A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

It couldn’t have been too much, or people would have noticed

Yeah, that’s all I’ve seen that they’ve ever said about it, but what the other guy said up thread about how it means they have been taking RP away from people randomly to make them quit isn’t actually a thing.

It’d be fairly easy to hide a small increase in the raw score>RP conversion calculation, that’s a black box anyway. Unless you flew exactly the same missions and charted score-to-RP yourself, you’d never notice.

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I have a question I can’t find the answer to.

If I have a single nation’s indicated top tier vehicle, which unlocks the bonuses for the rest of the nations, what happens if another vehicle is added beyond that one and the indicated vehicle required for research moves to that new vehicle?

Do I lose the bonus on all other nations now? Or do I keep it because I had the previously indicated vehicle?

We don’t know yet. Could go either way.

I’m saying, if I do have the indicated Rank VIII vehicle, but then Rank IX comes in, do I lose the bonus?

I would be balanced to recive a dedicated role RP compensation when bomers do bomber stuff (bombing baases) strikers for doing strikeer stuff (killing ai planes and ai ground) and fighters for doing fighter stuff(fighting other planes) for example a bomer like the Yak-28 will recive more RP for bombing a base than a fighter doing the same thing, becasue it was designed to do so.

My apologies I meant to make that statement as a general reply to the topic and not specifically to you. I hate the new forum layout.


So if you don’t have Rank VIII (top tier) you get squat. If you are lucky enough to have Rank VIII, you only get the bonus for similar aircraft. So if you have the AV-8B+ in the US, you can only get the bonus on the Tornado IDS ASST in Germany if you play Germany. Since Japan does not have a strike aircraft at that tier you get zero bonus for that tree. Nicely done Gaijin.

No, their answer was skill bonuses, locking repair costs to position in the tree, reducing RP cost for the 2 ranks below the top rank, foldering, halving RP costs in folders, getting rid of the end of the line penalty for modules, researching helicopters with ground vehicles, etc.

all of which already considerably sped up the research. And one of the reasons this bonus got delayed so much is BECAUSE all of the above already considerable sped up the research.

To be fair, they don’t want you to rush through the remaining trees in a few weeks and run out of content. Some people just rush toptier, play it for like 3 games, get bored bc they dont research anything anymore, go on to the next tree, if there are no trees anymore they quit.
Making it so players have new content to get besides a handful of vehicles every couple months helps retain players. So I can understand if they don’t want you to progress too fast. This still speeds up research, even if it’s not the doubled or more RP players expected for some reason.

No, this isn’t true. A top tier aircraft marked as top tier (no matter what kind, only one per nation anyway) will give a bonus to all types of aircraft for all nations. you are misunderstanding “type of vehicle” as a specific sub-category when they mean aircraft/tank/heli/ship.

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Haha, all good. I nearly did that too

Or people might just start doing that now with this incentive.

Unless you have unlocked Rank VIII you get zero bonus. And what about the RP penalty? The “bonus” isn’t enough to offset that. What about stacking with RP bonuses? If I use a 300% RP bonus does the existing “bonus” reduce it?

No, it’s neither locked to categories like “strike aircraft”, just tank/aircraft/heli/bluewater/coastal

It’s also not locked to top rank. You do need to have one top rank unlocked, yes, but the bonus is for the whole tree. You can have a Leopard2A7V and get the bonus for researching the Ho-Ri in the Japanese tree (and everything else in there until you reach the end).

Or you have an F-16C and get the bonus for a Swedish prop bomber.

What game are you playing? This is in no way truthful. RP rewards have been nerfed with every addition of a tier/vehicle. I’ve been tracking my progress in other threads and it shouldn’t take nearly a year to get most of the way through a tree for a casual, non content creating , non sweatlord player. The only reasonable way to advance is to play the dev server with the 5x bonus.

Two to three weeks per plane at Rank VII-VIII and that is with Premium in Air RB at 2-5 games per day is completely unreasonable. Its a 2nd job.

So I was correct that if you don’t have Rank VIII you don’t get the bonus. Also I don’t see how this works unless they remove the RP penalty.

considerably is a bit of a stretch. it still took me about 3.5 months of semi efficient (but active) grinding with premium account (so 7 months without) to get from zero to top tier in USA ground while skipping all the vehicles i could without losing efficiency. At this rate they are almost releasing new vehicles faster than anyone could realistically research all of them before a new major update.
You are effectively loosing total progress in percentage of total vehicles in the game currently.

this is all true, but not how things currently look. the progression is so slow that people ho wave played the game for 10(!) years still haven’t unlocked everything. i’ve played for 2 and a half years and i have only 2 ground trees, one heli tree and one and a half air trees completed. And i have been VERY active during this time.

the speedup is so very tiny that it wont really even be noticeable in practise.
lets say it had been 10% of total RP across the board with no limits. even then its so tiny that for an entire tree i would personally save about 10 days out if the 3.5 months (3 months 15 days) it took me to unlock USA ground making it 3.15 months (3 months 5 days) instead. and that calculation is MILES ahead of what they are planning on giving us.

Lets go even further and say 3.5 months for every air and ground tree there is in the game. that’s 18 trees, plus Isreal which i will generously count as one tree total making it 19 because you start halfway up in both. 19 trees times 3.5 months is 66.5 months (or 5 and a half YEARS) and that is with premium account. This doesn’t even account for all the vehicle additions done during those years that would make it take even longer as well as skipping all vehicles possible to skip just to reach top tier as soon as possible. that hypothetical 10% across the board no limit bonus would then shave of 6 months making it a total of 5 years. I don’t think its even close to a risk of loosing players at that point if they already have spent that much time in the game. and again, not even close to the small bonus they are proposing.

I can back this!

what penalty?
it isn’t ment to offset any “penalty”, it’s ment to speed up subsequent nations after the first one. (Which this honestly really wont do…)

they already wrote that it’s going to work the same as the skill bonus currently is. meaning all bonuses are calculated separately as their own thing with the base RP as their origin.

The RP penalty where if you use Rank VIII to research a Rank III you get a 90% penalty.
