A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Why limit it to nations where we don’t have end of line vehicles???


How about you make it 3 battles per nation you have end od the line vehicles in and then you can use that in one nation if you so choose. For example, if I have USA, GER and USSR end of line I get 9 battles I can spend in FRA, if I want to.

Overall pretty insignificant change. Just enough to tick it of the list and say that they have done it.


if there are new vehicles, you get the bonus on them. simple lol

By Gaijins bonus you don’t, it doesn’t work for nations you have top tier in. So if new vehicles are added you can’t get a bonus either.


Why only 50% above base? isn’t it very low…


if you have two nations top teir…
then you get the bonus for a new vehicle in one of those nations

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The very first roadmap: [Development] [RoadMap] War Thunder Changes Roadmap - News - War Thunder

  • Research bonuses for new nations. After obtaining a top vehicle of one nation (such a vehicle will be clearly marked in the research tree), a bonus is added to the research of vehicles of this type in other nations, where the top-tier vehicles have not yet been received. The bonus is given for three battles every day for each nation separately and depends on the rank of the researched vehicle. Approximate values are: rank IV +15%, rank V +25%, rank VI +35%, ranks VII-VIII +50%. Fourth update of the year (October-November 2023).

Nope, you get it for any nation you don’t have top tier in. If you have top tier in all nations that means you never get a bonus unless they add a new rank.


No not quite, what does gaijin classify as top? End of the line, highest BR, every vehicle past a certain BR? Some nations have multiple top BR vehicles and once you researched a single one your bonus for this nation is gone. If vehicles from new patches are not higher than the last top you will not get a bonus. This whole reward mechanic is dumb


I wholeheartedly agree it’s terrible, I simply hoped (or I guess coped, now) that they would’ve had the common sense to rework this into something actually meaningful after receiving feedback over the last year. Should’ve guessed next no one actually read the article, leading to so little feedback that it probably didn’t even reach them at all.
Edit: Great, the post I was replying to got deleted…


Spoiler: Its not gonna change a thing


The entire community expected a passive RP increase across the board depending on how many nations have top tier vehicles unlocked.
Re-introducing a “first match/day RP increase” but making it “first 3 matches/day for every vehicle type” is EXTREMELY lacklustre. We waited a year with this as the biggest anticipated thing in the works and it turns out to be basically nothing. Sure, its nice and all to have some extra RP matches, but cmon? First 3 matches are almost always the worst for most players anyway.
Just make it like a passive 10% increase per top tier nation to research that vehicle type and nobody would complain.
Honestly, I thought it would be like with helicopter research - that if you have top tier in a nation, you could decide to research another nations TT with the nation you otherwise have top tier in.

Do better, Gaijin. Or at least don’t hype a change for a year for it to be very lacklustre.
Sorry if this sounds way too negative. I do love your game, which is why I’m passionate about it.


Well the bonus is bad for everyone involved. Many people here have already been complaining about it


Well… this is a let down.


I think Gaijin should give us 50% booster , when we login.
I can’t believe they’ve been doing this thing for a year.


To be honest, I’m disappointed. You guys delay this for a long time but now you said only 3 bonus per day?
Is there any difference between this and giving player 25% or 50% booster?


A booster this small lasts longer :)


Even then it wouldnt be anything that we hoped for or help us with RP


Point is, as long as it’s limited in battles and nations like that it is pointless. Two changes need to happen:

  • The bonus needs to be permanent, not limited in number of battles. I understand this can’t be as high then, but I doubt Gaijin had a high bonus planned anyways.
  • The bonus needs to apply to all nations and stack based on how many you have top tier in. If for example USA and Italy have top tier, all nations should get the bonus of both, only maybe not their own, meaning USA gets a bonus from Italy, but not itself.

3 battles with a 35% bonus will basically give you 1 free game of RP.

So your top bonus for later tiers might give 5-15k RP if you’re a good player

Pretty underwhelming if I am understanding the mechanic.


It is very underwhelming.