A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Hold your damn house, do you not see the question mark. I was asking a question.

Not deliberately ommiting the part of the comment that already addesses yours tends to be poor form:

I don’t really see this fixing the issue a whole ton though, still just putting a band-aid on it because its still far more worth it to get to the top at 1 nation at a time than going all the nations at the same time. They do plan on implementing the various bonuses per rank iirc, but still doesn’t feel like it’ll sway enough people to switch to a “grind every nation at the same time” style of gameplay

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The problem is that the system is overly complicated and restrictive, it should be much simpler and less restrictive. For example, modification rp for copy-paste vehicles could be synced so that any points unlocked in one are given to all regardless of whether its unlocked yet or not, or having an end of one nations ground[air][etc] tree grants a permanent +20% (stacking once per nation) rp boost for all other nations ground[air][etc] trees. or maybe the useless free rp system could be retrofitted somehow. just a few ideas

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I think the point isn’t that people want to only play one nation, but rather that people that play multiple still want progress. You don’t get a 400k RP vehicle in 3 battles.

Now people are frustrated it takes so long to do that, but imagine instead of researching until they get it they research different things 3 battles at a time per day. This is just making it feel like less progress with how long it takes, which is frustrating.

That is why people finish one research, then do another (which can be another nation). 3 battles is not nearly enough for that.



That is nowhere in the comment i replied to…

Not only that but it VERY MUCH isn’t the idea, the idea is to give a reward to players for reaching top tier in a nation in a way that speeds up the next one.
putting a limit on the reward based how players choose to play the game is just bad game design intended to railroad players.

this is exactly what i was getting at

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This is entirely a matter of perspective. Yes, it takes longer in real-world time terms to get to the end result, but this sort of playing efficiently (like making use of daily login boosters, etc) is actually shorter in terms of in-game time needed to reach that point.

As in, it takes a higher number of real days, but a lower number of hours played. I consider this an excellent trade, and it’s how I’ve always approached WT.

Your point here doesn’t make it any better…


Ah, that’s my bad, I assumed it was the most recent comment.

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Hooray i got my F-100 after 7 days of grinding but look at this I only spent 5 hours in game. The savings!!!

It doesn’t really sound like a fun way to play. Only getting one vehicle after like a week or so of grinding


Why is that when players want something better for their grind and themselves, we gotta trade for it? While when gaijin can take stuff away from players without giving something back, its suddenly okay.


I’ve been working on spading the Kongous and unlocking Mutsu for a few months at this point for example (while also working on other trees), but I’ll gladly take that when it means more efficient time spent in the game.

It’s a longer wait, but I have more of my free time to spend on other things overall. It’s a net positive in terms of time spent. A lot of the “gaming community” tends to be very “shiny thing now!” though…

Yes, but do people really base their satisfaction on calculated efficiency, or just by having a shiny new thing earlier in real world time?

Point is one is a more comfortable way of playing a game, something people do for enjoyment, and specifically the most they can get out of it. Most people don’t want a game to feel like work, but an actual game.

Probably, cuz according to him we are machines and not human beings.


Nothing is being taken away, this is literally an additional bonus.

Only 3 battles per vehicle type per day? Seriously? Why just don’t give passive (at least) 5% per nation permanent boost? I can’t believe this took 1 whole year to make. Very disappointing…


This is a game, this is meant to be your free time. It is meant to be enjoyable, not a second job…

in this specific case though its more like “more of the things i already have (but in a different form) at least faster than half a year” .