A new update has arrived, still no AIM-120 for Italian F-16A ADF

Guys we have an accepted bug report and historical documentation that italian F16 ADF carried Aim 120 and Aim9 L-I and was incapable of carrying Sparrows. So When this will be implemented?


I know its where it should be and how it should be but doing this is just going to make this aircraft a bit redundant tbh. For simulation sake I think it should be as you say though.


we already have mig29 for 12.7 jet that is top dog but doesn’t have fox3, same with tornado, so i think giving the historical loadout to the f16 should be good to go;

Btw i don’t think it would be redundant as right now the only italian (not hungarian) supersonic fighter with aim120 is the EF2000
the Harrier is not a fighter (nor is supersonic) so it doesn’t count

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First off, it’s the only fuel efficient 12.7 Italy has available.
There is Gripen and Typhoon if you want 13.7 - 14.0 aircraft.
And tying into the first point, Mig-29’s fuel consumption is bad, it doesn’t have a digital RWR, nor AIM-9Ls.

F-16A ADF already has a historical loadout as it stands.

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The problem is it would end up at 13.7 and be worse than the competition

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f16A ADF italy version loadout is NOT historical, as it didn’t have the machinery to launch aim7 Sparrows but it had aim120 and aim9L-I.

No i will not leak sekrit documents.

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then just decompress the br’s

Prove that F-16A ADF is incapable of using AIM-9Ls and AIM-7s, I’ll wait.

You claim it can’t, so provide evidence.

there is already an accepted bug report.
go search for it yourself instead of gaslighting here.

Stop misusing the word “gaslight” when you mean to type “I think your statement is incorrect”.
Seriously, doing that demeans those with real mental illness by misusing a word. It’s disgusting.

Italian sources say that Sparrow guidance system was removed before planes arrived to Italy.


More than that most of people on the forum would like Italian F-16ADF to have the weapon it used in the Italian service, where it was chosen specifically as AIM-120 platform.

I don’t know why some players want the plane to be artificially nerfed in some way, it isn’t like Italy loses something significantly important if you move F-16ADF higher. There are still multiple SARH platforms in the Italian tech tree.


AIM-120s is seen as an artificial nerf as it’d be 13.7 with 60 countermeasures when you could just fly the Typhoon or Gripen instead.

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You don’t know the meaning of “artificial” it seems. It’s the weapon it used in the Italian service, not AIM-7M. If it is worse than its contenders, its BR can be decreased.

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We’ve never played as air forces in War Thunder.
It’s irrelevant what Italy’s air force used, it’s only relevant what the manufacturer says can be used.

F-16ADF in the Italian TT represents F-16ADF of the Italian Air Force.


But does have R60M which is full aspect to say the least and has R27ER.

AIM-9L is superior, and I have AIM-7F on F-16A. An overall better loadout than 2 good missiles, and 4 eh missiles.

This is a representation of the ADF in Italian service, which means AIM-7 guidance system was removed.

These aircraft are physically incapable of using AIM-7, unless they go through further hardware and software modification, which should not be a standard chosen for the game as that opens up the ability for any aircraft to essentially carry whatever Gaijin feels like and throws history out the window.


Good one, next?


Facts are indeed good.
If you want your PREFERRED historical loadout, say that.
Just don’t lie about loadouts.

My preferred loadout of F-16As are AIM-9Js, but I can wait for Block 1/5 for that desire.