A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Its not enough for me. the numbers are the same as the skill bonus that we already have.

Just think about the last game where you managed to get the 100% skill bonus and how much it was. My average is around 2k~3k in GRB with a premium account. Mind that to get this bonus you need to play really well thus inflating the base RP that the bonus is based. Now think about your average game and how much these % numbers will be and how much it will help. And thats for 3 games.

The problem I have with this is that, besides being limited to 3 games, the bonus is calculated on base rp not total rp. Ground battles rewards are a pittance already where 10+ kills or even nuke games barely gives you 10k RP.

what we need is simple and transparent system, not this unnecessarily complicated abomination designed to obfuscate as much information as possible

2% RP bonus applied to to complete RP reward from battle, per tech tree with rank8 (end of branch) vehicle unlocked, stacking up to 5x for total of 10% maximum bonus.

Come on, WT already had 180 MILLION RP worth of grind in it back in 2022 (and things have gotten significantly worse since then), even shaving off 2-10% based on how many nations player has “completed” still leaves disgustingly huge grind


love the chart, very interesting to see that information

The second part is a bit iffy to me tbh but it’s still insane how random folks ( no offense) can come up with better sh*t than the balance department.


None Taken

Its just a quick throw together, and yes its scary that most people, either modders for games or random people can put something together that either improves the game, or more than likely fixes the game issues, that the game developers may have not fixed or planned to fix in the lifetime of said game.

It feels like all they care about is the bottom line

the difference is that devs aren’t trying to come up with good system …

Some time ago they said they’ll come up with some system. They have delayed that for more than a year. Now they are at the point where they can’t delay it significantly longer without looking like incompetent ###### and so now they have to release some system. And the important part is that after year of delays and saying “we’re working on it” they need to release something that’ll look complicated enough to explain that year of development … because if they need a year to release something that looks like it should have taken 5 minutes at most, they’ll again look like incompetent ######.

They could just give players bunch of long-term boosters (something like we already have in game), give the boosters at the start of each month, one or more per completed tech tree, give the boosters 30 days expiration date so players can’t stockpile them forever and let players use them as they wish. Easy to do without need to develop any new system. Or bring old 2x bonus for first daily win (per nation) back … again, easy to implement, no new systems needed.

But of course we can’t get fast and simple solution, Gaijin had to spend a year trying to make it as complicated as possible and also trying to figure out what is the lowest possible bare minimum bonus they can get away with so they can set the system a few notches under that minimum.


btw, this is what the old x2 RP rewards system looked like … simple system, encouraged players to actually play at least a few battles for multiple nations, no bogus restrictions, high risk / high reward system so it actually encouraged players to put some effort into playing the battle (something that’d actually encourage players to stay in battle instead of leaving after first death)


I would be happy with a x2* on the week days and a x5* for weekends / events.

*First Battle of each Nation

That’s a perfect compromise and like you said, its already been tried and tested


Instead of making research bonuses to much complicated in too many different ways, including active participation in battles like frags, damage to ships and so on, add a bonus for uptiered battles. I think this would be more user friendly than, knowing big codex of rules named “from what the hell I will get a bonus points”.

You know why they make it complicated lol

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@Smin1080p_WT Sorry to bother you, but do we have an official statement or reply to the most recent poll, or is there anymore information you can give us regarding the development of the mechanic

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Love how there hasn’t been any sort of follow up. But honesty not all that surprised. Monkey pawing every community request is about as tradition for Gaijin as it gets.

The fact that it took them a year to come up with this is comical and the real zinger. How many times was this delayed? Hilarious.

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The mechanics are currently still in early live tests with our staff. As well as monitoring the feedback, the tests will continue and we will be sure to update if there is any new developments to relay.


I don’t really play much air so I wont comment on that, the only tree I’ve gotten to the end of in air is Britain to use as CAS in ground. I can’t stand air battles and I find them incredibly boring.

In terms of ground battles, there really isn’t that much to learn and the gameplay doesn’t really change that much. The only things that people have to constantly learn is the right places to shoot on tanks.

Also if they didn’t want to flood post-WW2 with newbies then they wouldn’t keep releasing premiums for those tiers. I think that a lot of people join the game these days because of the interest in post-WW2, especially seeing as how much the advertising focuses on it, so it would be good to split the trees. Would be better for adjusting the BRs so WW2 vehicles aren’t going against HEAT rounds and such.

Thank you

It’s a shame it’s so little. First 3 matches per day is barely anything.

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It should just be a permanent percentage. Like 15-25%. Not limited to just 3 battles per vehicle.


Depending on rewards, I think that a buff might be necessary.

Fair. Most of the aircraft I got were only for CAS purposes too, with few exceptions of planes that I actually like playing in ARB sometimes, though rather rarely.

Yeah, no. seeing how little spacial awareness and map knowledge people have and how little flanking they do, combined with their tendency to fight everything head-on or just hold W, there is quite alot to learn, but most of it isn’t directly 1-on-1 involved like how to dogfight, for example.
There’s also things like learning to eyeball distances (and not solely rely on your LRF and always alerting people with LWS), spotting people (and not solely rely on thermals all match that give you bad spacial awareness), etc.

Reaction times in lower tiers are alot longer thanks to the lack of stabilizers, speed, gun handling, LRF, thermals, lol-pen rounds, etc. so they provide an easier space to learn about all basic game mechanics, and then incorporate new tech one at a time and gradually speeding up reaction time and gameplay as you go up the tree.

There’s a distinct difference between flooding post-ww2 with newbies and people paying 60-70€ or equivalent other currency to get there quick.
Even more so, it would plummet the demand for high BR prems and therefore their profits.
Also, the amount of premium players below the rank 6/7 premium BRs is rather low, especially since they removed a good amount of the old ~9.3 prems from sale.

Personally I don’t think they’re much of a problem. You should always be prepared for enemies able to pen you. And ww2 tanks are usually spacious enough that the HEAT user still has to aim carefully, because they don’t get the spalling of AP or the deathball of APHE.

I have somehow mixed feeling about this new nation research bonus. For me it has a little use.

I have two decently developed trees and little interest to start grinding a new one:

  • I dont have time for it
  • New tech tree would offer just a few unique vehicles due to Gaijina Copy paste rampage across the TTs.
  • I would need to play vehicles i don’t like (Low Tier)
  • Even If I get squadron vehicle + premium I would be stuck playing battles with 1-2 vehicles for a long time so 1-2 detah leave or burning backups like crazy
  • I would lack AA vehicle for a long time

What catually bothers me that once I finish a branch of a TT my RP are vanishing, so I would rather appreciate mechanic which would transfer those RP to other branches of TT or to forein TTs.

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