A moment of silence for the Strela

you can respawn an M2A4 and using .50cal to kill it because it only has 7mm MG )))))

I did say that most CAS players are inept.

Me omw doing cross country in a tank to absolute bone a Strela


And that has what to do with getting killed every match against an unflareable SAM in a plane (that’s at the BR By the way!) with no Launch warning. (It doesn’t have anything to do with it, it’s just the fact a Homer Simpson sized brain can’t figure out that even a Fighter can’t do jack shit against it)

He hasn’t play any CAS, so there is no need to argue with him that how hard for a CAS to deal with the strela, you can find he use Strela killed almost 300 planes.

Yeah, well he is gonna have fun next update with another STRELA, on a faster platform. Also, been trying out the RB-75 (AGM-65B(Maverick AtG missile)) and looking at videos of it, it looks like it uses Thermal Vision w/ Television Guidance, and does it get a zoom?

yes, it has, but not too much, you need to use that under 6km, if the target is moving.

I see, so probably best to stay slower when using it. Also, I believe it’s the same as the Maverick B variant, so it should have zoom, as well as “Electro-optical” guidance.

Edit: it’s an A model

If you are talking about RB-75, I think it is AGM65A, not B, it doesn’t have zoom.

Yes, well, guess I’ll have to figure out a strategy to use it.

i have a different strategy it called a mk13

And the worst thing is that the enemy almost doesn’t take planes because of the Strela-10, so I don’t have much to shoot down with my Strela-10 (while our forces are full of Su-25).

Too bad Sweden doesn’t get Laser guided munitions until the Grippy.

Do you also think planes should be nerfed because it is hard for tanks to kill them?

It’s simple:

Tank has difficulty with tank? Spawn CAS

Tank has difficulty with CAS? Spawn SPAA

CAS has difficulty with SPAA? Spawn tank




So the answear for tankers is just to die, wonderful!

The current state of GRB


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Why does anyone use the forum? Why does the forum exist?

You really seem interested in my kinks and claiming I enjoy humiliation. If I genuinely wanted to be humiliated, surely I would be claiming to be Russian instead of British? A special military operation becoming one of the biggest military blunders in history seems pretty humiliating. If only Russian technology performed in real life like it does in WT.

I literally started playing the Russian tech tree because I realised how biased things are in this game. Me telling CAS-whiners to either play CAS themselves or play a game that suits them more is completely consistent. And no, Battlefield is not a bias-free version of WT, you absolute genius. If there were an actual equivalent game to WT without all the Russian pandering, WT would be dead, because they certainly aren’t going to survive without the money from the Western player base.

I do plenty of charity aside from giving GJN money. I also work in a field that has a positive impact on the world. I’m doubtful you can say the same, if you’re even employed.

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I do spawn fighters, I just want to play ground vehicles in ground realistic battles. If I wanted to play planes I would go play air instead.

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The issue is that there isn’t any counterplay to that.

I like to spawn planes to play counter-CAS at that BR, but usually a strela kills me before I can actually engage the SU-25 (or whatever is running CAS). A lot of planes at that BR can do literally nothing.

Ariete, Milan, T-2, Ki-200, just to name a few that I’ve played. They can all face the Strela, and 9/10 times the strela will win.

The best part is that only one of those nations has an AA that can reliably out-perform the strela (type 81).

There’s a difference between eliminating CAS, and eliminating an entire element of the game for one team. Counterplay is an important part of balance, so I think it sucks that we’ve decided that the only counterplay to a Strela (or russian CAS for that matter) is to lob missiles from the next map over. That just isn’t a fun gameplay loop (especially when the alternative is me chasing down an SU-25 in a Ki-200 and giggling like a little gremlin).