A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Better than nothing I suppose…

I’m at top rank for air in 4 nations, for bluewater and coastal in every nation with a navy, for tanks and helicopters nowhere.

So as I understand this I’ll get a bonus for planes is all, probably for french coastals.
Still grinding one battleship for France, probably no bonus but I may have it unlocked before this goes live anyways, and one coastal in every nation, mostly the ones that got implemented last update, no bonus either I’m guessing.

I guess I should bring myself to get to the end of the tech tree for tanks in at least one nation, but I hardly play tanks nowadays…

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are you actually implying that a player could unlock every vehicle in the game in every tech tree with just 2700 hours of play? without buying anything in the game?


Encouraging people to play as many vehicles in a game about vehicles is good game design… not bad.
If this rewarded single tech tree then it’d be bad for this game.

I supported a permanent RP boost, but now that I see the secondary purpose of this is to get people to diversify their tech trees… I oppose my old idea, it was objectively worse than this.
Maybe a permanent for the rest of the day is plausible after exhausting the 3 in a sub category.
Say I do up-to 27 matches in ground, the rest of the day is a permanent boost to ground. For me it’d be ~12 matches in ground since I only have 4 tech trees left.
This would boost those with more done, and still benefit people that don’t have a lot in War Thunder.
I might provide in feedback for the next roadmap that the 50% should be buffed depending on how impactful it is.

The temporary boosts, at least initially, should remain.
I want to see how effective they are so I can collect my thoughts for the next roadmap feedback.


do you need everything? you can skip playing alot of a techtree since you only really need to play 3-4 vehicles per rank, and especially the major nations have a lot of them in most ranks, so you dont even have to go down every research line. Not to forget quite a few are foldered now and you don’t even need to unlock them.

You don’t need 50 hours and hundreds of battles in everything. lower ranks don’t have 400k RP cost, and they’re the majority of the vehicles in the game. most tanks at rank IV and below you won’t even play for one hundred battles except if you keep playing them because you like them.

Plus I wouldnt be suprised if a good ~100 of those ~720 tanks are events/premium that you’ll never have to touch because they’re outside of the techtree.

I waited a whole year for this, what a disappointment.


My take away from this is that progression will still be torturously slow and it’ll still be one of the biggest reasons people either don’t pick up the game to begin with or why people walk away from the game.

I would say I’m surprised or even shocked but unfortunately I’m not. Another example of squandered potential in an industry that is quickly becoming absolutely synonymous with the term.

agreed, but “encouraging” by arbitrarily limiting a rewards payout isn’t the way to do that. it will make players feel cheated out of that reward.

how so?
the best way in my (and MANY others) opinion is to apply a fixed (but somewhat small) percentage of stacking boost to every subsequently topped out tech tree making each nations tree you unlock continuously easier. this would continuously reward (and incentivize) players for unlocking and playing new nations.

so it really isn’t if you do it the way i described. people who play one nation at a time wont go out of their way to get the very little boost currently offered, it just isn’t worth the change in preferred play. and people who already play all nations are already doing it so there is no incentive needed.
As a sidenote i don’t think i have seen Gaijin state that this was their intention? the previously stated intention was to just make it easier to unlock subsequent nations to make the repetitiveness less daunting.

Perhaps, though that is subjective. i’ve seen several posts about rather having nothing than this as it’s insultingly low.

reasonable, but one can already now infer how little extra RP this will net players and its actually laughingly little.


I have many thoughts. All will compete each other over the next few months.
I’ll see what ideas people have.

All I know is the temporary should remain for the first part of the day.
The permanent aspect can be added on in various ways.
If it’s 50% with 4 temporary, then 12 boosted matches [3 tech trees] or final tech tree to get, whichever is lower, then permanent unlock for the rest of the day. That’s a potential feedback.
Of course Gaijin is trying to comply with China’s laws against game addiction at the same time; World of Warcraft eliminates all XP gains after a certain time played in a day in China for example.

Dunno, I’ll come up with more ideas as I use the feature.

Oh yeah, another fail to deliver what was promised… getting really scummy here

Well, in a certain sense in the game it is, because throughout the techtree, you get better and better vehicles. New technology that adds to the gameplay. It’s somewhat like your character leveling up, getting new skills or getting new mechanics when you class change. Also, the few MMORPGs I played had bracketed PvP matchmaking too, be it from level x to level y or your level +/- x levels. There were indeed people that voluntarily stayed at lower levels too because they preferred simpler combat.

It’s why people buying prems into toptier are so terrible, they haven’t gotten around to learning the fundamentals yet. And while for example toptier air plays completely differently than propeller BRs, learning battle tactics/energy management/radars/IR missiles/SARH missiles/flares and chaff/new radar modes/ARH missiles one after another is easier than jumping into the cold water and having to learn everything at once.

Where WT isn’t quite as other MMOs is the fact that it lets you buy straight into playing PvP with the big boys with a “character” you don’t quite understand yet, it lets you go back to lower stuff any time you want, and it has a connection to IRL stuff that people obsess about.

Ofc WT doesn’t compare to MMOs like LoL or R6 Siege, but neither do those have characters that are so wildly different in strength that they can’t see each other in the matchmaker. And even there you have to grind for hundreds to thousands of hours to unlock everything. They’re more akin to WG’s new Project Cold War.

Well, no. You don’t need to play every vehicle, you don’t need to play everything in a rank for most nations (especially major ones), you don’t even need to play most tech trees.
but, and I know you’re probably tired of the analogy by now (sorry), in other games, if I have a level 200 archer and I wanna play a level 200 swordmaster, I have to play my new character from the ground up, even if the level 1-150 area is utterly boring to me.

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well this system ABSOLUTELY does not do that. its giving a boost to quote:

per day. meaning that if you don’t play all of those games the bonuses are lost for that day as they (from what we have seen so far) do not stack unused ones.
This VERY much incentivises so many more matches per day compared to having just a constant flat percentage that wont change no matter how much you play in a day.

Then don’t have posts with scummy statements?
They are delivering as promised while complying with China’s laws.
Any further improvements can be made after initial introduction.
Prepare well articulated feedback for the next roadmap after experiencing.

You mean like making a new character and leveling them up from zero (or rather, lvl 1) to top? Without the option to just go back to some of the early or mid game at any time if you enjoyed that more?

I’ll admit I wasnt aware of that since I never played WoW. Good on them. None of the other MMORPGs I played had such a mechanic though.

But think about it this way:

A player that only plays and cares about one nation won’t start another for a minor boost for 3 battles a day. However if playing another nation adds to a permanent boost that then applies to his main nation too, he might decide to play said other nations for that, and find and try some fun new vehicles along the way.

A permanent boost is the best way to actually encourage players to play more nations that wouldn’t otherwise.


i think a big part of the issue present in this thread can be attributed to this:

meaning that players not only had very little time to respond to the initial roadmap where all that was laid out but also very little time to actually discover their gripes with every specific part of the initial roadmap.

Those players will typically already be content and not appreciate an RP boost for new tech trees to begin with.
It cannot apply to the finished tech tree because that’s the one giving boosts to everyone else.
This is a boost for people that have put the ~125 premium account match hours into the game for more tech trees. It has always been advertised this way, and this is exactly what we specifically asked for.

False. I will take any amount of RP boost I can get with the limited time I have to play.

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A permanent boost of even 5% per tree at top tier would be so much better compared to this. Limiting it to 3 battles per day just makes it worse than many rewards you can get from a daily login crate.


He said RP boost to the main one, not new.

he ment that EVERY tree finished should give boost to all others. thus unlocking new nations will give more and more boost to your old one as well.

it really isn’t, have you read people responses? they aren’t exactly positive.

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3 years to complete all ground and air tree with 2.5 hours of gameplay a day? You’d be lucky to complete just the ground trees alone in 3 years, it’s probably closer to 4 years for all the ground trees. Also that’s really bad for being able to complete a game, way too much time. That’s also assuming you play every day.