A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

People said its bad, u said u will work on it for more time to make it better, but all i see is work u can do in like a day max, just give us old daily 50% per nation rewards and be done with it, we see that u cant comprehend why people are mad about the change, so lets not waste everyone time


I guess people just hoped for more like a noticeable boost depending on how many spaded vehicles you have in each TT, or a reward boost with a good multiplier or percentage.

But this feature was underwhelming and cutting corners from the start, but most players were just too naive and gullible to see that. Gaijin is not your friend and never was.


only 3 battles? this is completely not enough… Likewise, after unlocking the best vehicle from the tree, we suddenly lose the bonus, why? What about the rest of the vehicles that are being left out? what about the crew that also needs to be trained? What about players who explored this without any bonuses?

Bro I dunno why but the x2 daily boost all those years ago was comparatively a better deal.
Like hell, dev server still has that same feature but ramped up to x5, I legit don’t know how they couldn’t have kept it on live

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Imagine thinking we get actual good RP from this. Like you thought u can grind 400k RP tank in three hours? No,you will grind it in 8 still. Cant progress too fast,Gaijin dont want us. What i personally want is 500k SL and 40k RP per game playing BV 238 and bombing 3 bases as it used to be.



They admitted in the original damage control over the game economy that they artificially reduce RP/ SL gain on random players accounts to see how far they can reduce it before they just straight up quite… I had to apologize to a friend after that, because it had happened to him and I didn’t believe him… he quite because of it.


yes, yes, yes. it’s there, long ago. players are attracted by other planed things, or they think it’s just an example without detail, it doesn’t matter. it’s part of player’s fault that not notice this before, but now, noticed, so it’s gaijin’s turn to reponse and make.some change.
as I can see, most players here are offering helpful and reasonable advices, so it won’t hurt to make a response

Do you have a source for this?
This is not something i’ve seen any thing about at all.

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Yup, I can image them doing this. With uptiers and ghostshells/volumetric it is most likely the same

First time hearing of this.

Player progression is essential. You can’t give a player everything at once, because it will overwhelm and make the game very difficult for them and they will just leave it either immediately or almost immediately. This has been tested by us many times in different ways.


Ghostshells and volumetric aren’t malicious, it’s just a skill issue on their part.


This is straight up embarrassing, if not downright insulting. It took you a year to come up with… this?

All of us expected a permanent passive stackable buff for RP (say +10% RP per nation top tier researched) when playing a new nation after achieving top vehicle.

This, what you offer us, is absolutely useless. Useless!!! At least it should have been for the first 3 wins! Knowing how generous you are, it will be what, +20%? Lmao. Keep it, I don’t want your scraps like some peasant’s dog. I am not gonna be researching new nations, this is not motivational enough for me.

You have lost 45000 Steam players since february 2024 according to SteamDB. Maybe you should focus on player retention instead of pissing us of on a daily basis.

your concerned veteran.


Thanks, I was trying to find that, I thought I remembered them saying specifically that they tested RP gain rates as well… but it was a while ago, so I might be miss-remembering, or they edited the post because the where getting called out.

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Idk why you expected what you said when they literally said in the beggining what it will be. The first roadmap post mentioning the bonuses said how its gonna be.

Because it was WIP and people voiced their concerns. People expected it to get better, since it was the main fix for RP progression. This is why people expected it to be better.


Imagine expecting something from Gaijin tho. Like actual good feature, lmao.

idk, they didn’t even have to make the roadmap, but for some odd reason they did.