A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

but, you won’t do that if you start a new nation?

I think you have massively misunderstood how this will work.
if you get a rank VIII in nation “A” then the bonus will be applied ONLY to OTHER nations that aren’t “A” where you DON’T already have a rank VIII.
So if i get a Swedish top vehicle (thus activating the bonus) i won’t get that bonus in the Swedish tree at all. but if i then start unlocking the USA tree i will get the bonus there until i have unlocked the USA top vehicle. Then i will no longer get the bonus for USA (for that specific tree, air/ground/heli/ship/etc) but i will still get the same bonus for all other nations.

Then if we have already started every tree, the bonus would be zero right? I have Rank V/VI in nearly every tree. Since I have no new tree to start that means I will never get a bonus.

No, the bonus is applied until the specified “top vehicle” is unlocked for that tree, so yes you will still get the bonus if you have one “top vehicle” unlocked in another nation an not yet the “top vehicle” in the nation you are currently playing.

like this:

Thanks, this is exactly what I was waiting for. But you could do it like this: get rank 8, then you are given a nation to choose from for a bonus of 25-75% until you get rank 8, he will stay then move on to the next one.

Well then I’m totally screwed with France since I have the Mirage 2000 from the event. Since that is a"top vehicle" I won’t get any bonus for France even though I’ve just started researching Rank VI.

no no, not any top vehicle, a specific one they have marked that is in the normal tree, not event or premium vehicles.

Me when I didn’t read the devblog about it when it was first announced and assumed it would be an amazing addition and now am mad Gaijin are implementing what they said they would implement

Not that I don’t think this is a perfect addition, it really isn’t and I think it needs to be changed to something a bit more BUT pretty much all the top-liked comments are people saying they thought it would be something else, when Gaijin explicitly said what it would be the first time they mentioned it.

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Leaving aside specific percentage numbers, I think we all agree that the best course would be a passive, permanent multiplier that stacks the more nations you get Top Tier for, rather than a multiplier that applies only for a (very) limited number of matches and where there is no difference between having 1 or 9 nations researched.

Exactly this. What exactly a fair amount for that multiplier would be is up to Gaijin, but this solution would let all parties win. A bonus like this rewards your dedication to the game instead of punishing it, and encourages players to try out new nations and game modes to keep increasing their bonus!


the issue is that they only ever mentioned it on the website as the forums changed JUST after that post was made so it never made it to the new forum and was lost in the transition. So the chance to actually comment on this change was a very tiny window of a few days before the old forum closed. Much less actually seeing it as the website is much less frequented by players in comparison to the forum.

I have waited a long time to get this update for what?? for this??.. only 3 matches per day?? seriously… I’m disappointed

your not the only one

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Man I feel people here can’t read. They said this isn’t the complete showcase of this mechanic and people are already complaining. Can’t everyone just wait for the test, as devs mentioned, before saying it’s shit? Feedback after that would be more useful. Maybe it’s bad, maybe not, nobody can know before actually testing it.

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I very much fail to see how the information we have at the moment can be, in any way, explained better to the point of this new feature actually having any meaningful impact to progression.


We already know its bad because it is a marginal increase. We know that Gaijin will never do anything to decrease the grind. What is going to happen is that they are going to “test the mechanic”, decide it is too difficult to implement then cancel the whole thing. The goal is to keep the player base frustrated so they buy more shiny objects, not to actually improve the experience.


well 30 min3 is allot more potential RP than 10min3 or even 5 min*3 in ARB per nation battles

I am sorry you feel disappointed, but we were straight with this since more than year (06.2023):

The size of the bonus will depend on the rank being researched and will be applicable for the first three battles played each day.

And again, it’s 3 battle per nation per battle type. So for various players it will be various number (up to +100 battles).


This, this is why its such a mess right now.


this means that you are effectively railroading players into a specific type of play/progression if they want to partake of the whole reward. I shouldn’t have to change how i play the game to receive the same reward as someone else who play the game differently when we both achieved the same goal.


Do you play the Game yourself?
If so do YOU think that this change will help the average player?

Do YOU see anything that could be improved in this feature?

Do YOU think that this will significantly decrease time spend grinding?


Exactly this is what shocked me the most.