A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Oh absolutely, but not “a few hours” as you wrote. The reward is also abysmally small.


So if i have 10 nations unlocked and i decide to do my tank matches then i wanted to do my planes straight after, then i can do approximately around 60 matches with the bonuses ?

or will they interlink. for example im in a Ground RB, and a spawn a plane in for CAS, does that mean ill get both % for air and ground or just ground ???

You are playing a game. You don’t HAVE to be toptier ASAP. be glad you regularly unlock new content. Do you think it would be better if you’d only play like 4 games for 99% of the tree?

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It depends. If you take out a plane in a ground game first that day, you get the bonus for the plane AND the vehicle research you’d get in that game. If you play three plane games first, then three ground games, you’ll get the plane research in games 1-3 and just the ground research bonus in games 4-6, whether you took out a plane in those games or not.

So it will be a little bit more efficient if you’re playing both modes, to do three air games first each night so you don’t waste those three air bonus games on the lower air RP you get from ground or naval matches if you don’t want to.

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Yea, one top tier vehicle in the time it takes to finish a AAA single player game, with all sidequests as well.


The burnout is a personal problem. People are making this their second job, not Gaijin. Why is everyone treating it as if they HAVE to finish a tree ASAP? Why not enjoy the different vehicles along the way?

Take your time and enjoy the game. If you don’t like the 99% of the game below the top BR, you won’t enjoy it up there either. In that case, it’s probably better to look for a different game.

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There is no game like warthunder…
If there was a actual alternative with devs that actually listen, this game would be dead by now.

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according to your profile, you are already burned out.

This new RP Bonus is perfect for you, you’ve only done 2 battles last week lol, at least you’ll get maximum research bonus from this change, and not get gimped like the rest of us who do more than 3 battles per vehicle type


You need rank VIII in ONE nation before you get the bonus, yes. This is what they said from the very start.

There is no RP penalty because you don’t use, for example, rank VIII Germany to research rank V russia. that’s just not how it works.

Example: You have rank VIII Germany, all other nations rank IV-VI. You get the bonus for all nations except Germany, as you get it for every nation you’re NOT at rank VIII yet.

The bonus is for helping you reach rank VIII faster in nations where you aren’t there yet.

If you are at rank VI for every nation, it would make sense to try to get to rank VIII in one of them, and then have the bonus for every other nation, until those nations are at rank VIII too.

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what about the people that are already there ???

yes there is a bonus, but its miniscule in the long run, what’s the point, it needs to be looked at and addressed.

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No. It’s a problem that takes place when the vehicles you are interested in are locked behind hundreds of hours worth of grind; that’s when the game becomes “a second job”.

Maybe not everyone likes all eras, let alone from all trees?

For example; I am interested in grinding China for the ZTZ and VT MBTs and their lineups.

But I am not willing to go through months of Rank I-VI grind. Why? First of all, because I don’t generally enjoy anything that isn’t modern warfare (AKA Rank VI+); but it gets worse when those 5 prior tiers are 90% Russian and American copy-pastes anyway, all of which I already have on their respective original tech trees.

So no; I do not wish or would enjoy to spend months grinding all over again through copy-pastes I already have of eras I don’t enjoy all that much beyond few exceptions on the first place.

I have played over 4,000 hours since 2014, I think I’ve got a good notion of which BRs I enjoy and which BRs I do not enjoy.

I am a modern MBT and War Machinnery enthusiast. So yes, I love and enjoy every Rank VI+ vehicle. And no, I am not willing to spend months grinding through Interwar, WW2, Postwar and early Cold War vehicles until I finally get to the ones I actually enjoy; specially when, in China’s case, for example, the vast majority of all of it is copy-pastes from trees that I already have fully unlocked.


If you don’t enjoy warthunder you wouldn’t enjoy a game like warthunder either.

Just because you like tanks/planes/ships/whatever doesn’t mean an MMO PVP game with them is enjoyable for you.

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bro what?

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that’s what i thought, makes no sense

Who are you to say what games @-Shinoa- likes?


My guy, you dont know shit about my preferences.
You dont know what i like, what i dislike or on what things i simply dont give a shit.

The Principle of the game is perfect, i love it. The controls, also perfect.

The TT research stuff is annoying af, their interpretation of “This makes the grind better” is absolute bs.

the MMO PVP part of warthunder is not a problem, its the devs that make bad decisions around game design/UX Design.

on this note, this is off topic and i will not reply on answers.


Nothing is forcing you to play the game. If you don’t enjoy it go do something else. This is not a job you need to do to survive. This burnout is a personal problem.

If you only come to this game for this one specific vehicle at the end of one tree, maybe that’s a problem with your priorities. That’s like playing an MMORPG and complaining that the endgame is, in fact, at the end of the game, past hundreds of hours of leveling up.

Also, if you’re so hyperfixated on one vehicle, and want nothing else, maybe this just isn’t the game for you.

this sounds like you just don’t like the game and the only driving force you have is an irl fascination with specific vehicles. If you only want modern combat, maybe look for something that’s an actual modern combat game, like GHPC or smth. Though again, is it modern vehicles in WT that you want, or are you just fixated on irl modern combat and that’s your only driving force here?

then look for a game that focuses on modern MBT and war machinery? like seriously, if you say you hate 95% of the game, thats a you problem, this game isn’t catering specifically to “modern mbt and war machinery enthusiasts”.

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Expecting people to accept your viewpoint is unrealistic.

People engage in this game for various reasons, and it’s essential to recognize that you can’t dictate how they should play. Ultimately, it’s their account, and if they find joy in spinning in the hangar all night, that’s entirely their prerogative


Beautifully said.

What you like to play and how is entirely objective and as a “Random Person on the internet” you have absolutely no say about how people should or shouldnt play a game.

You cant expect the Average joe to be very effective at grinding TT’s.

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Except you don’t understand that War Thunder is no ordinary MMO.

In most MMOs, the endgame is a higher level, a more powerful character, an objectively more capable meta, etc.

In War Thunder, Tiers merely represent historical eras.

I am not interested in Top Tier because “it’s the engame” because it is not. I am interested in Top Tier because I like 1980+s technology and particularly the present day technology. It has nothing to do with “endgames” or “tiers”.

What about the people who stick to WW2 because it’s simply what they are interested in? Do they also have a problem “for not enjoying the whole game” and need to go and play “a WW2 tank game”?

In real life, I enjoy ALL war machines from ALL eras, including ships from the age of sail, if it counts. But in War Thunder, I just happen to enjoy modern war machinnery more in terms of gameplay.

I specified I like the full range of modern vehicles and their lineups. How is that “being hyperfixated on one vehicle”?

You are telling this to a girl who has spent 90% of her playtime since 2014 in War Thunder; who has spent over 4,000 hours at this point and who up to this day almost-exclusively plays War Thunder. Again, I don’t think I am so stupid that I would have invested myself so deeply into a game I supposedly don’t like.

GHPC has no PvP at all and has a deeper tendency towards simulation. Which is fine and I like too, but it’s not War Thunder.

Both. Why are they incompatible?

I have a real life fascination with modern war machinnery (as I do for WW2 too) and I ALSO love War Thunder; therefore, I am fixated on getting Top Tier (AKA modern) vehicles in War Thunder, just because it’s the ones I enjoy the most ingame.

I have been playing War Thunder since the Ground Forces Beta, back in 2014, again. But when New Era was announced back in 2017, yes, I got an ABSOLUTE THRILL; because my favourite game (even then) was now implementing my favourite kind of vehicles. And ever since, War Thunder has been my favourite game by an even larger margin.

Like, uh… War Thunder?

Otherwise, you are free to suggest alternatives. I already explained why GHPC is not applicable to be a replacement. Any other ideas?

This game has over 2,500 air, land and naval war machines that span from 1900 to 2024. Of course it is not meant to cater anyone specifically; because it’s meant to cater E V E R Y O N E who likes anything that falls within this range.

No one is forced to like EVERY single war machine that has existed in human history to be eligible to enjoy War Thunder, as seems to be your criteria.