USA A-10C bias need to be 12.0

su24 go 11.7,and get 2 r73 ,2 kh28 or 4 kh25mr
if 12.7 should have 3 kh31 or 2 kh58u or 2 kh59

12.7 if it has a arena active protection lol

regardless. At 11.3 Su-24M is tenatively under-BRed compared to comprable interdictors like the Tornado IDS that can be 11.7 (for no good reason)

There is no Bias against soviets. Su-24M is perfectly placed and in fact has features that is denied to every other nation at the moment in the form of A2G radar. It even has an internal TPod which should not be trivialised and the new gimballed gunpod which might become OP.

A-10C is probably going to be very niche. Its slower than every other aircraft at that BR and doesnt turn that well. Harrier II airframes like the AV-8B(NA) can do rings around it with ease. Id even say the Su-25s which are at the same BR with comprable AAMs and tenatively better defensive suites in the form of IRCM (again another soviet exclusive) can turn just as well, if not better.

Trying to argue the Su-24M needs major buffs because the A-10C is at the same BR is a bit like me arguing the Tornado Gr1 needs Aim-9M because the Su-39 has R-73s at the same BR. Its just a bad argument

(now I do think the Tornado IDS at 11.7 need something extra to set them apart from those at 11.3 like IRCCM missiles or BOL, but that is a discussion for another thread)


good missle and bad plane, this is what they always do

this is for reference

Why is it always “my nation isn’t a total easy win, I’ll go cry to the forums”
I’m making a legitimate argument, of the best aircraft of the update for its br (A-10C) and one of the worst aircraft. (Su-24M) taking a Su-24M to sim would be suicide.

The Russian tech tree isn’t biased against? Last time I checked, every tank at top tier reload faster than anything the Russian one does. For air, the Su-27 is really the only competitor against the other nations top air.
Lastly, the A-6e has a BUILT IN THERMAL. With excellent zoom. Thankfully it doesn’t have the ordinance to make it egregiously OP.

The a-10c spam will be as apparent as the F-111a spam, or the F-16c spam. If the A-10C doesn’t go up in br, I’m getting that next. 4 aim-9ms will be unstoppable.

Go fly a Su-39 in sim, then fly a Tornado, tell me all the pros and cons. What’s funny is I own both.
Su-39 has 2 r-73s yes, but only two, you don’t have an HMD to utilize the actual capability of the R-73, and they’re very easy to flare, compared to an aim-9m.


They are easy to flare and you lack HMD, yes. But have you tried the long acm thingo? Decent for getting good launches. Su 39 has this if you take the radar. Though Tornado, by virtue of speed, is easier to reach targets with.

Compared to the yanks, most everyone suffers. Russia does suffer the least on their ground attack platforms though (Fighter platforms a completely different story). The A10C is very nimble if used properly, and can hold its own against the threats you listed if what my experience from Dev holds. Get it is a mighty assumption as to properly using it, but still is the case.

Also the Su 24 could do with a few buffs and be brought up on parity with the rating of tornadoes. I’d prefer it to be the better su 24 version at the same rating as nadoes than what we got. But that doesn’t seem to be the argument here.

I know it does, but even with a lock, R-73s are still very easy to flare, especially if you see an plane you know carrying them incoming.


No more suicide than trying to take the Tornado Gr1 (back when it only had 56 CMs) into Sim against a wall of Mig-29s and F-16s. And I did that for basically an entire year without too much issue. Its not what you fly, but how you fly it. Considering you are at 11.3. The worst thing you have to evade is something like an F-4 with a crap radar. Fly low and they’ll never see you.

A-10C is a very very slow sub-sonic aircraft that is equal in strength to the Su-25s which are at basically the same BR (A-10C probably needs to move to 11.7). The Su-24M should ONLY be compared to aircraft like the Tornado IDS or F-111 which are at 11.3 and 11.7 respectively.

And last time I checked Soviet tanks have reduced ammo det chances and way better armour than most nations. Not too mention they also ahve the only effective top tier SPAA in the form of Pantsir. They also have one of the best helis in game in the form of the Ka-52 and the Su-25SM3 has the best AGM in game by a mile in the form of KH-38.

Then dont let it get a shot off then. If you are dying to an A-10C then you are either in something worse than it like a Sea Harrier FRS1 or you have major skill issues. Su-24 shouldnt be going anywhere near the battlefields where the A-10s will always be.

Su-39 has a radar, IRCCM missiles and is totally immune to rear aspect IR shots.

So that is 3 major advantages it has over the Tornado. The only advantage the Tornado has is its faster. That’s it. In every other respect, the Su-39 is superior.


I haven’t touched sim in a bit since I have been moving and in unstable home, but from what I used to do, would use ACM and just sock them with it at point blank. Not entirely sure if that holds now though.

Lmao okay sure. Anytime my fuel cell gets hit by a pebble it explodes. No other tanks seem to do that :)

Leclerc. Ariete. Chally on a bad day. Plenty of tanks that explode if fuel is hit. But I thought this was regarding planes.

Su-24M looks lke it about equals the 11.3 Tornados in my opinion, which makes it 11.3.

The 11.7 Tornados though could do with a buff to make them 11.7 worthy (or they need to drop to 11.3) . But we’ll have to wait and see on that one.

I just dont think the Su-24M needs any buffs, atl east there are none that it can get without massive BR increases. If things are wrong, then sure fix them. But buffs like ahistorical MAWS or CM increases or R-73s and it remaining at 11.3 is just insane

Actually I did say that very thing

Chally any day. I think I once got one shotted by a single piece of shrapnel from an atillery shell. wasnt even a near hit.

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It is, but there is plenty of bias vs Russia

Su-24M has nothing other tech trees don’t have.
Useless radar is normal; emphasis on useless as there’s no IFF.

My bad, I skimmed it as I assumed there’d be yanks sooking in the thread.

These are only ahistorical on this model. The second modernisation did have these things and frankly it is what we should have got at 11.7 (with nadoes getting 9Ms) instead of what we ended up with. As it stands, it is an ahistorical hybrid of the 2 standards. Some of the ordnance this thing got it shouldn’t have got, and would have only been historical on the M2 standard.

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Ground radar and gimballed gunpod are entirely unique to the soviet TT. Several nations currently also lack GPS guided bombs.