A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

They should use Github-CoPilot, that way; bug fixes will be done so much faster.


It is never to late to complain about problems and bad decisions, just like when the review bomb happened it was people complaining and making sure that gaijin heard them that got them to change there tone.

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This, Exactly this. That is what I was hoping for, Slowly grinded myself to top tier germany thinking this might help me with my USSR Grind or my current Sweden grind, Welp not anymore. I do hope Gaijin does some type of change for the veterans of this game who have multiple trees maxed out, Maybe 5% / 10% Per tree to make the grind easier for the few nations they have left.


just disappointing


top kek

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If you are just playing Ground + Aircraft + Heli it’s (3+3+3)x9=81 per day maximum if you don’t use up you bonuses in combined battles, and if you use it, it’s 3x9=27 maximum


81 x 0 = 0


this is just a worse version of the daily double xp we used to have way way back. thanks for keeping us all on the hook for nothing, next time you people can just tell us to not get excited beforehand


Well, if you don’t play, it’s zero.


And can all of those be spent playing one nation?

Like, 27 games just for France, for exmaple

Actually a good way to encourage people to play new nations instead of just playing the one.

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So we players of GRB or Combined battles that you forced on us are once again punished trough no fault of our own.

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But what if I only want to play 1 nation or maybe 2? Why should I waste thousands of hours researching a new tree just for a little bonus xp?


One of the features I looked forward the most, ended up being a disappointment by gaijin… Recurring theme tbh


Then thats your fault? Idk what to tell you.

It might not include Simulator matches due to the ‘random battles’ wording…


You literally have to grind millions of RP to reach ONE top-end vehicle in a SINGLE nation and all you get as a help is 50% off the base RP… In Ground RB matches where you’re doing moderately well, that’s like 1,000RP…


The purpose of this system was to help support players to try new nations and expand to new ones that they don’t already have the top vehicles for. For example if someone has been dedicated to a single nation and reaches the top, they then can gain bonuses to help them towards trying a new nation. Which naturally leads to new vehicles and experiences in game too.

“Currently, War Thunder features 10 playable nations, and we have no intentions of stopping there! However, as we introduce new nations, it becomes increasingly challenging to capture the attention of veteran players. They have already traversed the ranks multiple times, and therefore, each new journey through a different tree becomes less captivating.
To address this, we plan on implementing a system to alleviate the situation. If a player has a top vehicle in a vehicle branch within one nation, they will receive a RP bonus when researching the equivalent branch of other nations.” - LINK


Wow and this took a year to make ?

This is astonishing !

Wow, this is worthless

Thanks for nothing Gaijin
I mean seriously why not make it a permanent 1.1x multiplier ? Is that so insane ?


3 games per day for like 10% boost to total RP (and that is for top tier only) is totally going to encourage someone to grind the next tech tree