Ability to First Spawn a Helicopter

Gaijin really needs to remove the ability to first spawn a helicopter in Ground RB. I love using CAS and Helicopters but it is “Ground Realistic Battles” you should not be able to start the game in anything other than a ground vehicle regardless of guided munitions or not. With helis having CCRP and APDS belts they can kill or damage multiple people before someone shoots them down or someone spawns an SPAA. Then they hop right into a jet with guided munitions or a tank after having stopped a teams entire push to an objective.

The spawn an SPAA at the start argument is also flawed. You play the game of being useful or useless. If no one spawns then you are a waste of a teammate at the start of the game and because you cannot see what other people are spawning unless you wait for them to all spawn in multiple people could spawn SPAAs to try and counter this and then half your team is now in SPAAs and worthless to the initial objectives.

It is not fun dying to a KA-50 or 52 at the start of a game in your MBT and having half your crew dead before you see another tank then they spawn into a jet and immediately kill half your team.

Please Gaijin I beg you to raise the SP cost of helicopters in Ground RB so they cannot spawn in at the start or at least not with any rockets or APDS/Armor penetrating belts.


Rocket rushing is pretty essential to the heli grind, blame Gaijin for making things this way, heli PvE is terrible.

Rockets should be available first spawn, but I agree APDS shouldn’t.


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It’s a combined arms game so that is the way it is.

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Indeed thats a major problem. CAS is way too effective in ground battles and to be honest, it’s most times only clay pigeon shooting for planes and helicopters.
Even with a SPAA you can’t do much against it. At least I can tell if I spawn a SPAA and try to shoot down any aircraft I get killed within 30 seconds because I can only focus on one target at a time and while that, another aircraft killing me while I am busy dealing with his teammate.
So what is the point of bringing tanks to ground battles at all, if you only end up as canon fodder?
CAS really need more restrictions or maybe needs to be removed from ground battles completely.

It doesn’t help that most of the maps are very badly designed ,especially now that all are so flat with almost no cover.
Then you have maps where helis can literally hover over their landing pad fire their missiles and land and rearm until somebody earns enough points to spawn plane to shoot them down since SPAA ammo self destructs before reaching helis.

Since "balance " is be all end all argument Gaijin has for nerfing sone vehicles/planes and giving other ahistorical values straight out of Narnia …same can be done with helis.

Give all heli missiles same range or disregard reality and remove SPAA ammo 4 km self destruct limitation

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Not really. Just need more half decent players of War Thunder Ground Realistic.

They have the potential for sure but CAS has overall least impact due to:

Bad pilots
Good tankers/players
Good SPAA users
Good anti-CAS pilots

Fortunately most are casual and having fun so try hard CAS isn’t as much an issue.

Players rushing up singular trees without the experience/knowledge/can do attitude create much bigger issues, but WT is there to please all so best of luck to them.


Before this gets locked for ignoring forum rules, put your idea here:

Besf of luck.

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then spawn SPAA as first spawn and problem is solved
‘‘but i dont wanna’’
too bad, helis are part of the game and so are SPAA.
at top tier its pretty common there is one or two first spawn SPAA just for this reason, to put heli rushers into ground and prevent them getting into powerful CAS plane early.

its getting abit boring to listen people complain who dont want to play 100% of the game but only tanks in a game that has also SPAA/heli/CAS/CAP in the same gamemode.


Its a terrible way to grind, but its certainly more fun than
“Destroy convoy A” → “Destroy convoy B” and so on for 2 hours.

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Dont forget being destroyed by Gepard AI everytime because their effective range is 3km, very good accuracy and you dont have guided munitions

I found that spamming chaff every 0.5 seconds or so throws their targeting off a bit. Combine that with vigorous dodges and weaves and you might stay alive long enough for your atgm to reach.

And then earning 20k RP for your trouble

It only if your heli does have shaft/flares (early ones dont have such luxury) and unlocked ATGMs. Before that? Rocket/gunpods it is

Before that? Rush said convoys and die about 300 times or get a lucky shot on the SPAA, and then get gunned down by some M113 with 50. Cals.
Heli grind is awful. Just awful enough that youll pay to skip it, but also just profitable enough that the snail can say its fine.

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I think you are misunderstanding what I was saying. I spawn helis and CAS in ground all the time I enjoy that part of the game. I am specifically talking right at the start as first spawn, you should have to earn the points to be able to spawn in a heli, plane, or drone or whatever by playing a tank or some other vehicle on the ground first.

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I have no idea what kind of fairytale you are living in, but this does not apply for the average War Thunder player. SPAA is very hard with pre amining, which is much harder than diving with your plane down on a tank. Instead of whats a vehicle capable of, the game should balancing more on the factor of how hard to play is it.
Simply for the reason it’s easier to grind kills with aircrafts in ground battles than playing as tanks. Therefore tanks will lose more and more popularity if everyone know you are only a grind traget for CAS players.

Whatever helps you cope dude…


Sorry for trying to even the chanches for the majority of players and to let them have more fun playing, instead of letting them suffer for hundreds of hours to gain a decent skill. How could I.