A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

I do! Because who wouldn’t want to cozy up with a war machine, right?

It’s like a warm hug from a metal monstrosity. Just imagine the pillow talk: “Hey, baby, how many countries have you invaded today?”

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I’m not saying you have to play a certain way. But moaning because you can’t only focus on a hyperspecific 5% of the endgame where one of the big driving forces of player retention is progression, and then only wanting to play the very end of every progression, and then being upset it takes so long, is weird.

This is not 2000’s MBT thunder. And Gaijin doesn’t make this game specifically for people only enjoying current military tech.

This is the equivalent of wanting to play an MMORPG but only caring about max level. No game is just letting you jump straight to max level for free. And while money can most of the time accelerate it you usually can’t jump straight there by paying either, because keeping you in the system via progression keeps you playing the game instead of doing the max level stuff for a couple weeks and then getting bored of repeating the same thing over and over.

WT is even selling top tier stuff so you don’t even have to play low tier if you dont want to (and are a paying customer), yet gives you something to work towards to keep you engaged.

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there are more than 720 tanks, expecting someone to have fun playing 700 of those for hundreds of hours is just wrong.

at least with 400 tanks you wont have a fun time after having played them for at least 50 hours and hundreds of battles.

I still think passive RP income is a better way to go about it. The original idea was to ease the grind for new nations, but if it’s a global bonus for when you’ve already researched a nation, people would just see it as a free RP boost for their “main” nations and continue to ignore new nations. It wouldn’t do much to encourage people to branch out, it would just reward them for what they’ve accomplished already. There’s nothing wrong with that of course, and I do think that should be implemented too as a token of gratitude for old-timers, but it would miss the original point and be something quite different, particularly in the way it would be perceived.
Something that could help people get a proper lineup/get through the chore of low tiers (which I think are the main obstacles) in the medium-to-long term automatically could really encourage them to try something new, given enough time. And besides, there needs to be a way to grind helis without touching PvE (unimaginably bad RP income) or tanks (I’m interested in helis, not tanks).


Again; if you think we are talking about a typical MMO/MMORPG, you don’t understand the nature of War Thunder:

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the issue is that the endgame is already reached, and then it needs to be reached AGAIN and THAT is where the issue lies, the repeating of the same “from zero to top” without any sort of shortening of that time.
Even WoW had/has a system for that when you have a max lvl character you get XP bonuses, Flat ones.

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So we lose the bonus once we unlock a vehicle at the end of the line for that nation, correct?

Oh, absolutely! Because who wouldn’t want to spend countless hours grinding through the lower levels, just to unlock the privilege of spending even more hours grinding through the higher levels? It’s like a game within a game—a grindception, if you will. And let’s not forget the sheer joy of repeating the same tasks ad infinitum.

It’s like Groundhog Day, but with tanks and planes instead of Bill Murray.

And the cherry on top? The tantalizing prospect of paying your way to the top! Because nothing says “fun” like bypassing all that pesky gameplay and just swiping your credit card to unlock the ultimate experience. Forget about the journey; it’s all about the destination.

Who needs a scenic route when you can take the express highway?


Wait and you’ll be shocked, I bet it’s not greater than 10%

The bonuses were stated earlier in this post.

“rank IV +15%, rank V +25%, rank VI +35%, ranks VII-VIII +50%” was the preliminary numbers (TBC)

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Keep on adding your choice to the polls, ladies and Gentlemen!

Honestly, this would actually be great exactly as it is if it were, at least, 15 matches a day instead of just 3.

3 is just too little to make a difference (I even made the calculations). Basically, 3x matches with 50% adds the equivalent of a single extra average match.

Which means that, if you need, say, 300 matches for a goal and you play 15 matches a day, the difference is:

Without the bonus: 300 matches / 15 matches a day = 20 days.
With the bonus: 300 matches / 16 matches a day = 18 days and 18 hours.

Like… it’s merely a 6.25% decrease on the overall grind.

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Changing it to be a permanent bonus or a LOT more matches would make it better.
As it stands you are absolutely right, 3 is by FAR not enough.


that shit is hilariously negligible


Thanks for not making me read the 600 messages :)

It’s 3 per country, isn’t it ?

where you dont have top tier.
3 per country per vehicle type.

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Hey, Thanks for taking the time to respond. I get your point on this but I expected that we may get the research for other nations is about to be the same as we do for “research for helicopters”. For researching helicopters we don’t have limitations. I enjoyed researching the helicopters by using ground vehicles. I feel that limiting the battles per nation per battle type will not help me much in researching other nations with my game style. Anyway will see this feature in action.

A picture is worth 1k words


Not enough, we need 10K or more.