A6E TRAM Armaments are Nerfed in Game

cmano-db.com. The a6e - Tram have a LOT of Laser guied Mavericks specifically AGM-65E. And AGM-65F which is an IR guided maverick. And the a6e uses GBU PAVEWAY III series. as it is a rather expensive vehicle it would deserve to have a mavericks pod, a kit of 3 on each side of the wing.

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Yes all aircraft in game do not get their full potential unless it makes sense. That is normal. However, you are exhibiting clown like behaivor by implying the A6 TRAM needs buffs at 10.3 with its 9 guided bombs and 9Ls as it is. It’s already incredibly undertiered.


my uptiered 9.3 seeing a guided bomb from a tram fall towards it for the 10th time



The list of aircraft missing loadout options is extensive. Loadouts are 100% balance based and as the A-6 is one of the strongest 10.3 CAS in the game at the moment, its probably not in any major need to get a buff.

AGM-65s would probably just result in it needing to be at least 11.0


that really makes sense. But even with the AGM65 guided by the TV, wouldn’t it be a good idea?

It just doesn’t need another buff without having its BR addressed (see: raised)

Assuming that you can even see it or anticipate it, not just your tank instantly blows up like there is anything you can do better to prevent it lol

Fu*k this vehicle. Flies around multiple KM out of effective SPAA range and just dunks me all the time.


If it had it historically, it should probably have it in game. Simple really. If this specific tram needs to go up than so be it. Just add earlier variants to fulfill its role at said Br that it’s left behind.

I thought it was the SWIP that had Mav and Walleye capability, not the TRAM…


According to the website you linked, the TRAM didnt carry agm65s. You are looking at the SWIP which are more modern refits of the a6.

You could make a suggestion for a 1990s verson of the a6 with SWIP.

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Because you’re right, it was the SWIP that added all of these things. His “source” also lists it’s the SWIP at the top. Quotation marks as well because cmano-db isn’t an accepted source anyway.

I’m still waiting for the SWIP, I hate how the best lower BR toptier CAS is a premium for US, because I’m not spending 70 euros on that. A-7E is nice too but it’s not as good and it’s also 10.7, which doesn’t fit any lineup. Probably when the SWIP arrives, it’s going to be like 11.0 or 11.3 however, so I guess it won’t solve that problem. Maybe the A-4M can however fill that ~10.0 range.

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Oh yeah so the F-4E should be 12.7 with AIM-9Ms since it had them realistically! This logic fails at the start.

Also, the plane is the Intruder. The variant of the Intruder in game is the TRAM upgrade.

This is my avg. match at top tier, I die from one, get in a new vehicle, and get spawn bombed.

I honestly think that if we’re going to go as far as the SWIP, we might as well go a little further and get the A-6F. It may have been a prototype, but it did actually fly. Plus, it can properly defend itself at top tier (since it has AMRAAMs)

The inclusion of AMRAAM would just result in it being 12.3. Which is a BR/role that would already be filled with the AV-8B+.

my 10.3 experience is just being killed by trams and SU-25s, rip

I think the SWIP can fill in the 11.0-11.3 CAS role with TGP capability, like a counterpart to the Su-25SM3. AMRAAMs would make it go up too far, in which as mentioned the AV-8B can fill that role then.

Though I suppose for the same BR range something like the A-10C can also fill that role. Maybe the A-7F too? Though it being supersonic would probably make it higher BR. And between the A-10C and SWIP, I’d probably rather take the SWIP as it’s a bit faster.

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I really want to see it like it was during Desert Storm (i.e. being annoying asf for the Iraqis),but then i remember that it would not be relaxing fighting that amount of power at 9.3

A lot of Desert Storm stuff is unfortunately quite nerfed.