A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

its SO much worse than 100%

and not applied to the total but to the base RP (in the same way the skill bonus is applied currently).


Nice. So I’ll only have the inclination to play 3 games a day, if that.

How about a bonus per copy/paste vehicle? Grinding yet another 2A4, or T72 is pure tedium, the complete opposite of engaging gameplay.

funnily enough WoW already figured out how to motivate players to level up another charackter if you reached the top level (or nation in this case)

You were able to get items that gave you flat out bonuses to the XP you earn. This made my firends and me try out classes that otherwise i probably wouldnt have tried in the first place

Im wont be affected by the current plan since im nowehre near top tier and from what i saw in videos or streams top tier doesnt look overly exciting for me.

Still i think its hilarious how Gaijin again and again fails to hit the mark.


Stona explained it up here:

To me, an actually good system would be very easy:

My suggestion: Each nation you get Top Tier for adds a +10% permanent, cummulative bonus for other nations.

So someone who has 2 nations would get a permanent 20% booster, someone who has 8 nations would get a permanent 80% booster, etc.

That way, the more nations you get and the more effort you go through, the more encouragement you get to keep going instead of giving up out of burnout.

Someone who bothered to grind 8 nations and is considering grinding a 9th one should be getting WAY more encouragement than someone who just got their first nation and is considering a second.

At 8 nations, I, for example, have gone through more than enough grind at this point. The only way I could ever consider grinding a 9th nation if I got an actually relevant and substantial encouragement, and a 50% booster for 3 matches a day just isn’t it.

Reducing the grind from 90 days to 83 days isn’t relevant at all; reducing it from 90 days to 40 would be.


This makes no sense. The bonus is purely in addition to what we currently have, so by your logic you already wouldn’t be playing right now.

If I hit the top tier in a nation in a vehicle type just give me a permanent 1% bonus to every game…

Much better than this convoluted nonsense… if you grind every nation and tree that would be 49%… so some people would argue for 2%.

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The people who play so much that they have eight nations at top tier are exactly the types of players who do not need incentives, because they’re already playing well above the average amount. That’s true across literally any game.

This bonus is not really intended for them, because they’re already playing a crazy amount of hours and lots of nations and/or vehicle types regardless of the bonus.

Gaijin made it pretty easy… seeing how not only have they reduced the value of the battle pass over time and the most recent one is another step backwards in value… Now they’ve now showcased something to improve then game and meant to help/motivate players to play new nations… And it’s yet again they’ve hamstrung it with woeful rewards making it seem essentially pointless.

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I was only excited because it took so long… There was just a part of me that thought they would consider the feedback along the way and rework it.

I just didn’t think it’d take this long for a bonus that only affects base RP (usually less than half of your RP earnings) by 15-50% depending on the rank, completely excluding the first 3 ranks…

Believe me, I would need a BIG incentive to go for a 9th nation hahah.

It is PRECISELY because I am already absolutely burnt to the ground with grind that I do not want to go through a similar amount of grind ever again.

Only way I could ever bother to go for a new nation is if the grind was reduced in a significant enough way to ensure I am not going to have to spend another century grinding for the vehicles I actually want from a new nation.


At 8 nations, I, for example, have gone through more than enough grind at this point. The only way I could ever consider grinding a 9th nation if I got an actually relevant and substantial encouragement, and a 50% booster for 3 matches a day just isn’t it.

I agree with you there but you have to remember that the grind is so atroucious and annoying as its part of the monetization tactic of Gaijin.

Bro no one here cares what gaijin have said or how the system was advertised to implemented, the fact of the matter is people are not happy with it or how it’s been communicated, the rewards are not high enough and people are not satisfied with having to wait through multiple delays for such a small bonus, it’s been poorly explained and quite frankly seems to be an extremely over complicated system for something that could simply be replaced by a 10/15% bonus for 15 games for every nation that you haven’t reached top tier in after reaching top tier in another nation. Gaijin has taken a booster and try’d to break is down to individual components and quite honestly alienated the community… It was a simple assignment and they’ve fumbled the bag.

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“The bonus will be active for 3 battles per day for each nation where the player doesn’t have the top vehicle of the same type unlocked (aircraft, bluewater ships and coastal vessels, ground vehicles, helicopters).”

Does this mean that we will basically be punished for researching the top tier tank before everything else?

Meaning, if a player has most of the tanks of, let’s say, UK, and plays (while having bonus from other completed nations active) and just unlocked Challenger 3TD, it means he will no longer get any benefit to research, let’s say, all the foldered Challenger vehicles (since UK will be considered a completed nation and thus the bonus only applies to non-completed nations).

In my case, I have every single top tier tank in the game, with all nations. However, some of the foldered vehicles or recently added ones that are just randomly in the middle of the tree, I don’t have. Meaning, despite having every “milestone tank” I will basically get no benefit to researching tanks at all? Because of all of them are already marked as completed by this logic.

oh only 3 battles… that’s not that good as i expected it to be

It’s not an incentive, it’s a reward. A reward should be given out based on effort or performance. In this case the more nations you have top tier in, the bigger the reward.

WOW a year long wait for this… pointless. I would be disappointed if I had expected anything from Gaijin other than another kick in the nuts.
Just give people a flat 20% RP buff, its only 1/10th of what someone would get with premium time + vehicle so your “IT WILL BREAK THE GAME” argument holds zero water.


I cannot believe we waited a year for this. You kept pushing the RP bonus back and back, for a Base RP bonus, for only three games?? 10/10 move, Gaijin

You really are moving at a snail’s pace, no wonder your logo is a literal snail


“ The bonus will be calculated from the base earned RP in the same way as the Skill bonus is.”
Based on base earned RP, it means 2k-3k RP per game
It just meaningless. Why such a joke pulled up gaijins programmer whole year? Might as well let them fix those bugs
Oh sry i forget that gaijin wont fix them until AA20 lunched.


9k towards a 300k vehicle… Man so glad i waited a year for that! Ohh boy XD