A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Yeah, I was thinking it would be a small percentage bonus for each tree you have end of the line vehicles in. That way it would encourage players to grind multiple nations to top tier.

The current system seems to make no distinction between have a top tier vehicle in 1 tree, or in 9 trees.

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Just increase rewards for all activities. I don’t understand why developers are being stingy about increasing rewards like this. This is not a grind simulator.


The longer the grind the more people get fed up and just buy the vehicle with GE

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Only 3 battles a day, and bonus is calculated from base RP.

You delayed since fall of last year, claiming it was too technically difficult to pull it off, to give us this pittance? Please stop gaslighting us


Please learn what words actually mean. “Gaslighting” would imply they changed what they said they’d add while trying to tell us it had always been that way.

They didn’t. We’re getting exactly what was announced over a year ago, nothing has changed.

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Presenting the research bonus as something significant, and having the community wait over a year for said bonus, only for it to turn out to be calculated from base RP, being 50% at most in 3 battles per day, and the bonus taken away for a nation if you happen to own an end of line vehicle in that TT - to me that is presenting reality differently than what it is.

You don’t have to change what you said for it to be gaslighting.

It would be like you having a purple car, but I insist on calling it blue until you start doubting the truth of the matter.


I know. but it’s too much.

Gaijin doesnt care they stopped caring when 2x RP daily was removed

Once again, it was announced in detail from the start:

After obtaining a top vehicle of one nation (such a vehicle will be clearly marked in the research tree), a bonus is added to the research of vehicles of this type in other nations, where the top-tier vehicles have not yet been received. The bonus is given for three battles every day for each nation separately and depends on the rank of the researched vehicle. Approximate values are: rank IV +15%, rank V +25%, rank VI +35%, ranks VII-VIII +50%. - June 2023


The only thing you list that isn’t there is this whole “from base RP” thing that everyone’s obsessing over… as if that wasn’t the obvious way it was going to be implemented anyway (note: “how you would want it” and “how it’s obviously going to be” are not the same thing).

This proposal aims to get players to spend time on tech trees they may otherwise avoid altogether.

The uncomfortable truth:
I have played for ten years and have not gotten everything; for a new player, it is a very long road. Gaijin has no interest in anyone getting everything done. The main aim is to make the grind hard enough to get players to spend extra on Gold vehicles, Talisman, buy individual modules to have a fair chance in a stock vehicle, etc.

This is now on a road map because of the player revolt and steam review bomb that happened when Gaijin was too greedy, and players for a long time wanted the repair and fire protection modules to be free.

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Not to mention the fact that it is dependent on rank

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Couple of things.

  1. This system was supposed to be implemented a year ago as a quick-fix to an abysmal grind in addition to the other RP reductions, bonuses, and foldering. Delaying it and implementing it after the addition of a ton of new content where the grind is back to where it was has led to the community now becoming disillusioned with the mediocrity of what was initially promised, not that the system itself wouldn’t have been a welcome addition a year ago. We still havent seen a new wave of RP reductions which are anticipated every time they add more top rank vehicles.

  2. It wasn’t set in stone at the time when it was announced what the final rendition of this system would be, so there was room for optimism. But even then there was fairly broad discussion about improvements to this system that people have brought up again in this post- the gaijin team apparently didn’t take community feedback into account and just ran with their own initial proposal.


added the option as a separate poll, as i couldn’t edit the original (keep on getting a timeout option)

this option has been added to the poll, i will try to incorporate it into the 2nd poll in a few hours, but this will reset the numbers for that poll

I meant editing the post containing the poll will sometimes reset the votes

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It wasn’t obvious as it wasn’t written out as they normally do (as they did here) so people at least had some hope that it would be somewhat reasonable (still not enough in my personal opinion).
the difference is HUGE if its based on base RP or not.
Lets say i have a premium account and get the max 50% bonus. i have a game where i get 720 base RP on a vehicle, the bonus is then 360 RP, and i get 720 from my premium for a total of 1800. that 360 RP is then effectively only 20% of the total amount of RP earned (i’ve even seen some people say its even less than that if its calculated before vehicle multipliers but that wont be the case as they said that it will be calculated in the same way that the skill bonus is). That means that PAYING players (modifiers based on premium account, talismans and boosters won’t be accounted for) are going to effectively benefit even less from this bonus, which is just a bonkers business practise.

And the fact still remains that even if it was previously written out, it was done on the website where almost no-one looks at it compared to the forum, this is the first post about specifics on this change that are made on this forum. the website post has 339 comments made after a year (And those comments are about the entirety of the roadmap), this forum post has 532 comments after 15 hours ONLY about this specific change. That’s A LOT of difference in engagement and reach.

If it was written out it wouldn’t be obvious… because it would be explicit. “Obvious” means “isn’t said directly, but can be very clearly inferred by common sense”, I didn’t think I needed to explain this.

If you had asked when this was first announced how it would work, I would have at the time said probably from base RP.


This is meaningless nothingness; the website is the source for news, it’s just that some of it tends to get reposted here. Literally any time spent reading the News/Changelog section of the main site is inherently more valuable than any time spent on these forums.

People not informing themselves using an extremely easy to find and obvious source is their own issue, and has no bearing on anything. This is a community of tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands; as always this forum is so insignificant as to be a rounding error. The old one was too, but this one is a ghost town even compared to that.

Lmfao classic make us wait a year for this steaming pile of disappointment…

if information is regularly provided in a majority of cases and then not provided in another case. Isn’t it then assumed to be intentional omission of that information (making that specific information not apply)?

ALL of the posts on the website is also made on the forums as a default. the reason that that specific one isn’t is because they changed from the old forum to this new one just days after making it. making that specific post only last a few days on the old forum before being lost to time unless specifically searched for.

well yes, i agree. but this isn’t relevant to the discussion. A source being easy to find if searched for is vastly different than being handed the information directly. you cant know to look for information you don’t know is there, its paradoxal.

That level of borderline-datamine-required gritty detail is not, in fact, a “regular” thing to be posting in a long term roadmap. I’m actually surprised it was as detailed as it was, though as things have turned out, it’s good that they did.


Well there you go, you solved your own mystery.

It’s also a point in favour of what I already said: The website is always the primary source for news, reposts here are secondary. When things are posted officially, in any official location, it’s on people themselves to remain informed.

But as always, gaming communities are filled with people who refuse to take personal responsibility for anything; it’s always someone/something else’s fault.


We’ve also had, you know, over a year with this topic constantly being brought up to have been reminded of the info. Living under a rock is one’s own problem.