A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Variety is key


imo, I want to experience/enjoy all kinds of vehicle, but keep playing premium vehicle would use up my passion. this happend to China TT, which is grinded by ZTZ096AP. so now, I’m doing USA and GER without premium pack vehicle
but this is my limit, more TT at one time, means long time no progress, absolutely no.

True, but in this case it’s about how players that only care and pay for one tree, might be encouraged to buy premiums for another nation if a permanent system was introduced where having other trees to top tier boosts your main one.

These are players that otherwise wouldn’t buy that, but might in a proposed permanent system.

I’d argue a smaller but constant bonus per nation is better, as it not only rewards every style of play, but also grows by objective achievements, where more trees to top tier mean mpre advantages in research. It also encourages playing more, as you can take full avantage of it no matter how you play, but most importantly the bonus not going away at all lets you play longer, even if you are stuck on the same 400k RP research all day.

That was supposed to be an example, not my optinion. It’s the type of player that is already willing to pay for one, or select nation(s), but not interested in others. The permanent system has a good chance getting this type of player to pay more.

That is worth a lot to people. Even outside of the example I might play a lot of things I otherwise wouldn’t if it means researching quicker for Japan, which is a nation I like to write bug reports for.

But outside of that there is other reaons too, of course people generally want the new, shiny thing earlier.

10% per nation, up to 100% for all together. Though of course I do expect Gaijin to set it lower if they do it, the point is that it helps get new shiny thing quicker. And this is a big deal to players considering.

Just like the current system forces an even more specific playstyle and disappears for a nation once you reach rank 8, forcing you to eternally ignore top tier if you want the bonus?

I’d say rewarding the highest possible research achievement with a permanent research bonus sounds more logical there, and less restrictive.

Typical of those who give you a hand and then want to take it away from you.
It’s just an extra…
I think the problem with this company is advertising and generating expectations with things that are so irrelevant.

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No way it took around a Year just for the “Economy change” to be the Number 3.

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That also kinda depends on the TT. GER/USSR/USA/GB take alot longer than something like Japan, Italy, or France.

I’d say you’re reasonably fast with just premium. Especially with planes, that’s way faster than ground vehicles to begin with, even more so when you reach a good jet to bomb with.

No, you won’t reach top tier in a month or two. but that’s the game’s whole strategy to keep you engaged.

well… top rank vehicles are pretty much all the same, play very similar to other nation’s top rank vehicles, and play in the same bad environment. If that’s boring to you, you won’t really enjoy top tier anyway.

This is how you reward players for putting in time and effort into your Game Gaijin. Give people an insensitive to play your game in the long run.

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Your whole point seems to be “permanent small bonus per finished tree is better for people playing several hours” but that’s just not your average player and neither is it the target audience for a f2p game.

People playing a little bit every day won’t reach the end of several trees in a few years, they simply won’t stack up anything noticeable.
People that tried toptier once and didn’t really like it don’t profit much.
People that only finish one tree because they want to spread out for variety instead of doing one tree at a time don’t profit much.

that’s already 3 playstyles compared to your 1. All of them profit more from a 15% booster from the daily login than they would from your 10% per tree thing.

Your average f2p player is someone playing a little bit every day or every other day, for them this is perfect (if they played enough to get to the end of one tree)

You may think you’re in the majority but please consider your average casual isn’t invested enough to be in the forums regularly, so you just don’t see them much. If they only have an hour or smth of free time every day or every other day they probably won’t spend it on the forum if they could play instead. Which is why forums tend to be an echo chamber of one or two kinds of people.

I don’t think you understand how much people in the world actually spend on games on average.

Note that this is average over all. meaning that this is even including people who don’t play at all or only play 1-2 hours a week. then imagine how those times change if you ONLY include people who plays every day or at least a few days a week.

The absolute best solution to this is giving a flat percentage per rank completed per tree per nation.
So if you finish rank 1 in USA, you get like 2% bonus to all other rank 1 vehicles of that type not in the USA tree. and if you then finish the German rank 1 you have a total of 4% bonus to all other rank 1 vehicles of that type not in USA or Germany BUT(!) USA and Germany still affect each other stil giving the 2% (for future added vehicles). Then in rank 2 you get like 3% per unlock and rank 3 has 4% and so on. Note that the bonus would rthen ONLY apply to other vehicles of that same rank, and only stack for that rank. meaning that those 2% from rank one wont boost your rank 2 grind.

That way it encourages every playstyle, every progression style and every type of player to branch out and try new trees. Not only because of it getting easier every time, but also giving a bonus to the tree and rank you like the best if future vehicles gets added to it.


I mean, there are full of 1 desth quiter, and cheaters. and I don’t want be one of them.
Though I don’t like top that much like lower br, I still enjoy it

Have we had anything ??

Twitter, Youtube official website, anything, or are we just being ignored ??


Probably won’t hear anything until it goes into open testing.

Nope, might get an official response today… Ooooor gaijin will drop a trailer for something and hope the hype will make everyone forget lol

Maybe they’re cooking something

I have premium time and I bought the T-2 premium for Japan back in the day to grind out Japan Air TT. It took me roughly 600 games to get to the F-16AJ.

That’s a lot of matches.
I’m an average player, so other could probably do much better. But a casual player who has hopes of reaching top tier is looking at a long time to get there.

If you play 20 matches a day that’s 30 days of grinding for a relatively small TT.
If the matches are 5 - 10 minutes that’s 1hr40 - 3hr20 a day

Now if you want to play GRB and have a ground TT and air and heli… You’re looking at long grind for one TT(and this example is for a smaller, minor nation)


You know why it took you so long? Penalty to research cause its +2 ranks, not 1 diff between them.

The T-2 is a premium, no penalty for what I was grinding
I stopped using it when it wasn’t 100% effective

So 600 would be conservative with a premium and premium time.

Bigger trees like US would probably be in the 1000+ range. If it’s going to take you 1000 games and this bonus gives you roughly 1 free game of RP/day you’re still looking at 47 days of grinding at 20 matches a day (vs 50 days at 20 matches/day)

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Bonus on base RP is useless, unless its something like 500%. Doesnt matter if they said the % values months back or now, the way it works now wont do anything.

Dont fool yourself, they wont increase the % or change anything that will make a difference. This is Gaijin we’re talking about.


Premiums also have penalty. T-2 Early is rank VI, F-16AJ is rank VIII. So you had -60% RP as T-2 Early is effective up to rank VII research, but not VIII.

So these datamined numbers differ from what was presented or not? I feel like its bigger than it was after the outrage here.