create or stop spalling is fine IMO, making it part of the horizontal drive hitbox is not


Nuh uh
“Not a credible source”

I also don’t wanted the extra modules into the game, since most unmanded combat modules or all of them became useless, either the cannon is just terrible or a big target. But some people began to be way too loud, causing this solving an issue, like, not having a huge breech and weak turret roof on Soviet and Chinese designs isn’t enough, the autoloader keeps you unable to reload, when, theorically the crew could manually reload with some struggle.

Yeah its more of a ‘do with it what you will’ but this anecdote doesnt seem unrealistic

If you enable the checkbox that shows the autoloader, it’s pretty big enough as a turret basket, I would be very happy having not to only repair the horizontal turret drive mechanism but also the autoloader, what a exciting gameplay would be this.


true, no engineer would come up with that shet

I mean, War Thunder only considers perfect conditions, if for some reason would be that realistic, early NATO MBTs loader crews would struggle to load the breech, this is the realism people is asking for? Adaptability instead of the perfect situation, it’s hard to explain but is something like that. As most footage of loading is made when the vehicle is fully stopped, I can’t say if would apply to any other later model.

lets hope not and they would fix this
the abrams already get cripple when shot in the hull and now its even more cripple


More importantly it’s idiotic. IRL the turret basket on the Abrams is just a turret floor and some mesh screens. You can literally rip they screens out by catching them on the hull while traversing and keep traversing. It is not at all related to the mechanical ability of the turret to traverse. Put another way, it’s fake. Like Cartoon level fake, to have that affect turret traverse.


I usually play Soviet style tanks, and this change is a NO from me. Absolutely horrid.