Ability To Designate Target Point and Program Satellite/INS Weapons In Tactical Map

Ability To Designate Target Point and Program Satellite/INS Weapons In Tactical Map
(Chiefly to allow non-LOS engagements as depicted below in vivid detail)

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Greetings! Today I am suggesting a new mechanic that augments/builds upon how we designate target points for air to ground weapons.

As you are probably aware, the current way to set a target point is one of the following:

  1. Set target point in aim direction using “Mk.1 Eyeball” or targeting pod (Requires LOS)
  2. Cycle mission bombing targets (Only for bombing points/bases) (Does not require LOS)

Now, what if you wanted to target something that isn’t a bombing point/base, and you want to avoid entering line of sight? Maybe the target is behind terrain, like a mountain or in a deep valley. Furthermore, what if there is only limited time once you emerge from behind this terrain? Then the ability to set the target point ahead of time would certainly come in handy.


This hasn’t really been an issue with the guided weapons we have had up until this point, since most are laser-guided and require LOS anyway. This changes with the upcoming addition of Satellite guided weapons such as JDAM and KAB-500S. These are truly “fire and forget” and one of the main selling points IRL is their ability to be programmed with target coordinates (either before or in-flight). The bomb literally knows where it is, and where it is supposed to go. As such the pilot does not need to see the target, instead they follow the release point calculation and the bomb will do the rest.

Unfortunately with the restrictive methods of setting a target point, either requiring LOS or the target being a predetermined mission bombing point (such as a base), the potential capability of Satellite guided weapons will be severely limited. After all, if they can only be used in LOS situations, then they are not meaningfully different from their laser-guided counterparts.

This is where my suggestion comes in.

How it works

  • Enter the tactical map (default keybind “M”)
  • Put cursor over target
  • Double-click Left Mouse Button (LMB), alternatively hold and release LMB
  • Target point is set, proceed as usual
In-game Visualization

Is this something you’d like to see in-game? Why or why not? Also, this is something I cooked up in short notice so the concept might be a bit rough or incomplete. If you have anything to add or want to suggest I’d be happy to hear it!



This would be awesome in sim


Yeah, without the 3rd person view it’s quite difficult to place a good mark on whatever it is you’re trying to bomb

In sim there’s also a variety of targets that aren’t bombing points, so you can’t cycle through them either

In that regard using a map to designate would definitely be a improvement, and more realistic as well I believe.