A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Considering how my teammates seems to lose higher brain function after 3 to 4 ground games, i doubt i will play more than that.

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heres the latest poll results thus far :-

Would it be possible for Gaijin to do a community vote, regarding the latest discussions ???

@Smin1080p_WT @Stona_WT

It would be valuable to receive feedback from the developers about their thought process regarding the community’s response. Specifically, I’m interested in their perspective on potential bonuses (General player base is unhappy with how the RP Bonuses are being introduced) the reduction of Research Points and Silver Lions for base bombing, and the negative reviews that have surfaced on Steam.

Following the recent poll, many individuals expressed dissatisfaction (83% of 388 of Votes that’s 322 players voted towards this change) with the current Research Points bonuses. They would prefer a fixed 5% increase* upon completing a nation’s research tree, (71% of 260 Votes, that’s 185 players that would prefer this change) with a maximum boost of 50%, Even some players of the game are also interested in it changing to a flat 10% increase per nation 108 votes (added as an additional option, after the fact)

As additional nations are introduced, this cap would rise—for instance, reaching 55% at the 11th nation and 60% at the 12th nation, etc etc

While I recognize that some players expect everything to be handed to them, I also understand that Gaijin needs to operate as a business and incentivize spending to sustain a free-to-play game.

Being transparent, clear, and concise would contribute to finding a balance that satisfies both Gaijin and the player community. This approach ensures financial stability without burdening players and encourages them to invest in the game, stay engaged and unlock more nations, this is a win, win for both parties involved.

*Current poll results as of 11:52am 27/07/2024


Spending months to grind a whole tree and the rewards is this, and the devs spent how long to implement it?

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So I don’t get anything extra over someone who just got their first top tier for having rank 8 in 8/10 nations?

This was supposed to shorten the grind for new nations for those that have done the new nation thing several times already so a stacking permanent boost on the of 2-5% on the vehicle type per rank reached above 1 in each nation was expected, may have even earned you some extra cash from those willing to buy a top tier in every nation to stack the boost quickly but no you took the short sighted route as always, thanks for doing your best to earn the distain of your veteran players once again Gaijin.


This needs to be a flat 15% over total RP with no battle limit. 15% for 3 battles is a joke more over if it’s only for base RP, also the reward for 1 nation or 9 nations with top tier is the same.

Gaijin you are dropping the ball again and the players are looking for another review bombing

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I’ve summarized the current poll, highlighting community concerns, and requested an official poll to address these issues from the community’s perspective.

Hopefully this can be addressed over the upcoming days.

Regarding the current proposal, I believe that 15% is excessive. Instead, I suggest considering 5% per unlocked nation or even 10% per unlocked nation.

The former would result in a 50% increase at 5%, while the latter would yield a 100% increase at 10%. A 15% increase would translate to an additional 150%, which seems quite high

In the end, it’s entirely up to Gaijin to decide what’s best for the company and its players. However, if they choose to keep things as they are, I believe it would be an unfortunate decision given the recent backlash from the Community.

Keeping my fingers crossed for the right decision to be made regarding this NEW Mechanic.

I’m convinced they deliberately send Stona in specific to post these kinds of updates because the higher ups know he’ll just pick and choose what he replies too, and the ones where he does reply he does so daftly so we don’t actually expect any answers.

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I’ve brought up the latest poll with both Stona and smin1080p. Hopefully, this will reach the right individuals within the company. I also assume they’re already aware of the current situation.

Is this some sort of late april fools joke? This is what took you so long to implement? This is absolutely pathetic.


I wanted a flat 5-10% reduction in RP costs
But not one that is multiplicative per TT you have at top tier, just a 5-10% reduction

That option wasn’t in the poll and it seems like something a bit more reasonable to me

ive check that we dont have a law about against game addiction, dont make excuses or compile seemingly reasonable lies for gaijin’s stinginess and inability, gaijin cannot simultaneously release more new vehicles, so it can only extend the game’s lifespan by reducing rp revenue

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I mean its not hard to find out they very much do have laws meant to mitigate against gaming addiction.

Specifically it targets those under 18.

Wether current implementation is made with that in mind is speculation. And not needed speculation as the current implementation is good game design anyways.

Could it be better? Yes, just Copy RuneScape and their XP boost system.

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In fact, this is not a promulgated law, but just a notice issued by the state Administration of press and publication of china, its scope of application does not include the WT, the video games that have not been officially released in chinese mainland of gaijin, a hungarian company


snails are afraid of another WTPU, so they have to add rp bonus, but they don’t want to spend more cost, as a for-profit organization, gaijin is not as good as some people imagine. such a low rp bonus is just a means for gaijin to extend the lifespan of the game at a low cost, snail afraid


Ignoring the fact specialized releases of games have been made to comply with said laws and citizens can report possible non-compliance. It still means there are laws to mitigate gaming addiction and they affect foreign companies.

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Why gaijin can never understand how to keep player had a fire for game is beacuse a new Vehicle model or new playing method ot about a new economic model especially a bad eco model plz stop let player down again


I’m amazed at how tone deaf the dev team is, we have now waited an entire year for this research bonus and you’re throwing us scraps?

3 battles per day, per top tier vehicle… Yeah that is simply amazing, thank you gaijin, you really know how to stir up the community.

Now, lets say instead of limiting the progress even further with once again, a capped progression system, you would simply add a 5% bonus for each top-tier nation you have, that will stack with no cap.

Now this is something I would gladly have waited 2 months for, but an entire year for 3 battles a day?

Raise the banners lads, we’re going to war again.


After a year this should be 500% for 3 battles for each nation.

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It should’ve been a permanent 30% modifier and a 100% daily bonus for 3 battles, per vehicle. We waited a whole year for what is essentially a glorified RP booster.

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