A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

hopefully we will get an official response from the developers today regarding the whole situation


Honesty, if we get an answer as soon as today, then it probably won’t be good.
they don’t work weekends so have only really had Friday to discuss (and now this morning).
I would personally just want a “We have seen your concerns and are discussing internally, we will post a more detailed answer in a say or two” today and then a more well written comprehensive answer in like 2 days.

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I want them to do something in the player’s interest instead of pleasantries. We’ve had naught but pleasantries. It is now time to hold their feet to the coals tbch.


@Tubby_Vermin @Necronomica
Even if we get some response it’s probably going to be something along the lines of “We presented this last year and you all loved it. You asked for this”

I would note it changed from what they proposed.

I think the only thing that wasn’t said back then is that it would be applied to base RP. Still, it was pretty vague. People back than voiced their concerns but I guess it was for naught.

It hasn’t really though?

My issue is rather the miniscule timeframe that was offered in terms of responses (24h on the website before comments were locked and a few days on the old forum before they changed to this new one and that post didn’t transfer). Not only that but the information was a part of a MUCH larger list of things so of course people are going to comment on the things being implemented the closest in time and/or the things that are the biggest problems. *

We haven’t really had an opportunity to give feedback on this specifically until now. To those who say “The information has been there the whole time!” i say; well yes, but how am i supposed to know to look for it if i don’t already know it exists? All posts made about this change on this forum have been “We are delaying the implementation” without any specifics on what it’s actually going to look like (those specifics being “hidden” among all other changes, in a now one year old post, on the website).

Swear when they put it out they had some suggestions about how it could be implemented and the purpose behind this, from memory it doesn’t line up with either. But I also can’t find anything now, so I might be poorly recalling.

Yeah that’s what i’m hoping for too

It better not be, on a serious note, I’ve not seen a backlash like this since the “introduction of premium ammo and buyable repairs” which didn’t materialise in the end.

I know the steam review bombing is a separate matter but its not helping the overall situation from a public relations point of view.

I think it will change yet again, once they see the scope of the feedback

Id like them to make an official poll, themselves asking for feedback from the community, i think it would be healthily for them to do this when a big mechanic or change comes to the game.

As the above poll, has only been going for a few days and has received a decent amount of votes


Just to add to this, the poll shouldn’t be on the forums or on their website, but rather ingame.


Yes that’s a great idea, it would probable get more attention that way as well.

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i dont think it is a great idea, because they would word it in a counter intuitive way so people vote to what sounds better and not what is better.

Remember the poll ingame that reduced rewards for winning and increased rewards for losing? only to give an overall less % of rewards from the match? yeah, exactly that

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At least have a link show up in game that links to the forums where the poll is where users can discuss and show ACTUAL results the choices would have.


consider the number of bonus, maybe not 3 battle each TT, but 15 to 25 battles for any unresearched TT, could be close to lasting bonus
anyway, spread the bonus is not such a good idea, it’s not the way players grind TT, most players do this one by one, or 1 main and 1 secondary, means usually 6-12 bonus battle, not very much.

Just a joke. A lot of promises but we get almost nothing.


I think there’s plenty of people that also just buy high tier prems for the sake of themselves, especially when they introduce a new nation, or just to fill out lineups/start ones that were only 1 tank before (the the 2A4M CAN being the 2nd 11.3 in the German tech tree)

but just once. Maybe even because they dont want to force you to get every tree’s top tier to get a bonus. There is a difference between getting to the end of one tree and needing multiple for a considerable bonus.

Well that’s your opinion. it’s valid as any other but Gaijins bonus incentivizes branching out and trying different trees, over just doing one after another.

What for? So you can research the 0-1 new TT tanks they add to your “current” nation every ~3 months a bit faster? Is that really worth going down seeveral millions worth of RP of a tree that doesn’t interest you? Or even if you have one more line left in your tree?

There is no incentive for that. Why would you go down entire trees you dont care about for a 10% bonus or whatever? It’s fine if you only wanna play one nation.

entirely leaving out any playstyle that doesn’t care about reaching or playing top tier or even high tier after trying it out once, especially not several times

I think that also highly depends on time played. Yes, with only a few hours every other week, it’ll take years. But someone that plays 2-3h a day several days a week can probably still make it in under a year.

That’s something that weirds me out about the vocal people crying about progress, people complaing that “even with prem and prem vehicles, it take a year for one tree”… but they only play like, an hour each on the weekend days twice a month. Ofc if you have no time to spend on the game, you’ll get nowhere in the progression either way

Especially for the f2p crowd this is just a straight-up 50% bonus because they only ever get base RP, plus maybe a skill bonus, so for them it is alot. it only starts being small when you add both the prem bonus and the talisman/prem vehicle bonus. I’d argue even with prem alone it’s still pretty good.

the business side of the company is still going to only care about making more money. Like any other company in any other industry, they want to grow. Stagnation is about as well conceived as losing money. that’s a problem with capitalism as a whole (not trying to be anti-capitalist here, but it is what it is)

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in fact, if someone spend 1-2h per day, it still takes almost more than 1 year to grind a TT even with premium account, which is what I’m doing now.
The only fast way is premium account and top premium pack vehicles. but the environment in these br is terrible, and play these premium vehicles for such a long time is boring