A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

what i had typed (if you don’t have premium or a talisman) and if the 1000rp was post vehicle modifier, would’ve been correct

but when i was typing it out i hadn’t seen your reply, deleted the comment you replid to here because its not properly representative of how it works and wasn’t really organised great,

so the correct one would be
1000 x 2.32(base vehicle modifier) x (1 (base) + 1 (talisman) + 1 (Premium) + 5(500% booster) + 0.5 (research bonus)) for a total of 19720 correct?

Would you consider increasing the matches per day?


that does make more sense. It was phrased weirdly on OP’s post, had to go back to double check. For grinding all nations simultaneously it is fantastic, but it still doesn’t solve anyone’s problem for the grind though, its like putting a band-aid over the issue. I see that most people like to grind 1 nation at a time and the problem that people were having was that they felt that it was too slow and painful. Making the bonuses for all nations is really good for grinding out all the nations at one time. If we could transfer the bonuses from nation to nation instead then it’d be a much better way to deal with it. e.g. If i wanted to only grind out america air that day I would transfer all my daily bonuses from all the other nations over to america so then I could have 27 matches for america that have a bonus instead of only 3. Or just give me a permanent booster for all time and that’d suffice too. I’ve been saying that they should make it a permanent booster from the start(I just wasn’t on the forums until a few months ago) and im still gonna stand by it, but there can also be other better ways. This one way that they plan on implementing seems too stiff and not flexible enough.

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More than three per nation and also three per vehicle type? Again, it’s not “three”.

The size of the bonus will depend on the rank being researched and will be applicable for the first three battles played each day.

The preliminary bonus for each rank will be:

So does this mean for example: I got Type 10 Japan which is VIII rank vehicle and I start researching France for example I wont get bonus until I reach Rank IV in French tech tree even the the bonus applied would be 15% and not 50% despite having Type 10. Does that mean the rank VII and rank VIII bonus which is 50%, wont be applied till I start researching Leclerc?


So where does everybody stand on this topic, happy or not ???

  • Yes, its Great happy with the changes
  • Yes, its okay but can be improved upon
  • No, i would like this to be reviewed and put back a few more months
  • No, i think we deserve more
  • Not bothered, does not interest or effect me
0 voters

The community input on this would be really apricated, for both the community and the developers, we need a clear concise answer to how the general player base feels

@Smin1080p_WT @Stona_WT could we get this pinned please, just so we can get feedback from the player base

Other Ways to Introduce a Research Bonus

  • If i had a choice i would bring back x2 research for 1 battle per nation per day
  • If i had a choice i would bring back x5 research for 1 battle per nation per day
  • If i had a choice i would have a flat 5% passive RP Boost per nation i complete, finishing in an additional 50% (when all nations have been grinded)
  • If i had a choice i would have a flat 5% passive RP Boost capped at 15% once 3 nations have been Grinded out
0 voters
  • If i had a choice i would have a flat 10% passive RP Boost per nation i complete, finishing in an additional 100% (when all nations have been grinded)
0 voters

If anybody else has any ideas we can add to the poll, please message me

Added 10% increase per nation complete (due to the amount of messages received to add it)


Any comment on my post here would be greatly appreciated.
especially the part on foldered vehicles, future vehicle additions and their interaction with this bonus.


Yeah, that looks correct now.

I would love it if we could transfer the 3 daily bonuses from one nation to another(excluding nations where you have the top vehicle) especially for cases where I’d not be in the mood to try and grind out italy ground vehicles

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lmao “put back a few more months” as an option. We should have had a better version of this 8 months ago.


Encouraging playing multiple nations (and vehicle types) is the whole idea. People being “single nation mains” is slightly discouraged by this (or rather, it’s “not encouraged”, a key difference). Nudging people away from doing things like only playing one nation at a time is part of the idea here.

And there’s no chance we would ever see something like 27 boosted matched for one nation per day, that’s far more than most people even play.

it is for the very large portion of the player base that ONLY play one vehicle type and nation at a time.

I like that we are seeing a daily incentive to play other nations, especially if you’re a one nation player you’ll have a good introduction towards top BR in other nations. I do see some issues with this system tho.

the main issue I see is if this reacts to top rank premiums, like if I wanted to start playing Russia on a new account, would I benefit from buying the F-20 premium since it’s top rank, indirectly giving me this RP bonus for “free”, would this also react to top rank reward vehicle like squadron vehicles or event vehicles that happens to be in top rank? I would like to avoid losing this bonus just because I happened to earn a reward vehicle in a nation I have yet to play or grind.

but having daily bonuses for the first games in different nations are ultimately a nice addition.

Tbh with Gaijin the situation that will be after 8 months later, you’d probably wish you’d chose we deserve more, cuz high chances are they will screw i up even further.

Hold your damn house, do you not see the question mark. I was asking a question.

Not deliberately ommiting the part of the comment that already addesses yours tends to be poor form:

I don’t really see this fixing the issue a whole ton though, still just putting a band-aid on it because its still far more worth it to get to the top at 1 nation at a time than going all the nations at the same time. They do plan on implementing the various bonuses per rank iirc, but still doesn’t feel like it’ll sway enough people to switch to a “grind every nation at the same time” style of gameplay

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The problem is that the system is overly complicated and restrictive, it should be much simpler and less restrictive. For example, modification rp for copy-paste vehicles could be synced so that any points unlocked in one are given to all regardless of whether its unlocked yet or not, or having an end of one nations ground[air][etc] tree grants a permanent +20% (stacking once per nation) rp boost for all other nations ground[air][etc] trees. or maybe the useless free rp system could be retrofitted somehow. just a few ideas

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I think the point isn’t that people want to only play one nation, but rather that people that play multiple still want progress. You don’t get a 400k RP vehicle in 3 battles.

Now people are frustrated it takes so long to do that, but imagine instead of researching until they get it they research different things 3 battles at a time per day. This is just making it feel like less progress with how long it takes, which is frustrating.

That is why people finish one research, then do another (which can be another nation). 3 battles is not nearly enough for that.

