A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

This doesn’t really help people who have been playing for years and is really lacking. when we going to do something with the billions of convertible research points many of us have accumulated over 10 years?


Best i can do is 3 games at an extra 30%… Take it or leave it lol

This bonus not only for older but also meaningless for everyone

3 Battle’s? Thats it? What a joke, thats basically useless it should have been a permanent bonus.
Very disappointed in this after waiting so long 👎


remember when Gaijin was so incredibly eager to remove daily 2x RP bonus we had for all nations (without nonsensical rank restrictions) and devs were making excuses that it is because giving bonus to first won battle is baaaad, too random and must be changed? Well, now you’re doing the same thing … except back then it was first won battle, now it is first three battles (win or lose).

This took 13+ months to come up with? You’re recycling 12 years old game mechanic we had since beginning of open beta, just with the number of battles changed to 3 and massively downgrading the 2x win bonus applied to complete RP result to X% bonus from only base RP, which means

  • premium account effect is ignored
  • premium vehicle / talisman effect is ignored
  • any booster effect is ignored

which means that if you have 3 really amazing battles with the highest (+50%) bonus you’ll get combined ammount of bonus RP that’ll be barely equivalent to spending 2-3 extra minutes to go to one more battle with fast vehicle, driving to nearest cap point, capping and then bailing from battle immediatelly (or bombing one air base in air RB & bailing from battle).



Well, it is pretty frustrating that the bonus “turns off” for that nation once you unlock a top tier vehicle.

So if Gaijin add a new TT vehicles to that nation you get 0 bonus.


And they still keep pushing tons of copies every Ver.
Like S&D update we have 12 new toptier aircrafts. Its already 12x400k RP.
Im just enough with WARTHUNDER400K

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I expected a fixed bonus like 10% per nation where you already had a top tier vehicle…
It’s a game with 10 nations, more than 2000 vehicles, each package primium vehicle costs a AAA game… not to mention crew training and mod research, and you AFTER A YEAR, A WHOLE YEAR PROPOSED ME A MISERABLE BONUS OF 3 MATCHES.
You guys don’t even let go of the bone, huh? holy
Why would you want to be so greedy at this point?
People will still keep throwing loads of money at this game, just let us feel at least rewarded for investing so much money and time in this game


I have over 3000h in game and spent hundreds of $ so I’m familiar with the grind in this game with and without premium, that being said my 2 cent on it:
This feature is literally only for first 3 matches, who plays only 3 matches to grind? that’s barely enough to unlock a single modification for a high tier tank, meaning that this feature is almost completely useless, and of course only added to shut up the player base from last review bomb, not to decrease the grind in any meaningful way.

I’m well aware that gaijin earns real good of having a long and slow grind, and any decrease to the grind, even in fairly minor ways for the individual player likely adds up to major revenue loss on a large scale, so while I’m not surprised that this was a lackluster addition I am still disappointed.
Perhaps make it so that users with premium account retain this boost permanently, albeit lower than what is is for the first 3 matches, so that players that spend money on the game get bigger benefit, thus making this feature not just a net loss for gaijin, and players also benefit more, I don’t know just an idea, likely nothing will be done and this will become just another half assed fix.


If players only want to unlock their favorite vehicles as quickly as possible, and these vehicles are all on the same tech tree, then the bonuses on other tech trees will be completely useless.

Ps:I don’t have the energy to handle nine tasks a day right now. I came here to relax, not to work for you. Do you really think this is reasonable?

as a 11 year old veteran, I have more reason to think why I’m wasting more of my precious time with this game, even Enlisted devs take feedback and do a better job than Gaijin itself to make the players happy, and no Community Moderator, that should be a lesson, not a reason to delete this comment. It should be brought attention to.

And bonus from BASE RP, are you seriously joking? dear God the old timer 2x/5x was way better back then

At the very minimum make it First 3 VICTORIES instead of 3 Battles, Some people barely have time for 1-5 matches a day, Imagine getting 1-3 BAD games a day, its frustration fuel and it will only make it worse.

EDIT: How about a FLAT bonus for similar vehicle grind so the repeat grind doesn’t go ‘stale’
Like, I have a Leopard 2a4 in Germany, if I wanna get it in Sweden, Italy or somewhere else for example, let me have a fixed bonus to grind that vehicle again since I already own one of it


While this is certainly something more then “it’s being worked on” or “it’s coming soon” the bonus being tied to skill is dumb especially if you happen to have a bad game. Why not just do what almost EVERY other F2P title does and just make it a x2 or x3 bonus per tree that doesn’t have a max tier vehicle per day. Just one for each tree to incentivize playing them.

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Once again Gaijin has done the bare minimum to make the grind intangibly easier so that they can say they are listening without making anything better…

So you guys make us wait forever for these, and then make them useless lmao, thanks Gaijin

I REALLY hope i am reading this wrong, and you dont just get 3 matches per nation , and instead 3 matches awarded for every top tier Vehicle you have, if that were the case maybe it wont be too… too bad.


(deleted my first reply because it rambled)

I think it’s interesting there’s no advantage to having more than one tree with the top vehicle, other than for those major updates when it might change for some countries and not others, because re-earning it when it does go up to get your bonus back could be painful, and if you had more than one and one wasn’t affected you could still use that bonus from the second one restoring the one you just lost.

This is terrible. Just give us more f2p friendly options to use convertible research points to unlock vehicles/modules.


It will only cost me AU$24,205 and 73 cents to use all my convertible RP… I don’t know what you are talking about…


so instead of every match, it only counts for 3 matches now and the RP calculation is also shrouded in mystery and will probably end up being a meagerly percentage?

glad to see you havent really changed at all since the historic shitstorm and that you are still as tonedeaf to your community as you have been the past couple years gaijin, well played.

just wow really.

hmm …
" … of those nations in which you don’t yet have any top-end vehicle of this type …".
“…for each nation where the player doesn’t have the top vehicle of the same type unlocked…”

What does that mean exactly? first rank8 you unlock? end of branch vehicle? maximum BR vehicle?

how about premium / event / squadron vehicles? for example because I played an event some time ago and have one event vehicle at rank8, no bonus whatsoever for french air tech tree?
or in naval you have vehicles like SKR-7 & Baden that are at highest rank & maximum BR … poof goes the bonus?


I read it as there’s one top vehicle per tree. You can see in the screenshot how it has a special indication on it in the tree.

That vehicle can change. So your first tree of that type you ever get you want to get to it as fast as possible, privileging the tree branch it’s on, and every tree after that you want to get that vehicle LAST, if you’re min/maxing this.

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