A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

added to poll

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It does feel like there is a significant disconnect between player expectations and what is actually being developed on this feature.

Regardless of the actual detail communicated, it appears the impression of the user base is that this feature would provide a sizable permanent rp modifier across all matches using vehicles from a tree type at which they have reached the top, which increases cumulatively as more trees are completed.

This is very much at odds with the communicated model of providing essentially a fairly small temporary skill bonus per day for only other nations.

I expect the dissatisfaction will become significantly worse when this feature gets fully revealed in release form and so reaches an audience much wider than those who read the forums.

Have the developers entirely ruled out a model closer to what the player base expectations appear to be?
Given the seemingly wide expectation of the other model, perhaps the model being developed is a bit counterintuitive to the kind of feature players expect, especially given that reaching the end of a tree is, to many, considered quite a big achievement.

If the course is stayed, I think I can fairly safely predict there’s going to be an unpleasant comment section on the release article, unfortunately…
I would really hate to see more anger surrounding a feature that is supposed to improve player experience, which is why I hope the feature may be reviewed to more closely match the apparent expectations. I think that would recieve a lot of positivity.
All the best to everyone!


Thank you merciful master Gaijin for offering us the slim crumbs!


It’s not Gaijin’s fault you had wild imagination.

They were pretty clear about how this RP bonus is going to function ever since the road map was introduced. The only difference is that the bonus itself got reduced to only 10% - The 3 battles each day thing stayed the same.

Anyways, what is embarrassing is that it took them this long to introduce this. The bonus affect is not going to be felt at all, especially if it’s bonus on base rewards. What was there to ‘balance’ I will never understand.

Nice attempt at gaslighting people.


How is this gaslighting?

They only correctly reminded that even the first dev blog about this, made months ago, already stated that it was only 3 matches a day.

That’s why I wasn’t even looking forward to this and that’s why I couldn’t understand everyone’s hype.

Now it turns out people weren’t that happy with the proposal; rather, they just didn’t actually read and didn’t know it was only 3 matches a day.

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We wanted better RP for new nations. Players didnt come up with this poor implementation, Gaijin did. And yes, its a spit in the face from the looks of it. I hope its gonna be better when it comes live.


but it also stated that these values may change

If they did that, I would definitely feel encouraged to grind China and EVEN Italy hahahah

But knowing them, they will either:

1- Implement it as it currently is.
2- Listen to us and make it a cumulative permanent booster… except adding +1% per nation instead of +10% as we suggest xD

So nah, I’ll pass. I am already burnt out of grind and the currently proposed system is far from being an incentive for me to go and grind more nations.

I hope gaijin is actually going to take feed back from this thread. Because if they do take feedback from this thread and spend time reading through all the comments they will see what we want.

Which is at the end of a battle after all your bonuses from premium boosters e.g are all added up we would get an additional 10% on top of that and the more Nations that you have top tier in would stack on top of the 10% so if you have top tier in ground in three Nations for an example that would be a 30% increase and the more Nations you unlock top tier in it would stack on top of that until you unlock top tier in all Nations in the Pacific tech tree and the bonuses should be unlimited not 3 battles but unlimited.

This is what everyone whats and i assume this is what everybody was expecting when they announced the bonuses for researching new Nations !!


3games for something like 300% RP on total will still makes me happy.but it’s at most 50% on base RP.haha

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I think once you hit the top tier for each nation you should be granted the additional 10% RP and SL for that nation, once done, the nation flag “gets Spaded” just like a tank or plane would, you could even put your cursor over each nation flag to see where you stand in Unlocking the Nations bonuses.

Great way to incentives everybody to do there 2nd, 4th or even 9th grind, we win and most of all Gaijin wins, why you say, well it will make it easier and easier to grind RP and SL as you unlocked completed Nations, a player who feels that they are treated fairly, tends to spend more money on the game, and wants to support the game for that very reason (they want it to flourish and develop)

Once people unlock more nations then they will more than likely spend money on GE and premium pack for the newly unlocked nation, its a no loose situation for Gaijin

Happy Customers spend more, that’s a fact


what do you mean gets spaded? When you spade every single plane in the tree? Or when you unlock every single plane? Both sound like garbage honestly.

A 10% or 15% permanent flat boost to total RP per nation in which you have at least one EOL vehicle is the best solution.

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I was more in the line of thinking when the tier was complete, for example

New player 0 level, just started, after a few days, (limited play) they have unlocked the whole of tier I in tanks and planes (for example) then they would receive a 1% bonus to the RP and SL gained,

Tier II another 1%
Tier III another 1%
Tier IV another 1%
Tier V another 1%
Tier VI 2% etc etc

or would you prefer a flat increase, if so how would you implement this ???, on fully unlocked nations including foldered vehicles, or on a tier to tier basis ??

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You know those 3 games, you have horrible lag and ping, get 1 shotted from the other side of the map through a town and hills, and your dog will come into the room and knock over a glass of milk on your keyboard, you know its going to happen lol

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I think owning an end of line vehicle is the most intuitive and fair way to do this.

I like your idea of giving stacking bonus of 10% per “complete” nation, but instead of owning all vehicles, you should just require owning an EOL vehicle.

But did you specify if the percent bonus was base RP or not? If that’s the case then I’m not sure if 10% per nation is enough.


Even better,you get the bonus only when you spade everything in that nation,and when something new is added,it gets removed until you respade.

oh absolutely, but it’s the current values we have to go on.

that’s a little harsh, don’t you think >>>

You’ll never be able to keep up, might as well not have the research bonus, unless you main USA only or another nation, the whole point is to encourage new and old players to expand into other nations

Actually your tier idea makes sense.

When you unlock rank 2 you get 1%.
R3 1%
R4 2%
R5 2%
R6 3%
R7 3%
one of the EOL vehicles from R8 3%.

This is then permanent and you get it across all tree, to total RP. So if you have top tiers in two nations you get a flat 30% bonus.

Or something like this. Doesn’t really matter all that much. I just want the bonus to be permanent, to total RP, and to be applied for all matches, with any nation. (and to be noticeable, I don’t want 2% per nation or some BS like that)