A10 Made of Glass

Yes , it’s from this website. It’s a manpad or small SAM hit , it’s sharpnel.it wasn’t some Rambo style 2000 23MM anti air HE canon shots that he survived. A-10 can already survive Manpads in the game like this sometimes.

I know because I have the a-10 and did survive missiles many times. Got downed by missiles many times as well. Depends on where it hits and the missile.

Same can be said about Su-25.

There are multiple footages shows frogfoot survives heavy Damage and returns the base while other one shows it gets shot down by one single missile.

Both platforms are doing what they designed to do, A-10 becomes more and more old these days thats for sure but calling it overrated plane is simply not true.

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A-10 is overrated because it is a slow ass plane that isn’t even from the subsonic age. Against any real air defense it’s food ,canned food. even more than the Su-25.

At least the Su-25 can get in and get out somewhat quickly. The A-10 is begging to be shot down.

If you strapped the same amount of tech to a F-104 and gave it better engines it would probably be more survivable as a CAS plane.

Ukraine war footages says otherwise.

Both planes are sitting in duck against any proper resistance, if anyone says otherwise its simply lies not to mention A-10 never enters a airspace where us doesnt have full control on air which allows it to let A-10’s do its job.

Big lmao.

Both planes are basically food against any proper air defence, if you think Su-25 will survive in that kind of environment then your living in fantasy world.


I’ve never seen the A-10 fight a nation that spends 90 billion $ + per year in military budget.

Poor Iraq and collapsed dissolved Yugoslavia is not the same thing. Neither are insurgents

Read properly please , my sentence already implies Su-25 is food as well, just less than A-10 because of flight characteristics

Your sentences praises Su-25 in that case.

İt doesnt matter if Su-25 is faster , both will be food in that environment.

in what context is the gun “next to useless”

Well, the A-10 is just a plane as any other.

It’s kinda the same with the IL-2. Yes, it was armored but that doesn’t make it invincible.

Both are designed to not get shot down by some guy pointing a machine gun at the sky.

The A-10 is kinda like an IL-2 combined with a Hs 129.
Ground support with cannon that can destroy basically anything other than bunkers or buildings.

But it will still catch fire and not fly when it doesn’t have a wings.

Can’t really comment on the survivability in WT but against cannons or missile it’s not going to be much better than a any other plane of its size.

In War Thunder its redundancies aren’t modeled so it will lose control like a normal aircraft. This isn’t realistic.

You’ve also never seen a country spend billions and thousands of hours on SEAD operations.

It’s completely asinine to think any plane would just loiter around with active air defenses in an area. The reality is the U.S. is atm the only country with effective SEAD capability.

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Seeing the Su-25 being a flying tank and the A-10 crash and burn because a single bullet disabled the elevator seems the be where the game is at these days.

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Replace su25 with f5c. Does the f5c have the excuse of being built as a tank? If anything the exact opposite, a light fighter that should be fragile. Yet it’s damage model never got and never will get fixed despite being 2 or more years old

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what a stupid comment

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The elevator will literally not work if its hit and its an insta death

the A-10 was supposed to be retired several times since the early 90’s. But it’s performance in it’s designed for scenarios has been so good they have not only kept it in service but updated it several times. They have yet to find a suitable replacement even after untold billions of dollars spent trying to develop one. And of course the russian propaganda machine paints it as a worthless aircraft.what would you expect?


Nah, I ve brought Hogs home with one whole side of tail controls gone. Or half a wing. Or one engine, Or otherwise shot up pretty badly.

Sure, it’s not invincible, but still quite tanky…


I disagree. It is overrated but my reasoning for it being not that good is the fact A-10 was made to carry high performance gun with ton of ammo which it doesnt even dispose of as its needed to balance it out, IIRC.
However in average pilots use like 100 bullets on it IRL.
So you have plane made just for the gun which ends up being not used all that often.
And well guess which sound is considered the most iconic for A-10.

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Well, I also see it as tricky in RB, but in SB there’s nothing better for CAS: First get rid of the SPAAG threat over a ground battle field using Mavs (I prefer the Premium with 65B as it makes identifying the threats easier…), then clean up the rest with Mk.82’s and the Gatling.

It’s actually possible to clean up a whole ground battle with just one Hog in one sortie if you’re familiar with where the targets are. Something that with any other jets you’d need 2-3 sorties…

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And thats with Su-25 missing some armour it has IRL.

