A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Even if you did that, that sounds as enjoyable as a lobotomy and misses the point of grinding (why bother if you don’t want the vehicles in the tree?)

You get the vehicles in tree tho. The goal is to get to top. Sadly majority of new players want to fly F-16C asap and not spend their time flying P-47s. And Gaijin wants to please the masses that will buy premiums that allow these players to reach the end asap,but not too fast.

Most nations don’t even have an op enough premium jet bomber for new players to use that tactic, and those that do don’t teach them how to use planes such as the f16c

Well except Germany,and USSR,all have plane capable of taking out atleast one base. And you are right,it doesnt teach them how to use those planes,but Gaijin doesnt care,and same problem is in GRB where they buy high tier premium,do nothing,die and ODL.

what i first said is that policy is just a notice with legal effect is not a truly written and enacted law, there is a difference between these two

Trouble is, it does this ineffectively, largely because it’s kinda stingy.

I actually have the top vehicles in every tree for coastal. This proposed change neither rewards that accomplishment nor helps me keep that position going forward, as it doesn’t apply to any tree where I’m already top of tree. So if they bring in more coastal with an update, I’m still researching at full price, except in the rare circumstance where they bring in a new “top of tree” to replace the old one.

What this incentivizes for a newer player is to rush to the end of one or two trees and then dabble in the rest so you don’t do yourself out of a small bonus. You don’t ever complete another tree, you just mess around at 3 battles a night (if you’re chasing these bonuses, which I think few will do). So I think it’s just badly designed to their stated purpose.

When I first heard this was coming in, I assumed it’d be something like the flat 5% vehicle RP off per already-completed tree thing and I thought it’d be fine. When they explained more last year and said it’d be just first three battles, I assumed it would at least stack sequentially (6 battles for two maxed trees, etc.).

I think they could even have saved this (and probably got it out earlier) by not doing this silly “3 per nation” counter thing, and just say it’s 3 battles per day per nation you’ve maxed that gets you some form of a discount (doesn’t have to be what they advertised before). And removing the bonus entirely from a tree you’ve already maxed is also pretty cheap.


For an average player without any money investment (so purely F2P, no prem. no prem-vehicles) to reach a top tier vehicle is nearly impossible. It takes literally years for an average player to reach top tier without the paid bonus (Air TT is the easiest for that)

As I stated before, there is a difference in a bonus thats not even noticeable. The only ones really profiting from the research bonus will be veteran players, who already invested money.

Also according to public data available Gaijin is doing good, their not suffering money shortage.

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Having a bonus for the trees you already have at top tier is literally the opposite of the intent of this bonus. It’s intended to encourage not being a “nation main”, not to reinforce doing so.

And as also keeps being missed in this thread, the types of players who have “all nations maxed” (especially Coastal of all trees) are not the intended target of this bonus. Players like this, who then to make up a wildly disproportionate amount of the vocal players in any gaming community, are the top 1%, the extremely dedicated types. This bonus is not for that group, it’s not supposed to be.


We’re now approaching 900 comments, yet if you filter out all the people who don’t understand the actual implementation details and/or also don’t understand the intent and purpose, you’d be left with a fairly empty thread.

This is too stingy, and I wish there was a permanent bonus

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And if we removed all your condescension towards others, this thread would be about 10% shorter too…

I understood your point fully the first time. You may need to accept that sometimes people can hear you clearly, and still just think you’re wrong in this life. People don’t grind a tree at three battles a night. Once you get into that country, you want to keep playing that country in that session. So it doesn’t actually achieve much if anything toward the aim as you’ve stated it. It is, at best, an incredibly meh change. And even if it does incentivize people not to stay “nation mains,” it also incentivizes people becoming “nation mains” first to get to the bonuses. Discouraging behavior in a way that also encourages that same behavior in others is not likely to be too effective.

Lots of things in the roadmaps and changelogs “aren’t for me.” It’s an expansive game, I don’t expect them all to be. I was only using my own example here to show why this is of no advantage to players like me and why those people are simply not going to care if this comes or goes as is. If you’d have preferred I’d just written “whatever, doesn’t affect me,” instead of explaining that, well… maybe just pretend I did then.


no need defending gaijin. They (edited: “dislike”) you as much as all other players


Sometimes i get 8 or 9 kills with my su27sm in RB, be active the whole game and survive. I definitely dont do it every game, but thats right around 9k base. :)

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That isn’t and hasn’t been the intention. I would love to be proven wrong though if you have a place where Gaijin has stated as such.

The intention was stated as making the grind less tedious for those who has already gone through it one or more times. Not to encouraging branching out but making things easier for those who already are.

Correct, which why some are complaining though. it’s isn’t intended for them, but it should be, is what they are saying.
Not including your most dedicated player base and also making the bonus proportionally smaller for those who pay is really a backwards way of thinking.

many understand it, but want it to be something else. It doesn’t matter what Gaijins intentions are, it doesn’t matter who its aimed at, the fact still remains that people can complain about it not being good enough or being implemented in a way that doesn’t help their specific situation and still be valid in their opinion. It might not in any way increase the chance of Gaijin changing it to suite those players But that doesn’t make their opinion less valid.
If they however have misunderstood how its going to work then that is another thing entirely and i would agree with your point in those cases.


Couldn’t have said it better myself

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Maybe, but then people can just… continue playing without the bonus. Which is the same as playing now, something they’re evidently already doing.

And for a significant percentage of the playerbase, three games every day is already more than they’ll actually be playing (as with most game communities).


It’s not backwards at all. Creating a bonus specifically aimed at your top 1% of players, the ones who already play the game (and pay for stuff) orders of magnitude more than the average player is hardly a good place to focus one’s efforts… because those players very obviously don’t need the encouragement/push/etc.

I guess the backwards part is that it’s not exactly a reward for playing, but a bonus given to a specifically progress unfriendly playstyle.

It doesn’t reward players achievements as much as it wants you to not actually research one at a time, spacing unlocked vehicles weeks to even months in extreme cases apart, which is not only not how people play, but adds a level of frustration for most.

What was meant as a reward for playing to the top, to help encourage doing it again by making subsequent times of doing it shorter, only makes it noticeably shorter if you don’t actually grind. It also encourages not researching top tier on other nations, as that removes the bonus, which is a bit weird to me.

I didn’t say top one percent. i said most dedicated as well as paying.
Paying costumers is EXACTLY the ones you should be rewarding. that tends to create repeating costumers as well as incentivise others to also start paying if they see that paying costumers are being treated well.
If you give bonuses that are better for non-paying costumers then where is the incentive to start paying? I do not follow your logic here at all.


Exactly… It’s over complicated by design.


Why you hate us?


i think it’s not enough

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