Abrams tanks should get crew cages

sep v3 likely have atleast 80% of the CATTB armor
which turret wise has ~>1000mm of ke protection and >1200mm ce protection(turret only)
has gen 3 du
du hull and also increase hull thickness armor value wise
turret middle part increase some what
LWS/LR, Trophy, maybe ircm too?

No, the only M1s that I know got an IRCM system were the M1A1s with the USMC.

I also haven’t seen much evidence for a LWS on the SEPv3. SEPv4, yes, but not the SEPv3.

I also think every Ru vehicles should receive more reverse speed, this is absurd that every one else can reverse 3-10 times faster!

They should get better mobility at 8.0-9.7 too.

Its ridiculous seeing NATO 105mm doom cannons with a 7s reload moving at 70km whilst your T-55 with a 115mm gun and a 10s reload (T-62 in a nutshell) is stuck at 55kph.

Don’t even get me started on the KPZ/MBT-70 and XM803, with their 152mm gun, 7s reload and insane speed, at the same BR as the T55-AMD-1 and Obj. 435…

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im pretty sure it has lws/lr cuz lws isnt that new

Why not ? If Gaijin just model one up they can put them on every single Abrams in this game and could continue using them as long as they keep adding news Abram.
while we at that model turret basket for everyone else too.

Unless the shell are hitting turret ring. or the turret drive in the engine. Turret basket taking damage shouldn’t effect Abrams ability to turn around its turret. That to say Gaijin incompetent on vehicles modeling shouldn’t hinder such change.

i reported it, but it seems it’s only a visual thing, the same protection remains, i tested it

It has plenty of survivability, especially against the faster rounds at top tier. Most Abrams die in 2 shots (median) when shot directly front on towards both turret ring and LFP, it’s complete RNG whether the spalling kills all 3 turret crew or only kills 1, besides they are on the roomier side of MBTs and has plenty of massive internal components to soak up spall.

Please don’t use red color for text, as that is for staff purposes.

Abrams crews IRL are all issues flak jackets, I believe this is a more realistic solution instead and easy as they’re already present on helicopters


Switched it to brown, is that okay?

Also, is there a way to view the total selection of colours available?

Brown is ok. As far as I know, only red is restricted.

I don’t think there is, but you can use color hex codes after the # to change the text (as long as it’s not red)

that would be incredibly hard to model aint it

it already exists as a modification for several helicopters

it would still take sometimes for gaijin

Crew cage?

he meant the turret basket modeled


I like how america mains think the abrams sucks when id say its firmly behind the leo 2 as the second best MBT overall.

its not perfect and doesnt have DU inserts yes but its in a majorly better state than challenger or even ariete and type 90

That what they should do add it as modifications.