A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

So much for this poll then

226 out of the 310 Votes, Voted for the flat 5% increase for each nation


Oh damn yeah, completely forgot about this. Hmmmmm

edit: nvm this wasn’t an official poll, makes sense why they would choose not to follow it.

While it’s not officially recognized, it’s something the playerbase has been eagerly anticipating. We attempted to formalize it and include smin1080p and Stona, but our efforts went unnoticed.

The introduction has left many people dissatisfied. It appears that the prolonged development time and delays have only resulted in a subpar release.

It feels as though this “development time” was designed to frustrate the playerbase, offering them nothing in return for their efforts.


One reason I can think of why they wouldn’t want to implement the method that was voted for, is because it would incentivize players to rush the end of every tree, not actually play them, and move on to the next until they have every nation’s end of line vehicle, with the rest of it being half unlocked.

I don’t think many people would go for this, but that means the bonus wouldn’t be that useful to people who aren’t going to spend that much time on this game, and would ruin the enjoyment for those that will.

As for the development time, I agree I don’t like how long it took.

right now its the opposite…

once you bought a rank 8m you dont get the bonus for that nation anymore.

Especially frustrating on the german tree, you get your first leo 2a5, you dont get a bonus for the rest.

Lucky for me, i was seeing this coming (altohugh i though its only the End of line and not rank 8) and didnt bought any other rank 8 on any other nation, so i still have the RP bonus for Russia even though i have all 3 rank 8 researched, but skipped the light tank line so i still get that RP bonus for it.


Yes, I agree this is dumb and needs to be fixed.


Well. And people argued this is gonna be a game changer ( wow, it’s garbage, how shocking). I wonder, where are those people now?


The common masses will only start reacting once their favourite youtube talks about it… as usuall…


So it’s now in the game but it’s still based on their terrible proposal?

Well just too bad a lot of folks don’t even play the game or know much about it.
Explains the ridiculous cope and lack of skill, first and foremost.
But I digress

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Dont see anything wrong with percentages or bonuses, only problem I see is if you have rank 8 vehicle you dont get bonus for that nation…

All the feedback was ignored as usual.
Typical Gaijin behavior


Not a suprise tbh.


Well its an old story.

The grind is super bad in this game, we come from Is-4 being the top tier costing 150k to having toptier costing 400k while the increase of RP earnings with higher tier is only around 30% then what u got with is-4 (and other tanks ofc)

So with new higher brs costing more and more time the grind got worse and worse.

Adding new nations with copypaste stuff made it even more worse as youre forced to get copycats even if you only want to play the nation specific stuff…

thats where this bonus was supposed to kick in, to reduce the grind especially when already having grinded through a nation…

The grind in this game to get just all tanks is around 5000 hours with already buying prem tanks and acc.

Thats just out of this world… its not that u need all tanks, but that grind is one reason why the playerbase is like it is right now… and the current state is really not great.

If this wouldn´t be a PVP game, then it would matter less. But its a fact that u need certain vehicles to be competitive or even have fun (alone the equipment grind is… yeez…)… but getting these will cost your soul and makes people do stuff like “one spawn” or “yolo” or buy the new OP vehicle.

So at the end: the bonus is by far not good enough to make any impact and also only getting it on the nation you dont have a rank 8 is really bad and that its rank dependend is also really … not so good.


took a year to develop something so useless, its honestly impressive they had the gall to do this


well… officially its not released so… xD

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When will the official response to the community regarding this implementation be provided? The overall player base is unhappy with it, as it doesn’t deliver the advertised bonuses, is convoluted, and has upset many forum users and the wider player base, including those on Reddit and social media.

It feels more like a hindrance than a bonus, especially considering it took over 12 months to develop
(if not longer)

Will this be reconsidered and potentially replaced with a simpler solution, such as a flat 5% rate for every completed Nation?

P.S. This isn’t a direct complaint towards you; I just know it gets addressed quicker this way. Could you please notify the developers?



Don’t expect any satisfying answer. Do you really think the developers don’t know at this point? If they wanted to tell us something, they would have already done

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There’s no harm in asking politely.

This is a huge slap to the face to the community, it is ridiculous that people complain and gaijin, see the hate and wait weeks and drop the Rb bonus as it is. I tired of this half as job they do when they try to implement road map changes, they did the same with the reduced player size change. They put out this very diminutive changes and say they made a big change to quality of life.