About VT-5 tank

yeah but even if the armor is fix you r still basically dead because the turret basket immobolized ur entire tank and probably spall more too

Fast dead or slowly dead?



VT5 should not have that large turret basket, fix it plz

I’m also here today to see if there’s an update on the vt-5

The bucket is still there as far as I know.

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There has been no update, and the developers show no intention of acknowledging or fixing these issues.


There are many data to prove that vt5 tank is by no means such a weak protection level. It is extremely unfair and deviated from the facts to deliberately make it like this. Vt5 was originally designed as a lightweight main battle tank rather than a “light armored vehicle” with such weak armor. Please correct the wrong practice.


The community has been utterly disappointed by the sheer fact that Gaijin is not taking any reports with solid sources into account.

It may be true that people aren’t really putting up new suggestions concerning VT5 the vehicle itself now, but that’s generally because most previous issues on the CBR site have been NABbed,

and with this Gaijin is simply posing a stance of insisting to stick to their arbitrary style of work and the so-called “partial restoration of historical facts”, the same way they did to many other vehicles of other countries also.

We understand that modern-day vehicles are inherently harder to be modeled out in-game, yet the gamers community is clearly not seeing any willingness in the Gaijin company to conscientiously figure out the in-game balancing either.

If you don’t want to do it, speak it out; if you are really working on it (apparently you aren’t) and you need time, speak it out.

And face the music: players from all around the world once counted on you as the one and only “historical military vehicle sim”, and you’ve got millions of cash of all kinds of currencies flowing into your company’s account each day with your in-game purchases, but even that’s not enough to provide you with even the slightest impetus to make things right. What, you think your vehicle packs costing up to $70 or $80 aren’t a price to pay for the gamers? Take a look at the pricing of other Triple-A games and think a bit more about why people are still playing this.


The official production team has already confirmed that the project is in development. As previously stated by community management, the production team does not work around the clock and has scheduled rest periods.

However, what’s concerning is that given the past development experiences of Chinese and other nations’ vehicles, it makes me worry whether the VT-5 might be directly released to the live server in its current state of development (a half-finished product) after the test server closes.


Yes, it is because there have been similar cases in the past that we are more worried


or things that are still havent fix even tho they are accepted
alot of things like the abrams, ariete, leclerc, challengers, ZTZs and VTs are no exception except Gaijin would only fix things if it benefits them economically
they would consider fixing them IF they are worth their time and actually worth their money, not for the sake of doing things right even


i think most vehicles need this kind of attention.

Unfortunately, the administrator does not look at actual evidence and only communicates what he wants to the developers


The VT5 tank is a lightweight main battle tank, not a light tank, designed to counter second-generation main battle tanks such as the T55 and T62. Its frontal armor can easily block attacks from these old tanks. It is quite ridiculous that a 33 ton vehicle cannot withstand 12.7mm machine gun fire, and according to current protection levels, it weighs less than 20 tons. And VT5 adopts a rotating floor structure instead of a turret basket, similar to T90m. Moreover, if it is a turret basket, how should the ammunition at the driver’s position be retrieved and loaded?
Танк vt5 - это легкий основной боевой танк, а не легкий танк, как 2s25 « Осьминога», который предназначен для борьбы с основными боевыми танками второго поколения, такими как T55 и T62, чья лобовая броня может легко блокировать атаки этих старых танков. Весьма смешно, что 33 - тонный кузов не выдерживает выстрелов из 12,7 - мм пулемета, при нынешнем уровне защиты он составляет менее 20 тонн. Кроме того, VT5 использует вращающуюся конструкцию пола вместо корзины башни, похожую на вращающийся пол T90m. Более того, если это корзина башни, как вытащить и заполнить боеприпасы у водителя?


what? gaijin have a ‘research team’…?



Yeah…respects to all the British players too. You must’ve got superhuman will to be playing British top tier.


Us british are a stubborn lot but even I don’t try to play top tier anymore. Challenger is held back unfairly in comparison to its equals and nothing that’s been tried has gotten it to be in a better state. Even with the most perfect of sources, even the exact same sources as used in house by gaijin, will get rejected if the wrong tech mod sees it because they don’t want said vehicle improved, its like the china situation where a gaijin employee held back Chinese vehicle info out of spite but its just institutionalised