A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Gaijin really did a lot almost the same time:

1 A battle pass with only two vehicles and a “random reward” with the same price. ( I must say that WarThunder’s game pass is the most difficult one in the game I played. I never get to the level 150.)

2 Changed the rockets` damage so that you need to bring more to take a base.

3 Changed the formula and ~cardinal RP and SL you can get when bombing bases.

4 Give out a worthless “RP boost” that you could get 3 boosts based on the base RP income. (It would be around at most 3k per match, It means that you could get around 3k RP from this boost per day)~

got this one of reddit and removed some bad wording

i dont even know what to say. didn’t gaijin learn last time that making the game hostile towards the player makes people very mad to the point they would rater see the game die than having to deal with more “improvements” which are clearly only there to make the grind worse (the last two points). and what happened to asking the community?


No, rather that these abusive mechanics have a monetary reason for the people making them and if the profits decrease by much, the game dies.

Which is why I don’t understand that when they give us a little finger with a boost to progression that doesnt profit them at all, players demand the whole arm. Especially since the whole economy rework last year was already pretty effective.

I really don’t get why people expected this to make them speed up the trees at double the rate or something.


Because at the same time they keep adding more vehicles with increasingly higher RP cost while battle rewards decrease. A good example is the recent nerf to base damage, severely hurting dedicated bombers.

So what people expected was a system that made the grind quicker for those that are further along it. The proposed system by most is a permanent boost to RP per top tier nation.

This way new players still got premiums to advance and have essentially the same grind to top tier, but players that already have trees not only have it slightly easier to get more, but are encouraged to get more so their research on their main nation gets quicker too. And along the way those players spend more total time in the game, find interest in nations and buy premiums they wouldn’t before.

Frustration isn’t the only way to get money, it’s the entertainment industry for a reason, not the frustration industry. You just need to play it smart, give incentives and rewards to guide players towards what brings you money. In this case the system would reward players for playing other nations, which in turn brings them closer to buying that nations premium vehicles.


How do you get that much? I have never seen anyone get even close to it with base RP.
Unless you mistaken total RP for base one.

that was a fix, not a nerf. and it didn’t hurt dedicated bombers because it didn’t impact bigger bombs, only small bombs and rockets. Same as the bases respawning in 30s were a bug or how back in the day there was a patch where you earned tens of thousands of RP for just slamming a bomber into the ground at the start of the match.

And the bonus they’re doing now rewards you for branching out and trying different things. It’s easy to see that they did not want this to be an incentive to just keep rushing down trees straight to toptier asap, which 90% of the suggestions for permanent bonuses I’ve seen would be. Because the loud minority of people only playing for modern MBTs and jets are the only ones that actually “suffer” because of how the progression works.

do you really need it for a nation you’ve reached toptier in? especially since most nations need you to research all of the research lines to progress further anyway?

you’re right, it’s the entertainment industry, but also the entertainment industry. if the profits decrease, the game dies and the devs move on to the next. if more people “finish” paying than new paying people join, the profits decrease. People that are done researching or get big permanent bonuses to research have no reason to buy premium, or premium vehicles, or event/battle pass vehicles bc they already have similar vehicles in the techtree researched.


Less time-locked content is always a good change for the long term health of the game. It’s hilarious (yet somehow not surprising) that the loud parts of this community will yell this loudly about not getting enough of a bonus, in addition to what we have now, yet will never actually get mad about (and actively support) the constant addition of more and more FOMO content, and gameplay content(!) at that.

In a magical perfect ideal (and impossible) world, there would be no time-locked vehicles in WT at all, only tech tree and permanent premiums. You want shiny new toys, ask for them to be in the tech tree or as premiums, in major updates.


With this BP we’re seeing less FOMO added, and a new way to get previously-unobtainable FOMO content. This is doubly positive, not a negative.

I would love to see the Battlepass move to not having any new vehicles at all, but instead give access to three (Air/Naval/Ground) previous event/BP vehicles.


Also, the “real” end of the BP is level 75. Anything beyond this is… a terrible use of time, and is its own topic.


That’s called “fixing bugs and exploits”. Another positive.


They made all loadouts equal to each other in terms of reward. Sure it would have been nice if it was based on the average, or even the high values, but it’s ultimately not a change large enough to warrant the amount of complaints it has (compared to, again, meaningful things to complain about).


Per nation, and per vehicle type. It’s also purely in addition to what we have now, so it’s literally just a positive.


Why am I not surprised.

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I can’t play more than 3 games without getting bored of this game, so it’s rather well thought out

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Which weirdly enough is the main reason most people buy premiums…
So the solution most players seem to want encourages something that profits Gaijin.

Well, yeah… The higher the BR, the higher the individual RP cost. Which also means that this is the area that needs the most help, as well as the hardest “checkpoint” to lock a reward to.
Even Gaijins system now is bound to reaching top tier, so it’s only natural a proposed permanent system would focus on rewarding each top tier tree as a specific milestone.

The basic concept being that after reaching top tier somewhere, the next time reaching it elsewhere will be slightly accelerated compared to this one. This is similar (though more noticeable) to what Gaijin does now and helps research other nations.

However the permanent bonus unlike this system adds incentive. I won’t start to care for new trees because it’s easier, but I will if playing those gives me something I already care for, say a possible research boost that affects my current nation in return.

Need, no. Technically I don’t even need to play the game. I can spend my money on a whole other hobby instead. But this is the mentioned incentive.

Just because a nation is at top tier doesn’t make it done. I can be at top tier and have multiple 400k RP cost vehicles left to research. Or new vehicles are added, which also have such high cost. A bonus would help speed this up.

Currently we have players that play one nation, get all vehicles and then stop playing War Thunder and do other activities waiting for the next addition. Those players with a permanent system might decide to still use their time to play other nations, as it is technically now something that helps boost research for their main nation, which now makes it a more appealing thing to do.

It’s not about suddenly getting 300% more rewards, it doesn’t make premium obsolete at all, if anything making it more desirable, as a bonus not applied to base RP, but final RP would be much more impactful on a premium account.

In addition, new players wouldn’t notice this system, and the bonus would only become as big as it can once you already have top tier everywhere, meaning the change would be more minor during the grind.

The main point is to give an incentive, for playing other nations for players that strictly only care about one, as those are the players that wouldn’t already play another. These players would spend more time on the game and likely more money if they tried other nations, which is why I’m certain such a system would be profitable.

But as for the players side, the main difference between Gaijins system and a permanent one, is how non-restrictive it is. Gaijin rewards a very specific and quite frankly rare playstyle of constantly switching modes and nations during a playsession, and only for trees you don’t have top tier in, meaning after your initial 400k RP vehicle, you got the rest of the lineup completely bonus free ahead of you.

Meanwhile a permanent reward system allows for any playstyle, any vehicle, any nation, but in exchange only has impact for those that play, and reached top tier in, multiple nations, which is exactly what Gaijin wants players to do.

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Please do not impose your ideas on others, you say this is equivalent to rich people saying to poor people: they don’t have money, so why not rent out the extra house? Why don’t you sell the extra car? But did he ever wonder if they actually had an extra house and car? Others may not even have a house or a car


You need to know that some nation are deliberately weakened in the game.Some mode just get boring.

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You need to know that some nation are deliberately weakened in the game.


I’m not the one you should be preaching to regarding supporting the game. Put it this way, I’ve spent a small fortune on the game in the last 12 years, because I enjoy it and i want it to do well and flourish.

However, there are still some outstanding issues that need to be addressed, its not just me that’s unhappy with the current situation.

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Starting with Italy and China, it’s worth noting that while there are a few excellent vehicles in each lineup, they don’t quite compare to the top three

To counteract your statement, it’s important to note that some countries, like Russia are strengthened

I play all nations across the board, and there is a disparity between those 10 nations, these need addressing, gaps filled with similar technology and balanced.

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If nothing else - even accepting the idea that since this is a new bonus that did not exist before and that it was described as it is from the start and therefore criticising it is ungrateful/too late/etc. - the second concern I raised in my earlier post must be addressed:

The fact that the bonus only applies to countries for which you have not reached top tier means that players who reach a country’s first 11.7 MBTs are being disincentivised from researching their tier 8 AA/SAM or any other vehicle that would add variety to their lineup. Because if they do they hit the end of line and lose the research bonus for that tree.

This is a real problem when top tier CAS is supposed to be counteracted with extremely capable SAM platforms.

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What about long term players who have already unlocked all 10 nations at top tier ??

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Every update requires careful wording to strike a balance. GAIJIN, you really don’t have to be so indirect every time. We all know that you think players who don’t spend money shouldn’t get profits, but who told you that your game is free? LOL

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Then you get off the game and realize there’s a whole world of other things to do thats not warthunder…

why is this even a question? if you run into this I think you’ve got some way bigger problems to take care of in your life.

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I have no problems in my life, thank you very much for your concern.

And yes its a very Valid Question, young one

Do you realise how much effort is needed to unlock all 10 nations to top tier ??

Its not an easy task, and it would be nice to get something back

This update is entirely beneficial for players who contribute the least to game operation and spend the least time. I can’t imagine that after waiting for a year, I will only receive additional rewards for three games per day. I won’t spend any money on the game until Gaijin takes action. My premium account still has over 700 days left, and I will continue to play only three games a day like the least active players. Even though Warthunder is my favorite game that I have spent the most time and money on in the past five years, I don’t mind giving up soon or even witnessing its decline


I know Russia are strengthened in some way.But I don’t want to quarrel with some people.