A10c br 12.3?

I played A10c whole morning and there isn’t a single game that didn’t in 12.3 BR.When you fly to the battlefield, all your teammates are dead, and it’s very inexperience-free. It is funny that A10c fight against F14a and f4s . You can use aim9m but enemy can lock you on 9km and launch r27 and aim7f . So ppppppls remove A10c to 11.0.

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How about no?


You arent asking for a big enough upgrade yet. 4x Aim-9X and 11.0.

interesting. If F15c carry four 9X, it would be undoubtedly destructive. But A10 cannot be supersonic.Actually,The A10 is not capable of dealing with supersonic jet unless they are willing to dogfight with A10.You think my request is ridiculous.Then I’d rather than less two 9m to 11.0.

Yes, I was being sarcastic. The reality is, Aim-9Ms are a capable missile system when used right. Yes the A-10C does have a hard time getting those shots if players play right and avoid the A-10C but many wont. You also have the sub-sonics like the Sea Harrier FRS1 at the same BR.

As it stands. A-10C could very well end up at 11.7 with its current loadout. Which I personally dont think would be entirely unreasonable for it at the moment. (though many want it at 12 or even 12.3 which I do personally think would be too high at the moment)

But ultimately, this isnt an A-10 problem. This a ground attacker problem. ARB is just not designed for aircraft which were intended to either be flown in areas with air superiority or to fly low and fast to avoid the enemy team. Tornado, Su-24, Su-25, F-111, etc etc. These aircraft all have the same problem and more powerful AAMs are not the solution outright. They need a gamemode better suited for those airframes. Air Sim is excellent and ground attackers work well there. But its not for everyone. What is needed is an RB EC gamemode.

Though… you shouldnt really be struggling with defending against ARH/SARH missiles in the A-10. It might be slow, but that can work in its favour. It has a good RWR and a good pool of CMs. Stay low, notch and chaff when you detect someone is locking onto you.

Your playing arcade, everyone can see you many miles away, have reloading weapons and flares, of course the A-10 like many other strike aircraft will struggle.

Funny, I played 11.0 all day and saw A-10Cs in every. single. match.

You get an absurd amount of CMs and a really good RWR. Use them.

I hope this post is sarcastic and I’m just too dumb to see it.


Here add to this forum

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Well this is the same with AB and RB; A-10 and Su-25 and other similar planes are CAS planes. Against (semi) radar missiles they suffer, against subsonic/earlier jets they club them.

Crying on the A10-C While the AMX 1A is on the Same BR with Only 2 missiles and worse Guns. (And some more Strike Aircraft)
/Vote AMX 1A 10.0 BR ✅

The A10 does not suffer against radar missiles. You’ve a plenty competent rwr and plenty of CMs to address the threat. Wretched thing should be at the same BR as GR 7.

Plenty of CMs, 45G all aspect missiles, decently agile for an attacker

Putting it in one of the best MMs in game against flareless and missileless planes with the same speed as it is not a good idea, 11.0 of be on board with though.

Countermeasures yes the A10 still have 4 Times the Amount, Piranha is 45Gs Straight into a Flare if the Enemy isnt aware then its a free kill yes. The FM is decent correct.
In my opinion the A10 is way better and the TT Variant of the AMX is also better. (Mostly because of the gun)
I See the AMX 1a at a BR of 10.7
Disclaimer thats just my opinion.

We’ll agree to disagree than so we don’t derail the topic

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To be honest, I don’t find Piranha much more impressive than Aim-9L. I have both Tornado IDS and AMX A-1, aim-9L is plenty enough to kill planes if you don’t launch them at weird angles.

There’s not many situations in which planes can outmaneuver the Aim-9L and pulling maneuvers mean certain knockout anyway because you’re bleeding a lot of energy.

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Me when this is marked as AB-

wait what

I am now very confused.


It’s for those moments when you’re playing RB but randomly pull 15 Gs lmao