A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

I play the game because I enjoy the gameplay, which seems a novel concept around here.

We also play the game because we like it, but progressing and unlocking stuff at a reasonable rate seems like a novel concept here.


The gameplay at each rank is different from each other, though. Making the research bonus only work if you grind in the most arduous and boring way is just not a good idea.

Updated the poll, please have a look guys and put your answer the 2nd poll if you don’t mind

Pls change the flat 5% to flat 10%

By the way, don’t think that I’m being mean. I don’t know if my post will be deleted, I will be banned from speaking, or even my account will be blocked if I speak out my true feelings, but I really can’t hold it in anymore.this game is a rare game where you can’t feel any sweetness after spending money. In many other games, you can really feel like a god for a period of time after spending money. The most this game can do is change from calling the official “Grandpa” to “Daddy”.
Sometimes I buy the packs just because I really want to collect this electronic model, but to be honest, driving the pack vehicle does not give me the corresponding sense of achievement after consumption. I think the current income of pack vehicles should be the normal income that silver lion vehicles should have, and the real pack`s income should be higher.
The current packs cannot really change the torturous nature of the grind itself, whenever I see a goal that is still far away from me, I want to slap myself. “Why spend money to suffer?”
Look at the Wargaming next door, they have tons of ways to keep players logged in after the stage of endgame (even 5 daily optional battles XP x3 for you to learn from). I’m not trying to threaten you, I did spend a lot of money there, but the end result is that I’m playing War Thunder right now, and I love the armor and shell interaction model you designed.


Don’t update the post containing the poll, it’ll clear the results sometimes. Made that mistake before.

it should be intended for ALL players regardless of playstyle, choice of progression route, time played, number of unlocked vehicles (after first top tier achieved), etc.
its a reward, it shouldn’t be limited to specific player groups or choices. Heck, it could be argued that it should be the other way around, reward the most loyal players more, the longer a players has been playing and the more vehicles they have unlocked the bigger the reward.

i think it does more than you think. do you personally unlock 20 vehicles in three months? i don’t think i know any player who has the ability to keep up with that type of progression speed.

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Also note that it applies to the total RP, not base.
I would also add another option with 10% instead of 5, since that is what I would prefer.


okay will add and redo, we just need to redo the poll as it will reset


I love this game, no doubt, which is why I’m replying to such a long post.
I’m not willing to give it up at some point in the future because I can’t bear to go home and be tortured by it after my boss tortured me during the day.

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It’s a bonus applied to “base” RP gained. In the same way the skill bonus currently is calculated. Go and look at some of your previous games and look at one where you got that bonus and see how little it actually gives you.

Each 30 min in sim counts as one game for the purposes of boosters so i highly doubt that this one would be any different.

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It is amazing to see everyone unified against this through.


Everyone acting surprised it just boosts 3 matches a day when it literally said it on the first dev blog lmao.

That’s why I was never really excited about this on the first place.

As someone who has already spent way too much time, effort and even money into grinding 8 nations… I will just say this is far from being a motivation for me to go for a 9th nation xD.

I can’t bother to go for a 9th nation after all of the grind I have gone through- and a 50% booster for 3 matches a day is not going to be enough motivation to make me change my mind.

The only thing that would encourage me to go for a 9th nation is a fully stackable booster; you should get a boost for every nation you get Top Tier for, and, ideally, in a fully passive way; not just for 3 matches a day.


It feels like a student hands in a piece of blank paper and claims that it is his work for the whole semester.


I thought it would be a permanent bonus, maybe 50% or smth to really speed things up…
but no, you’ll get it just thrice a day per nation

I hope it’s gonna be at least a 100% boost or else its basically useless :(

you take more than a year for this?

Who looks at that and goes “yep surely our players will love that and its exactly what they wanted”

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Yes, a permanent boost would be nice

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I think you’re reading this wrong, with respect.

It says the first three games per day you play for a nation with a qualifying vehicle.

So while most you could ever get a bonus playing only ground modes would be 9 matches per day per country, in practice it will be a lot less.

Example, I have top tier German air unlocked and I start to play Italy. Game 1 is a ground game, if I fly out the plane, it counts as game 1 for both, and so i get a little in both tank and plane research.

Game 2 is a naval game where I again fly out a plane. This counts as game 2 for air, game 1 for naval, and I get the bonus for a little extra ship tree research and a little plane tree research.

Game 3 is a plane game, so this time I just get the research bonus on planes. I’m now done with planes for that nation for the day.

EDIT: All I’m saying is there’s likely gonna be a lot of overlap in the mixed modes when you’ve got two of three or three of three top tiers in that mode. In fact if you’re actively researching air, it might make sense to always make your first three games every night air games for that nation, before switching to a mixed mode, which really add plane research much more slowly, so the modifier will have less raw score to work with.