A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

What this post feels like so far


On the old forum there was a very nice idea to implement a rank-based nation bonus system. For example, researching whole rank 3 in Naval with one nation, would give you a permanent bonus to all rank 3 Naval vessels in other nations. The bonus would be increased with more nations unlocked, and the UI of this system could be very simple:

It would be easy to implement and understandable for players. It would also encourage players to research all ranks in all nations. But of course this system would be “too good” from Gaijin’s perspective.

Just saying that there were propositions from the playerbase how to implement such system, and they were ignored.


Nothing more?
Does the days even stack? (I think not)

So if the bonus ins’t huge, all of that “Research Bonus for new nations” will be trash.

It feels more like a small plaster on a chopped leg.

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I am trying to get to top tier before I am too old and too physically incapable of playing the game, that way my kids won’t have to suffer through the grind like I did.

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Can’t share an account bro… They’ll have to suffer the pain too unless gaijin improve the grind

What I don’t get is why I didn’t read the 3 matches a day on the original post. It like déjà vu I thought they were taking time to figuring out how to implement the research bonus.

That was the first delay. Then it became getting the coding to work.

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I have USA tree complete and Ussr mostly complete, I tried to start the grind in Germany and I feel drained and don’t have the energy to keep grinding. I was waiting for the bonus to come and help but… you know. After the first to tree it feels more like a job than a game.


We all know the reason why it feels like that

By the by…
This increases RP for up to 54 matches a day if you play both air and ground.
Which is 370 matches a week which no one here has.
If you play helicopters and naval, then you’ll have more matches.

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Then obviously comes the fact that you defo won’t play all nations at once and defo not every branch as well.
Add to that the folks that only have one or two trees left and bam, useless garbo for a boost


this comment is so bad, i’m a player that only likes to play around 10.0 and over, i have top tier for 4 nations but the grind to get another one is so trash that i just don’t do it even tho i really wanted to play a leclerc or the black night

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man, imagine the echo that exists in this guy head

Well this feature is and always has been for people that want many tech trees.
So of course it’ll benefit those playing all ten tech trees and all subcategories more than those that only want one more tech tree.

It was always going to be this way.
Your last week matches is 18. That’s 2.6 per day, thus you wouldn’t even use the limit for one tech tree for one sub category currently.

Don’t speak for others too.

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Surely people will play three matches this, three matches that, three matches another thing. Surely they’ll take an approach that’ll in effect lead them to literal decades of grinding literally the whole game at once and never focus on one thing at a time.
Don’t think that’s really a way of life either tho

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I had to actually go back to the article to see if this was true. The original wording made it easy to misread as it’s the only place you guys write out the number as “three” instead of 3 unlike the rest of the article.

Putting aside that. I don’t know how you expect anyone to take the articles about this feature seriously when it has been pushed back so many times and that the implementation wasn’t ‘confirmed’ until now.

The “+100 battles” is disingenuous and only applies to a very small minority of the playerbase. The number of battles being limited to 3 is pointless and does nothing more than prove that you guys are greedy and will find any way to milk more money through a system of frustration rather than actually cultivating a loyal playerbase.

Honestly the only way such a simple system took you guys over a year to implement was due to you wanting to place unnecessary restrictions on the player.


Kudos for posting in three languages

Edit: I didn’t read the content prior to replying

It was intended for those who already have a top tier in one nation to get a boost to the other nations. the players already playing all nations simultaneously are less likely to already have a top tier and will then need to change their playstyle to gain something from this.
This in contrast to players who play one nation at a time and will have that top tier already will now have to change their playstyle to fully benefit from the bonus.
They’re literally asking players to change the way they play to gain the full benefits from this bonus. It’s railroading and bad game-design.

A VAST majority of players play one nation at a time from bottom to top and will from their normal play only gain a few matches a day depending on how many different vehicle-trees they play ranging from 3 to 15 games. Also depending on how the bonuses are used the air, ground and heli bonuses could be used up at the same time during Ground RB matches where you spawn helis or planes making it even fewer matches.

Not only that but many people can’t or won’t play every day and will instead have longer gaming sessions during weekends and will benefit even less from this.

If it takes you decades to finish an air & ground game that only takes 3 years to complete at ~2.5 hours a playing a day, then you’re doing something wrong.
The only reason I don’t have ground completed was cause I completed 3 helicopter trees, and progressed to at least rank 4 in 7 naval trees.

And will change the way they play if they want more RP for their games.

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which they shouldn’t have to do. its a reward, players shouldn’t have to make extra effort to gain the full benefit from a reward they’ve already earned. its backwards, and again, railroading and bad game design.