A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Basically. After all, being on Premium 365 days a year is just 40€ a year, which, for someone who plays 500+ hours a year, is worth it.

In my case, I don’t even use real money; I purchase 180 Premium days twice a year, during the major 50% sales, with the GJCs I earn by selling event vehicles, hahah.

So my account has basically a permanent Premium status for free.

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for everyone that was active when the gaijin store came out especially, cause basically every event vehicle coming out went at least over 150 gjd of not higher.

That system is the only reason i keep my sanity, cause i can just buy Prem Acc and other necessary premium goods.

But thats and the Squad marker is the only major good thing they have done in the last years…
At the same time… most player will not even play for more then 3 month and the ones stick to the gamet dont play it on a daily base i assume…

And without prem its basically unplayable so its not realy F2P at the end…
and please dont argue that u can play it for free… yes u can… same as you can go to china on foot from germany “for free”… have fun with that lol.

Agreed but, you forgot to mention how they get you hooked on the game by making the first few Ranks easy to progress in. Then, one they know you’re invested, they make the grind harder and people still go for it because addiction does that. It’s all psychological manipulation. To answer you, I wonder because this level of greed wasn’t a thing for the first half of this games life. They used to actually care about the game and the players. Now it’s just money and it’s very sad.

It was mentioned in one of the first posts about the economy that around 80% of the player base never purchase anything.

So making calculations from the standpoint of a F2P player would be more accurate for the average player. but it would be good to also make the same calculations for Premium account as i think that is probably the most bought thing if a player is to spend money (and to show how a paying player would experience things as a comparison).

Well, i’m a F2P player and have been the entire time BUT i did get lucky in a SL crate (or perhaps a normal crate that i bought a key for using funds from sold crates, i cant remember) and got a coupon that i sold on the marketplace to buy premium account with. I think i spent the first 6 months or so without premium account and still had fun.
If a player had the time it also didn’t use to be very hard to get at least one of the three event vehicles to sell and then buy premium time with. Now its harder but still doable if a player has the time.

But i also get what you are saying even though i feel like you are exaggerating it.
The “grind” is tedious for a F2P player yes, but honestly, i don’t mind the first tree being slow to climb, it’s a LARGE game with a lot of mechanics to learn and it gives the player time to learn it all at a semi reasonable pace. this bonus was intended to alleviate subsequent trees grinds but doesn’t really in its current state do that.
Although the ability to skip the entire grind and buy your way to the top i do not agree with for both the players sake and actually Gaijins as well as it increases the risk of a player not returning to the game because they feel overwhelmed, there really should be some sort of limit of not being able to buy a premium that is more than 1 rank above the max rank tech tree vehicle they own. That way they still have to play their way up their first tree but can more easily skip subsequent trees.

So no bonus in this patch?


I have 4 full tech trees. It took me 12 years to research. If I have to spend another 3-4 years per tree again, I’ll just find another game.

I have always been/have had a premium account and various premium vehicles so I am not a f2p player.

80% of the playerd never paied anything? How many of them have played more then 1000 battles?
That is a really spongy statement… a Video also has more views then subscribers… so what is that statement prooving?

If i play 11.0 and check every single account in that match i will bet i find on 95% a prem vehicle and on 50% multiple top tier ones.

But thats all guesswork… but i stand to what i say, i dont believe a single word from them with that 80% have never payed anythink… thats just nonsense in my eyes.

About this:

it’s a LARGE game with a lot of mechanics to learn and it gives the player time to learn it all at a semi reasonable pace

Well yes its a big game, but (now we come to pure theoretical stuff):
What does a new player want from the game? what does the avereage player want? Why should they play this game instead of any other game? What makes they stick? Motivated?

Its hard to say what the motivations are… for me, i would say 70% to play a very unhectic no need for focus game with friends, 20% just for grind while watching videos, 10% cause i like the gameplay.

And i guess for many its the same, its a very unhectic game compared to most other online games that are not roleplay games.

Take WoW as comparison that i started playing again, if you want to play with friends in M+ dungeons ure in for at least 25 minutes of focus and not quickly grabbing your coffee. Or even worse, shooters… here in WT you can just die, jump into a plane and chill your live while purely playing by behaviour. You die? no problem just respawn and try again.

But what was my motivation when i started? I had already friends that wanted to play with me, that helped a ton, then i wanted to get into higher brs to keep playing with them… i also liked the gameplay of tanks and planes, back then when planes where not able to brainafk kill 5+ tanks, back then when you didnt had a laser rangerfinder autoaim for you, no thermals, no 1500+ hp monster MBTs, no Helis, no Laser guidance bombs/missles no nothing of that.

I loved to play with friends in vehicles that where fun to play, fun to try to get better, fun to be able to do smt against that enemy in almost every case…

nowadays its different, you dont have this feeling in higher brs anymore… u kill someone with an spike or hellfire… no emotions… u kill someone with a 650mm dart that u saw with your termals and laser rangefinded… no emotions…u get killed by a hellfire or KA-50 in your MBT… pure hate. For me, there is no good emotion when i kill someone while knowing i just killed him cause i have the better tank or system. I loved that you can fight against anythink with anythink without being stone paper scissord…

But that me, i guess many have fun with the game in other ways and with hellfires, KA-50, spikes, or whatever… whats the challenge in that? whats the point of playing it? you cant get better or worse when firing a hellfire or playing a vidar on a ridgeline… the skilllimitation was super high back then, now its just… urgh… only on few brs and vehicles and its frustrating to play them when you face weapon system that can just click you away without any skill…

back to the quote:
F2P in this game just sucks compared to palying any other game lol. There is a super high likelyhood of players just going to play smt else cause this WT F2P model sucks ass.
You get Baldurs Gate 3 for what? 40 Bucks? Why should they buy a year of prem when they can play BG3 instead? Theres only a limited players willing to do that (and likely just cause they know friends to play with)… especially with the younger generation.

Reduce the grind, make F2P less unattractive and you will definitly get more players to play. The question is just, do gaijin want that? dosnt feel like it.

It would be much better if the first game/win of the day let us spend some of the Convertible RP for free.

If it’s only the first match then it will boost consecutive daily play. The tested RP bonus for new nations is so bad I wouldn’t even consider playing a game just because of it.

So did this actually get any meaningful improvement post-test or is is still an insult to players?

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How much are you playing?

I have full Swedish air and ground (took me a little less than a year (10-11 months?) where the first 6 months i didn’t have premium of any kind but the last bit i did have premium).
After getting premium account:
i have full USA ground (took about 4 months)
and i have USA air up until rank 7 (unsure about time frame as i split it up by doing USA ground in the middle but i’m guessing around 3.5-4 months there as well)
I also have halfway through rank 3 ground in: France, Italy, China, Japan and Great Britain.

I might be playing a bit more than the average player (not sure) but i have played an average of 12 games per day since account creation.

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I don’t remember how many battles I played but it will be around 20-30k.

Most of my friends abandoned the topic due to the premium vehicle nerfs and grind.

Around 27k it seems like.
But now i’m VERY curious how you have managed only 4 trees in 12 years and 27k battles when having premium account.
I have 4 (almost) trees in 2 years and 11k battles. I even ground the Swedish air tree completely in arcade mode before switching to realistic for US air tree.

Not all tiers are fun. I research tops when I have to.

For the same reason I don’t spend money on something I don’t enjoy. Vehicles are often nerfed, then I feel cheated. On Amazon I would return such a product, here I can’t.

the latter.

How fast you research really varys a ton.

Prem Acc is x2
Prem Acc + Tali is x4

27k matches to grind 4 nations? Seems normal.

I have 20k matches, always Prem Acc, and since 5 years i havent touched a vehicle without talisman.

Havent 100%ed any nation yet but in total tanks and planes i have 85% i would say. Sadly the toptiers are costing more RP per tank then rank 1-4 together…

and WinstonWolfe has the same issue as me, hightier is not that fun and you get nothing when playing smt on a lower rank…which is another big big issue i have with the game… removing the rank research limitation would free us all from suffer as we could play what we want…with that nore i want to build the bridge to free xp again… but whatever… will never come true anyway.

edit* i usually do better then average so that will help with being quite a bit faster with research

i know.

Not nations, trees.
I ONLY have premium account (same as him). no talismans or premium vehicles. i have 11k matches and have all the things listed above unlocked with that. My average placement in ground RB is above average (67%) and my Air Realistic is average (52%).

Like i saied, he dont play the “correct” br all the time, i checked his stat card and he loves to play around ww2 it seems, so he wont get much RP out of these battles.

That explains a lot.
But then you can’t really argue for that being a “normal” experience during a grind. I wouldn’t even call it a grind. That is more like Enjoying the game and accidentally unlocking things along the way (the way it should be).
And if you don’t like top tier, why is it an issue that you don’t unlock it by playing the vehicles that you like?

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That is more like Enjoying the game and accidentally unlocking things along the way (the way it should be).

yes… this SHOULD be the case…xD

And if you don’t like top tier, why is it an issue that you don’t unlock it by playing the vehicles that you like?

Can´t say for everyone but for me:

  1. To be able to play with friends!
  2. To Grind! Same reason you play stuff like Farming Simulator, Clicker Hero, Diablo, WoW, City Builder or whatever! FOR THE GRIND HUSSA! No seriously, i dont know the correct term but its smt in you that you want to “progress”. Thats how these games core ususally works. Without it, why even having a grind system in place? If that “motivation” would not excist then we wouldnt play a grind game :D