A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

If I have a toptier vehicle in every nation, the bonus is 0 right?
If new vehicles blocked the line, the bonus gone right?
Why not just plus 5% booster when you reached last vehicles in the lines?
For exp:

  • 2A7V researched->5% booster in every nations and battles
  • 2A7V , Mig-29G researched->10% booster in every nations and battles
  • 2A7V, PUMA , Mig-29G researched->10% booster in every nations and battles
  • 2A7V, Type81 , Mig-29G researched->15% booster in every nations and battles

Once Leo2A8 comes out, the booster remain the same as before the vehicle blocked the line
And all you need is add a independent table in your database, the one with players and reached nations and vehicle types

I’ve given the solution, simple but works


It should be a flat +10% bonus to RP fan for every nation you have top tier in.

For example, for me, I am top tier in 4 countries. So with that I would receive a +40% RP bonus for all nations I don’t have top tier in.

It should be applied AFTER talismans/premium, and it should last for all games.

If I had steam, I’d leave a negative review.


As you said they must add pernament stackable boosts for rp just like WoW character boosts in order to break the repetitive gameplay cycle.

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I agree thats what it should be after all your total rp is added up from your battle there should be additional % of rp add up depending on how many nations you have top tier in like i have top tier in 3 nations so after all my bonus are totalled up i should be get an additional 30% rp then when i complete Sweden it would increase to 40% and so on !!


My understanding is it’s anything that is both end-of-line and also max rank, but this is the one area I’d like some clarity on.

@Stona_WT sorry to ping you, but is there any chance we could get more detail on this specific element?

This would also make people want to spend money on getting get premium, ge and premium vehicles and it would make players play other nations to get the bonus. And also if you have premium plus a premium vehicle along with those bonus depending on how many nations you have top tier in it would help lesson the grind so much and make everyone happy it would be a win win !!

Why not just add weekend bonus xp? Like x2 (or a useful multiplier) Friday-Sunday and deactivate at 11:59pm on Sunday 🤦🏻‍♂️

Here is my suggestion.
If you unlock a vehicle in a tech tree, you unlock all of its copy-and-paste vehicles in other tech trees.
Also, if you spade a vehicle in a tech tree, you spade all of its copy-and-paste vehicles in other tech trees.
I guarantee you this will be 100% encouraging people to start playing other nations.


Or better just remove the need to research it again. I researched Leopard 2A4 once, allow me to buy it in other nations as well, I will be happy to research all previous vehicles and buy the “clone”.

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Whatever happened to all the “we hear you” bs It’s clear that was just an attempt at quilling the anger


Best joke of the year. Well done!

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Hey @Smin1080p_WT @Stona_WT

How would this work if someone had more than 1 top tier for a nation unlocked? Would there be additional bonuses or will this be the same regardless of how many nations you have unlocked for top tier?


Cant believe we waited over a year for whats essentially just a worse version of one of these
Just give us a double RP weekend and we can forget you ever showed us this waste of development resource garbage and do not make it based on Base RP, as it stands that 50% extra rp for 3 games at toptier is more like 10-15% extra RP for 3 games, this is genuinely insulting


If you ve unlocked the top vehicle, then you get a rp booster which lasts for 3 battles. I have no idea about programming but I know it won’t take a goddamn year to write an if-then code.
And this bouns is just calculated from the base rp, very generous. Several months ago we got multi-kill bouns which is also calculated from the base rp, and it is barely perceptible.

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Could you offer some more clarity to how they’re used for example in a ground battle if you have a aircraft and a helicopter in your lineup is a bonus consumed just because they’re in your lineup or if You spawn them in. Also, for the helicopters is there gonna be an expansion to Like how boosters are now where you get three uses to do them in Helicopter PVE? That’s how most people level helicopters not so much to ground battles.

Gaijin don’t need add this feature, give us booster 10% or 30%. and add button dislike for FORUM


Does that mean we will get the bonus for 3 games form strickers 3 games from fighters and 3 games from bombers if so that would be super helpful.

Most of those improvements you listed were things that should have been in the game to begin with. It was not generous of Gaijin to offer free countermeasures at the higher ranks in Air, nor was it generous to offer free FPE in Ground.

As for the Market, you can’t expect a scarcity economy to not drive up prices. If Gaijin made vehicles easier to obtain, those prices would go down. It is not in their interest to see the Market prices go down. They have simply shifted the peripheral blame onto the players by not directly selling, yet they reap the rewards just as much.

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50% for 3 battles? And you couldn’t do it for a year? Total disappointment. I can’t sit and play for hours now because of work. But I grinded all the tanks, planes, and helicopters of the USSR, the U.S., and Germany. I know what it’s like playing for 6-8 hours a day, 500 battles per week, playing on same premium tank or plane, over and over. Now playing on China, i even thought about taking a break from the game while this update comes out… to wait for easier grind…
I personally thought that a 50% bonus is for all battles, like a 100% bonus of a premium account. 50% booster for 3 battles is like a spit in the face, I might have had a big expectation for this update, but 3 battles with 50% booster is just nothing for real players.
I hope at least premium vehicles get 50% for 10 battles. Dont worry gaijin, it’ll benefit you too, premium vehicles will sell better.

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It’s not even a 50% boost, it is added to the base RP, not the final RP. In reality, it is closer to a 40% boost or less, depending on the conditions.