A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

9 days later, gaijin is still silent
Why i have the feeling that this time gaijin will just ignore us?

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They responded

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Really should just be a permanent increase across the board.


This don’t even address the bombing that happen the last week and don’t rerally tell anything aside for what they are keep saying for more than one year at this point.
Also i don’t trust gaijin at all when they say “we lissen”.
they lissen when my 104S was bought at the same br as a mig 23 and when my tornado was “decompressed” to the point that now i can face the grippens with it while before i coudn’t
they also lissen when they slapped a DM53 to a 10.0 tank and put it at 11.7 (Ariete AMV)
Sorry but what they should have said is something more substantial than that

Seems Gaijin is shooting themselves in the foot there… announcing that bonus RP, then delaying time and time again, and then coming up with something rather complicated and not up to expectations… Whatever they do now, a large part of the player base will be unhappy about it…

They could simply have given back the old bonus they had a long time ago, x2 on every nation’s first game, once a week x5 iirc…


Classic Corpo move. Be as stingy as you can, and when the pesant scum complaints, delay as much as possible to provide the same unsatisfactory thing but as confusing and complicated as it gets, so the pesants don’t notice the deception or cannot talk back.


dang bro…
was really looking forwards to this but after seeing what they actually wanna do

Why bother?

ps. we noticed what you guys did to the bonus for using previous vehicle.


Making this system so convoluted costs additional development and testing time. It costs Gaijin some real money.
As a ‘corpo move’ it makes little sense. They could just throw us some leftovers, eg.: 15% exp booster for 10 battles, valid for 12 hours, received on login… one per each finished branch…
Nice and easy. Cheap and fast. No strings attached.


:( is this a joke

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Or I’ll give you something that takes even less fucking around than that: For every nation that the player has one of the last vehicles in the tree, apply 10% increase to rewards. Makes everyone happy, and saves a hell of a lot of coin on account of not needing much development nor testing on how it interfaces with inventory.


Honestly… that’s nothing. And it’s much worse than the currently proposed and data mines system.

Right now, it’s 3x matches with 100% (AKA x2) bonus.

People are complaining that 3x matches with 2x RP aren’t enough and some yet suggest something that’s even worse lol

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does the bonus count, as i have one top tier, but is either premium (F20) or and top tier event like the upcoming F14 or even the mirrage for france ?

thanks for clarify this!

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so the answer is no?..

Right. Only researchable end of the line top rank vehicles count.

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Bots mad they lost their base rocketing.

They’re implementing exactly what they said they would and not only that, but doing it 3 per tech tree sub-class.

Which would be less rewards than this system.

that may be a good thing, because we will get the bonus if we have an event/premium top tier.

In my case I currently have one air tree fully researched, with 3 others only 1 plane left, so I’ll get a bonus there for the remaining nations.

It seems they put coastal and bluewater together for the bonus, I have every bluewater ship except one (which will be researched soon), so probably no bonus to research that one coastal that I have left to research in every nation, and coastals are quite harder to research than bluewater in my opinion.

I have no tank tree at top tier, so no bonus there, and no heli tree either but then I don’t even play helis.

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it wont affect me because i still did not reaseasrched the end of the line vehicle

here’s example of what 50% booster does (pretty much what is being suggested for rank6 vehicles now)

difference is that old x2 bonus doubled entire RP reward, new booster system only takes tiny fraction of reward and completely ignores reward part from premium/talisman vehicles or premium account (and we can be pretty sure the research bonus will also ignore any active boosters).

So, having three similar battles with 100% bonus (rank7+) would mean something like 7500RP in total. If rank6 gets 50% bonus then that drops to 3700RP. At lower ranks it gets even worse. Compared to that, old x2 system would mean 11700RP for just that one battle and you could move on to next nation … and it worked regardless of rank, just play a battle and get 2x RP reward, play what you enjoy playing instead of jumping through unnecessary hoops.

Also, to take any advantage of the new system, you need to spend excessive amount of time playing huge number of battle … old x2 system was giving decent results even to players who only had time to play a few battles per day.