About VT-5 tank

when they add pantair s1, they think about the strength of russia, when they add other country’s vehicle like vt5, they suddenly think about the so called balance and make sure vt5 can not match with 2s25m


My heart’s with yours. It hurts, doesn’t it?


yea. Ive tried to get HESH improved a few times. At least my report on the scimitar is getting fixed this update… just need to fix the armour and gears


Best of luck brother.



I think i found the sources that provide info about the VT-5 armor which Gaijin clearly believe to be true
This China’s Norinco delivers first batch of VT5 light tanks to Bangladesh – Global Defense Corp
And this

compare to this quote from the 2 sources
“ The hull and the turret of the VT5 is made with all-welded steel armor which provides stand protection against the firing of small arms and shell splinters”

Also they deleted that quote so its not present on the VT-5 wt page anymore


Yes, the British tech tree, like the Chinese one, suffers from unfair treatment. I really love the appearance of the Challenger 2, but the performance of the British tech tree in top-tier battles has genuinely discouraged me from continuing to grind it. My respects to all you British tech tree players as well.


So who you are? The evidence is on the poster, Open your eyes and then send your a comment

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It seems that the Game producter have an rooted Impression, Which is Chinese Tank or plane must be Weaker than Russia’s, Just both fake in game and in reality


In this game or thunder thethe players of China who play the Chinaseries always stand for it for a long time and this time we will have this chance to express our anger

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What do the developers think about the fact that the VT5 in the game weighs far less than 33 tons?


VT5 is a light MBT , not light tank. Its not like M10 or Tam, its MBT! And its the latest light MBT, if its arma is worse than ZTQ62,why they dont buy ZTQ62G? Can u believe its arma worse thanZTQ62?


I like how all that nonsense a certain someone was peddling can be instantly invalided by the fact that the radkampfwagen, an equally big wheeled vehicle weighing 2.2 tons less has absolutely insane armour protection in the game in comparison, but fucking giving the VT5 the ability to resist BR-412 would somehow be broken

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AS we all know Tam is not a mbt its just a vehicel with a canno.Just like M10 which will take place with m1128.


And There is a most important question : Where and how they get Information to produce their tank or plane? Like issues on the owner always told the. Our players get a our submit Information is fake or couldn’t be used to prove our sports but we should know how getting get that Information to made our tanks or plans so weak? And we’d like Guiding to show their resource and told us players their reality and close to history


In that case every player wouldn’t be soangry with their favorite tanks or clients. Much more weekend than they imagine or even in reality


How funny is that a 33 tongue Tank couldn’t defend from 5.8? Although it’s a light tank but it couldn’t be So funny. And vt five is a kind oflight tank , And will be sold to other country in that case. His status are open to crowds. And so it couldn’t be have so much distance from reality


Gaijin means that the Bangladeshi government bought a bunch of tin boxes that they could make themselves for $5.8 million each.


VT5 is the latest concept light main station tank, not a light tank. It can be penetrated by 12.7mm on the front and 5.8mm on the side, which is ridiculous. If the official is adjusting parameters according to game balance, do not use military hardcore to refer to yourself. If it is trying to reproduce reality as much as possible, please face reality and do not fill in data or make structures randomly. The poor performance of VT4 and VT5 has caused great dissatisfaction among Chinese players. The official ISS area arbitrarily rejects the correct information submitted by players, and other types of vehicles also have similar phenomena. Players’ complaints against the official system are becoming increasingly fierce. If the official does not correct these erroneous practices, sooner or later, players will unite to oppose them


VT5 need to be op!