Aa protection

CAS is blatantly OP and very easy to use. That is just a hard fact.

You do not have to play in that mode to know that something is OP or not.

Its literally not a hard fact. the learning curve is much higher for aircraft than for tanks, aside from the aforementioned dropping a bomb on someone before dying.

except you do. If you don’t have enough experience with something how can you make an informed judgement on it?


It is.

But if my “lack of experience” is not enough for you, let’s ask @ULQ_LOVER about it.

UQL lover is a gigantic cas hater who will hate cas no matter what anyone says or no matter what gaijin does and thus I have literally never paid any attention to their opinion because attempting to have a conversation with that person is pointless.

as apparently is yours. So I will leave you to your false equivalences, and will go and have discussions with people who actually have experience with the thing they are talking about


Off topic, but where do you get these tank specific statistics?

Whenever a CAS player kills me i take a screenshot of their statcard. I do it for years now.

Manpads would be better and more realistic.

Or, I have a limited amount of time in my life, and a limited number of brain cells, and I cannot physically be bothered wasting more of my valuable life continuing the exact same stupid, pointless argument about an online game that half the damn threads on this forum devolve into

Enjoy getting bombed


Quite schiz, btw Mr. Perfect I’m still waiting for you to reach battle rating 9.0, abandon arcade and start playing in realistic

What skill do tanks need? You drive to an advantageous position, aim at a weakspot and click on the enemy.

A tank has no compression, no stall speed, overspeed doesn’t tear it apart, it has sights for all its weapons, carries ammo to fight a lot more targets and it has a far more forgiving damage model.


Oh so by saying that You should be a really skilled tanker, should we check it if that is true?

Or maybe there is more to say about tank vs tank, especially if enemy tank goes to the ‘adantageous’ position first ;)

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Tell me more about the complicated life of a tanker please. :D

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You are the one making it that simple, should be easy to be good in tanks.

So should we check if that is true or maybe You wll back away from this argument?

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I am definitely more qualified to talk about this than O_HOgameplay is with his whopping 134 ground spawns in RB and 37 airspawns. ;)

This is now what I have asked You, please restrain from changing the subject in order to not answear the question.

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The question you asked holds no relevance though.

What is easier to control?
What is easier to achieve hits with?
What requires less overall consideration regarding maneuvering?

The answer to all is: tanks

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So You should be good on tanks if that is so easy.

Should we check that and maybe compare how well You are in planes?

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Nice job evading my point and my questions ;)


I’m not the one evading the question, You still haven’t answeared mine.

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Because it is irrelevant, but sure, check my stats if they are that important to you. They have no global significance though and add no value here. ;)