A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Personally I’ve been very happy with the direction Gaijin has been taking in the past few months. The only thing I’ve been unhappy with is the APHE vote, weapon specific balancing decisions should never be left to a vote lol.

What’s the point of ending the bonus after you get a high ranked vehicle. A bonus which was meant to help with the grind stops at the longest part. Literally 0 feedback was listened to, what a joke

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Thats 0.1% from the base Vehcile RP as bonus, u arent excited about it? Hm…

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only 2k RP with premium and a premium vehicle? have you tried getting any kills? that usually helps with the grind

No, as it applies to 3 game, that means 0.3% per day.

EDIT: I miscalculated, there was a kill with a plane there xD

I will remake calculations with a match with only ground vehicles involved.

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Sure i did

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Sounds Amazing! xD

And that’s for ground only, this will also apply to air and naval separately if you play those.

Can’t wait to use this in sim EC

It basically is that but it can be used on anything ever instead of just whatever you pick next, meaning you can save it up

How long were you in the match for?

8:26, and yes, i did not included time played in that calculation, let me do that now
Total would increase my rp from 11 980 to 16 767, 4 787 icrease. So if i had 3 identical games it would be like having + 1 game.

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In Sim it will be the same as using a booster, a “game” is counted after 30 minutes in Sim. So you will only be able to play 1 Hour and 30 minutes of Sim with this bonus per day.

Also its not sure that SIM is even included, as they state “only random battles” and SIM is not very random as you can pick your battles yourself

Yeah I know, but sim games that last over 90 minutes are relatively rare, and almost all of them last under 2 hours. 1 sim game per day is good with me

Let’s break down a match and estimate how much would the New Nation bonus add:

Destruction of ground vehicles: 573
Assistance in destroying the enemy: 162
Critical damage to the enemy: 81
Damage to the enemy: 83
Activity time: 243
Time played: 731

TOTAL RP (+ Premium + skill bonus + victory bonus): 4,029 RP
TOTAL RP + New Nation bonus: 5,902 RP

This is my average match, therefore let’s take it as baseline for further calculations.

If every match is like this, it means I will get, from the 3x matches witn New Nation bonus, 5,619 RP.

That’s, basically, the equivalent of an additional match a day.

TLDR: the New Nation bonus gives you the equivalent amount of RP of a single average additional match a day.

Now let’s see what impact this has in the grind of a new Top Tier vehicle, for a person who plays 10 matches a day on average:

WITHOUT NEW NATION BONUS: 410,000 / (5,900 x 10) = 7 days.
WITH NEW NATION BONUS: 410,000 / ((5,900 X 10) + 5,600) = 6,34 days.

Which means that the new nation bonus does not even save you a day worth of grind.
On top of that, it’s also worth noting that once you research a single Top Tier vehicle on the new nation, the bonus is gone.

So, for example, on my case here;


If I finish grinding Scharnhorst with the bonus, I won’t have the bonus for Bayern and Sachsen, which means I will have to grind those 770,000 RP without the bonus. In order to avoid this, I will start grinding Bayern before I finish grinding Scharnhorst, but this should not be necessary. Not like the bonus makes any significant difference, but I would still try to scrape any RP I can on this obnoxious, tedious and comically long and slow grind, xd.

In short- this definitely does not feel like enough of an incentive for me to embark myself into the grind of a new tree.


I don’t get why Gaijin doesn’t just bring back 2x XP lmfao. That would make people so much more happy.


I pretty much finished every naval tree, only one boat left to research in coastal for every nation except Britain… but since I have all the top ships, no bonus there.

No tank tree finished, so no bonus there.

I finished 2 air trees, just the last planes on RU and GB left, but apparently I got the top vehicle already, so no bonus there. I get a bonus in air for Japan, China, Italy, France, Sweden and Israel…

That must have taken quite some testing to come up with this…

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I mean yeah, if you play more than 3 matches, the bonus won’t help you as much.

But if you only play around 3 RB matches per day, or 1 Sim EC match, with premium time and vehicle, the booster will give you an extra 75% of a normal match or useful action when researching top tier vehicles.

Double XP weekends would be hugely popular I think, I wasn’t around for the original double XP but I think it would be cool to see.

It depends on what you play and if you win/lose have a good match.

Calc goes like this.

Base RP = 1
Prem Tank adds 100% base RP
Prem Acc adds Prem Tank + Base Value again (if you dont play a prem tank then you get only the 100% base RP again)
Daily Bonus adds on top tier 100% base RP

No Prem Acc and no Prem tank:
Base RP 1 + 100% Daily Bonus = 2 (without daily bonus 1)

Prem Acc:
Base RP 1 + 100% Daily Bonus + 100% Prem Tank = 3 (without daily bonus 2)

Prem Acc and Prem Tank:
Base RP 1 + 100% Daily Bonus + 100% Prem Tank + 100% Prem Tank and 100% Base RP again from Prem Acc = 5 (without daily bonus 4)

That means,
depending on playing a prem acc and prem tank the NET RP bonus can vary from 100% to 25% (on top tier, lower tier is lower ofc)

Most player of that rank will have a Prem acc and usually a Prem tank, meanst they will only get with 3 Battles less then an addition battle.

lets assume everyone has at least a Prem Acc:

Every match you make an average of lets say 5k for a normal player (maybe thats a bit to high for average idk, also ignoring that most players dont play with spaded tanks)

400.000 you need

makes 80 Battles you have to play

From the Daily Bonus without Prem tank you get 50% net increase. (if you dont play prem tanks)

If you only play with the Daily bonus you need 53 Battles now.

Means you need 18 Days to get that one single tank. (if you only play with Prem Acc and only with the Daily bonus active)