A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

It is kind of odd there hasn’t been any official response yet. Usually Gaijin hits us with the “We’ve heard your feedback and decided to do nothing with it”, but even that’s been absent.

The kicker for me personally is I got told a few days ago by a forum moderator something along the lines of “You’d have to be blind not to see how much the CMs engage with the community here.”

Is the engagement in the room with us? Because it’s not on these official posts and honestly, if it’s not on the official stuff…then it’s not meaningful engagement.


Well, you are not wrong.
sadly with gaijin asking nicely will most likely bring just another answer full of tone deaf PR nonsense
I mean, they are ignoring everything we have said and done up untill now

You know another way to look at it would be they DID listen to feedback. What they’re rolling out is almost exactly what they promised here, the only difference is they doubled the RP bonus over what they’d originally planned, almost certainly due to community pressure (from 50% to 100% of base at the top end).

You can say it’s still not good enough, I get it, but what we have here is actually an example how player pressure does still work on this company. People who objected or raised questions about this part of the roadmap should both take some comfort from that and take it as evidence that complaining to Gaijin is not actually something that can never have a positive effect.

I still think it’s problematic how the bonus dissapears the moment you unlock an “end of line” vehicle

This incentivizes the player to never reach the top vehicles and instead avoid them purposefully until a new "end of line’ vehicle is added to take it’s place.

Not only that, the player can’t possibly know when the next “end of line vehicle” will be added and to which line. So it’s unpredictable when they will get the bonus back.

And it especially sucks for those who already own one or more of these “end of line” vehicles, but still have large part of TT not yet researched.

The solution is simple, let the player keep the bonus even if they own “end of line” vehicles.

@Smin1080p_WT if you’re reading this, please pass it on for consideration.

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sorry but first of all they announced 50% total bonus, not base bonus. SO it was more before.
And also it was even then not enough and was not listen.

The only they did was an porimise to fix the game in general to get out of the steam review bombing.
But they dont hold to their promise, these changes are not fixing the game.

currently end of line is any tank in rank 8, even the 2A5 is already counted as the end of line for germany.

also it should increase the bonus the more end of line nations ( rank 8 ) you have…

I’m Sorry but i can’t agree
50% to 100% mean we got from an insulting bonus to a barely noticeable bonus and have been done only so they can say “we lissen” while doing nothing for the other big issue aka the 3 battles limit.
This while keeping an absolute radio silence
this is why i call it “tone deaf ps nonsense”
I have the feelings that they regret including the bonus in the roadmap and now they are trying to give us the bare minimum


I’m one of those effected, I don’t have anything with a bonus, so this improvement has done nothing to ease the grind.

Yeah I had no idea the update went live, that’s how lame it is. It didn’t even make a dent in progression.

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I don’t have the rp bonuses on mine for some reason.

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This comes on top of me not playing a nation any more once I unlocked every vehicle.

I try to spade every vehicle, but once I got every vehicle in a tree I pretty much won’t spade anything anymore so as to not waste the bonus RP that I get for completing a module tier.

I have a bonus for air on half the nations, no bonus on naval for those pesky high-RP last coastal vessels since I got every bluewater ship, and no bonus for tanks since I don’t have a top tier tank anywhere yet.

It was never live, so its normal that you dont have any bonus atm. Yesterday is was just a “oopsy” that they added the visuals of the bonus with the patch, but they removed it a few hours later again.

But because of that we know how it looks like right now… and its not looking great…
hopefully they change it again after getting this bad feedback from just a “oopsy” before it gets official released

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So people who have yet to get to the top of one tree don’t even get a benefit? Isn’t the whole point to help people research things?

This is honestly just terrible. I am a newer player by WT standards and while I am 3-4 vehicles away from the end of the US and GER trees it is still going to be some time before I get there. Base RP is laughable at best as it is even with premium time when it comes to top tier grinds. Gaijin keeps adding more top tier vehicles and the RP requirement keeps climbing and climbing yet it does not seem to adjust for this “inflation”. I know it should take more time to research a top tier vehicle than any other but at this point it feels almost pointless. Once you get to 10.0-10.7 what is the point of honestly going higher? What are you really missing out on getting to 11.7?

Around the same time they started adding vehicles past the WW2 era, they cut the rewards back, they started nerfing and buffing for balancing and to cater to those too impatient to learn the game, they just, completely lost all core values and let greed takeover. It’s very sad how bad they’ve ruined what was once a great game all around.

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I 100% agree.

The greed was taking over when they releases helis and noticed that people LOVE buying OP stuff that is unkillable.

So currently I get a research bonus for planes for 6 nations, once I researched 1 tank for 400k RP I’ll get a bonus for tanks for 9 nations, more games than I could possibly play per day…

I guess the bonus is ok, not great but better than nothing, though I’d have liked a bonus for my coastal vessels as well, these are so painful to research :/

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Sorry Stona, I’m underwhelmed.

I expected this to translate into, “If you’ve grinded top tier in another nation, you could transfer those RP points from a top tier nation to another.”

Now I see it’s, “First 3 battles get bonus in any line you DO NOT have top tier.”

Which isn’t a big enough score or even wide enough based on the spread of players you might end up with in 3 battles and in nations that players aren’t focused on and have no interest in completing.

Just one question - I have upgraded the tops of planes and tanks of 5 nations, why does the bonus remain 100%? Okay, figs with him that 3 fights, but at least make a bonus based on the number of pumped tops. This has been written about on the forum for a long time. Yes, I want a 5 nation x5 experience. It used to be x3 on holidays and everyone liked it.

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The amount of time, effort, commitment and money someone with 5 nations has put is not the same as that someone who has 1 nation has put.

The bonus should be directly proportional to the amount of nations you have and stack up.

Maybe then even just 3 matches may become a more substantial bonus.

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As someone who has unlocked all nations to the top tier, this feels like a joke. There’s nothing substantial left for me to research, and the bonus is pitiful.
