A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

i agree with what everyone’s been saying, that this proposal is terrible and not at all respectful to people, both new and veterans alike and that it should be a 10% increase PERMANENTLY (possibly applied after talisman/prem) to incentivise a diverse playstyle.

BUT, my question now is how would this work for nations with multiple types of vehicles? should it give you a 10% (possibly more) bonus for ONCE a single category top tier vehicle is achieved, or 10% bonus for EVERY category, so top tier in naval gives me 10%, then top tier in air also gives said same 10%

and the biggest question, should this bonus (of a top tier vehicle) apply to different categories of the same nation? so top tier in air gives 10%, should it apply to me if i then play naval, bluewater/coastal? should it (or should it not) apply if i play ground?

not only that everybody new or old, gets the benefit as soon as a tier is unlocked, and they also stack.

Which will incentivise the grind for players, which in turn will increase profit for gaijin, as people will buy GE and or Premium Vehicles to aid in the grind.

Its that simple

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Like you said the higher you go in each nation the bigger the % return

Oh and i also think hey should introduce a SL talisman as well, that would sell like hot cakes,

Give more benefits to premium players ^^

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Yea, I didn’t really think of players who don’t have a single nation unlocked before. Good idea overall.

Considering ik ppl that have multiple nations spaded without using GE to spade the mods,i believe it is not impossible.

True but we want more than a handful of people to benefit from this.

What about 10 nations unlocked, yet not fully spaded as of yet but I’m getting there, its hard to keep up with the module changes, when they unspaded a spaded vehicle (due to adding a new module) never mind new asset’s that come to the game every patch approx. 30+ new vehicles per 90 days

My Grind so Far as of 08/07/2024

Not only that you have weekly events, Battle Pass, Warbond shop tasks, Holiday events Anniversaries and much much more to juggle.

Ive only just recently completed the last 4 slots on my 10 slot nations to 75 for 3 aircraft and 1 helicopter (thats over 10 nations) thats 40 crew slots done, i still have 60 ground crew slots to deal with as well

out of 2553 Vehicles unlocked as of 08/07/2024 i have spaded 1164 so far

Priority for me at this moment is to do the Ship/Boat event, and build on my Battle Pass, as well as unlocking the new Seek & Destroy additions, i’m also trying to get all profile pictures and the last few Gaijin Net achievements

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Tell me about it,respading 50 planes third time cause they added incendiary bombs or added EFS or removed engine injection i had to only readd it. Last update unspaded about 70 things of mine again,i have to respade,i havent got to it yet as i was focusing more on grinding the Challys in British tree.


This is what kept getting delayed? you guys must be starving when 3 50% rp bonuses are all people are getting after this kept getting delayed again and again, nevermind that vehicle variety disappears in top tier, so even more worthless for grinding mbt’s.
Don’t change gaijin, you truly are one of the worst companies when it comes to how you treat your players, might as well also increase RP prices like you guys keep doing, or when you moved rank 6 vehicles to rank 7, making a lot of the changes for the worse.
Make it either a much higher bonus, or make it a smaller porcentage that is permanent, otherwise this is the bare minimum.


I think this idea is flawed from inception.

New players will see they get a bonus with other nations if one is researched top tier.
So new players will only play one nation, otherwise all the RP is reduced by missing the bonus.
Why encourage new players to only ply one nation?

I think this metric will have an effect opposite of claimed intent.
New players would be foolish to play more than one nation.

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do i get the bonus if i only started to reseasch the end of line vehicle? or do i have to research it completely?

same man


There you have it.

Leaving aside specific percentage numbers, I think we all agree that the best course would be a passive, permanent multiplier that stacks the more nations you get Top Tier for, rather than a multiplier that applies only for a (very) limited number of matches and where there is no difference between having 1 or 9 nations researched.

Specially regarding the second point: the more nations you grind, the more burnt out you are from the grind. Therefore, there should be a proportionally better encouragement for every nation you get.


Exactly what this should be. A permanent 10% for each top tier capped at 100% would be perfect.


and yet they sell top tier premiums creating that exact issue for paying new players… doesn’t make sense to hinder players that progress through the tree on that basis but then also sell the ability to skip the progression by paying.

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If they did it that way, I would feel encouraged to grind China, and EVEN Italy, as well as any potentially upcoming nation.

Any less than that, I’m not really bothering to go through such grind ever again.

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It would actually feel like a reward for grinding a tree rather than something that should be standard for even the newest players.

3 matches for each country with a tiny bonus RP really feels like it should be a daily login reward not a thanks for completing a long grind that for some people could take many years to complete.

I seriously don’t understand the need to keep the grind so long, sure it encourages people to buy premium but makes people quit, they could make the grind better, have fun premiums (such as unit specific eg Leopard pz.btl 123) and then people will be happy to spend money on a game they enjoy.

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Indeed! The more a player plays and the more invested a player is, the more Gaijin should want to encourage them to stick around, rather than wanting to make it harder for them in hopes that their addiction is enough for them to remain hooked up… because, when that goes that far, the player just ends up being fed up and leaving.

That’s why I think the nation bonuses should be stackable and cummulative. Even if they decided to make it only for a limited number of battles a day, the bonus should stack, totalling up for a higher amount the more nations you have.

Alternatively, I think the current system would be good enough if the limited amount of matches per day were higher.

3 is way too small to make any difference- try more like 15. I think 15 matches a day is a good enough compromise; enough of a boost to be a real encouragement and relevant, while not being too exaggerate if that’s their fear.


The exact quote was “We have conducted long-time tests on thousands of random players, by increasing their progression speeds with different ratios and analysing their long term engagement compared to baseline.”

So they picked some people and helicopter-dropped them extra RP to see what they did. They didn’t decrease anything. (link)