A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Some calculations:

Say you make 2000 base RP per match, and with modifiers it gets up to 3000 RP.

A 10% booster would net you an additional 300 RP per match, leading to 3000 RP over the course of 10 matches.

This modifier, over the course of 10 matches (assuming you play the same lineup/nation) will net you 3000 RP total. The first three matches each net you an additional 1000 RP 3 times.

It is on par with a 10% booster in some scenarios. I’d rather have 3 free backups per day than that.

I hope my math is correct.

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Congrats, you found the way F2P games manipulate the player to keep them engaged, because big player numbers mean higher amounts of whales that spend way too much money.

welcome to MMOs with progression

Why do you think the game has so many mechanics to make playing regularly a habit? Daily login, daily battle pass missions, 2-daily event missions, sheer endless unlockable content, now daily bonuses to research? I’m honestly quite shocked they got rid of daily bonuses per vehicle at some point. Now they bring those back with a linked incentive to buy yourself up your first tree so you get those bonuses quickly!

Or do you think F2P games get made out of goodness of the dev’s hearts? You don’t want to pay money, then you pay with your time instead, to pad out player numbers and keep the matchmaker quick. And even if you pay money, they want you to stay engaged to potentially spend more money later, which is why even with spending a little you dont unlock everything in a few weeks. If you get everything and grow bored after a while and quit, they don’t get any more money or time from you.


The step you have taken is almost negligible compared to the size of the problem.
The problem is this. I’m back in this game after a long break, but even with the prem account, progressing in the game consumes a lot of time and it’s not fun to do the same things over and over again with the same vehicles. despite my recent spending, I’m bored and my desire to leave the game is increasing day by day. I started to regret the things I bought.

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it is for ranks VII-VIII, the mid ranks IV-VI get even less bonus RP as it currently stands.

Which is the point. If playing other nations to top tier doesn’t boost future research of new vehicpes in their main one, they will just stick to their main anyways.

I thought the point was to get them to spread out more.

Maybe, but thatvis assuming one nation is top tier. The point here is that getting top tier in more nations makes future grind in the main nation quicker by virtue of “more top tier nations = more RP across the board”. This is what’s called an incentive, giving a player a reward they want within their confort zone to encourage them to step out of it.

Sure if you play in a weird way hardly anyone does it’s ever so slightly easier to grind, but players that didn’t grind other nations before still have no incentive to start now. After all, there is no difference for the part of the game they currently care about.


It’s worse than that, actually.

The bonus applies to your tree research for that type of vehicle. So if you do a CAS mission, and take out a plane or a heli at any point (or a plane in naval) in that game, that counts as one mission for ground AND air.

So to actually min/max this bonus, you’d need to play 3 air missions, before you play 3 heli missions (because you get max RP in the dedicated mode there too) before playing the 3 ground missions, where the CAS RP you get will be much less. Same with naval, would have to run separate air missions first.

So saying it applies to dozens of missions seems a little disingenuous.

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That just incentivizes to play one tree at a time instead of branching out and playing multiple trees for variety.

and your suggestion would wildly prefer people who go out of their way to only play one tree at a time to stack up those bonuses.

So you’re saying that YOUR preferred playstyle gets less out of this as other people’s preferred playstyle, and it should be the other way around instead. see the problem?

that’s just silly because it’s not like it’s deducting from your research.

depends, for f2p casuals that only play a couple games a day it can be as much as a straight 50% boost bc without premium you only get base RP.

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November 2018 to July 2024. 68 months. ~1864 days.
War Thunder says I played 3438 hours of realistic battles, but that also includes 2017 - 2018. So my daily average.
Even then 3438/1864 is 1.84 hours per day average. In that time I completed 10 air tech trees.
Simulator adds 274 hours which I exclusively played 2019 to present. 1.99 hours per day average total.


All to complete 10 air tech trees, 6 ground tech trees, and 3 helicopter tech trees.
With 1 ground tech tree at 8.7, another at 10.3, and the final two at 7.7.
About 176 hours per tech tree.


China had premium vehicle augmentation to rank 6 air, and 1 rank of ground.
Italy had premium vehicle augmentation for 2 ranks of air, and 1 rank of ground.
France had no premium vehicle augmentation for air or ground ranks.
Sweden had premium vehicle augmentation for 1 rank of air, and no ranks for ground.
Israel had premium vehicle augmentation for 1 rank of air, and half a rank of ground.
Japan had premium vehicle augmentation for 1 rank of air, and a partial rank for ground.
Britain had premium vehicle augmentation for 3 ranks of ground [arcade battles], and 2.5 ranks for air [Sea Vixen].
USSR had premium vehicle augmentation for 1 rank of ground [rank 7], and half a rank of air [Su-25K].
Germany had premium vehicle augmentation for 2 ranks of ground, and 2 ranks of air.
USA had premium vehicle augmentation for 4 ranks of air [I partially caused the simulator EC economy changes], and 1 rank of ground.

The rest of the ranks were tech tree vehicle spading only.

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That’s in fact quite hilarious.

The correct analogy would be:

Level 1-180, you play as sword master; and 180-200, your character becomes an archer.

So if I want to play as archer, I obviously want to grind up to level 180 as fast as I can; to skip the sword master part and go straight into the archer part.

they achieve the exact same end goal though. and my suggestion does it without forcing player to choose a progression style.

i saw a suggestion here that distributed a tiny bonus per rank per nation, that would solve this issue.
Edit: found it: A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations - #724 by _Poul

yes, but i have also seen that my playstyle happens to be the most popular one. but yes, i see your point. previous answer will solve that issue though.

no, but it is deducting from my pride. i have literally quit a job for this reason. Insultingly low raise that the management expected me to cheer and be happy over. Nah, i would actually have been happier with no offer of a raise at all if it is so low that it emotionally feels like a spit in the face.

which is an issue, why reward the least loyal, less playing and least paying costumers effectively more in the end? it doesn’t make sense.


You’ve been registered since 2013 but you’re only counting since 2018? You have roughly 3433 hours on realistic battles, if you’re counting from 2017 then that’s a daily average of 4.7 hours for 2 years and it’s 9.4 hours daily for 1 year. Idk which you’re counting from, 2017 or 2018. It’s probably safe to say you made the majority of your tech tree progress in the realistic battles. Either of those hours are definitely not the norm for the average player, I’d definitely say you play the game a lot more than the average play or at least used to.

I’ve played since 2015 and I have a quarter of your total games. I play for 2-3 hours a day at most, until events come along then I play a bit longer and then usually get burned out by the nature of the game and end up taking a break for a while.

November 2018 I started playing multiple times a week. Before that I was lucky to play multiple times a month.

People are getting disappointed because they thought in their head for no reason to get like 50% boost to all RP gain after reaching one nation to top lol


I don’t understand why we have to make it so complicated when the solution is very simple.
When logging in for the first time, the player receives a bonus:

  • 3 games with 2x bonus for SL and RP. The bonus is calculated after all other bonuses (premium, booster, talisman).
  • the bonus player activates at the end of the match, if he wants to
  • the player does not have to use the bonus during the day, he can collect a maximum of 15 bonuses in 5 days’

why only 3 bonuses, because the bonus can be activated for a well-played match and doubles premium, talisman and booster bonuses.
I would like 5 matches but I think that would be too much.


that article is from “13 June 2023” over a year old and the following is taken directly from it.
"The preliminary bonus for each rank will be:

  • For rank IV +15%
  • For rank V + 25%
  • For rank VI + 35%
  • For ranks VII and VIII + 50%

These are our initial plans, but we may adjust them by the time the new mechanics have been introduced.

We plan to add these bonuses in a future major update, planned for October-November 2023."
Since they have missed the proposed date by nearly 10 months now, and said things could change, have they? Because 50% on the base amount is just useless, i might get 9k base a game without premium or boosters, and get 13.5k with this 50% but over 3 battles 10.5k research points when researching vehicles that are 300k+ RP is nothing…


What in gods name is this reasoning: Because MMOs are usually like that WT needs to have the same abusive mechanics? How hard are you coping at the moment?

Are you on Gaijins pay roll or why do you have this opinion?


I just want to say that this “bonus” is barely worth anything. It is form over function. It will do nothing to make me feel like I have any sort of advantage in grinding other nations.

Put another way, clearly Gaijin is doing something to say they did it. Not that it provides any real benefit to the player.

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-Leave the forum for few days.
-come back to see what’s new.
-everything is on fire bc of some classic gaijin move.


The more I look in to it the more stupid this would be. In practice you going to be punished to grind a tech tree, because if you get to top tier you not going to be rewarded for but in stead punished by cutting your rp bonuses. Am I wrong?