A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

but as in all of those games, there is an optimal way to do that. If you aren’t doing the optimal way you aren’t going to progress fast. and if you find joy in doing something a way that isn’t optimal then the progress is going to be slower. I’m not saying War Thunder is perfect, but what you describe is a normal effect of progression in a majority of games.
If you aren’t using the new thing you just acquired then the next part of the game is going to be harder to get through.

I get your point, but what do people when the grind gets to annoying? They stop playing.

But here we have a Onlinegame and a lot of people have invested already to much money to drop it when they finaly realise its not fun all the way long.

And we dont have a real competitor that checks the same marks in a online teambased game that you can play in a relaxed manner with your friends on a round based model that dont need you to play for more then 15min per match if u want and where u can get into matches relativly quick and when you die you can usually just respawn and you dont need to suffer along for long or wait for your friends to finish very long and all these benefits this and WoT has as games.

As example LoL, you need to focus at least somewhat and as far as i know matches go up to 45mins and if your team sucks youre kinda stuck 45min till it ends and there are no guilds i think and you need to have somewhat reflexes and cant just sip your coffe in the middle of the fight.

The biggest strengh of WT is, its very relaxed and slow paste to play most of the time.

But i am not the only one watching videos while “suffering” through the ghrind on BRs and nations that i dont like (only ARB) and we also have a ton of 1spawn players… i dont think they enjoy the game if they dont care and just want to grind… so … but as u stated, grinding the most efficient way would be 1 spawn prem/tali and go into next battle… thats why people keep doing it… (and cause they may have just bough a new prem but even then you could respawn if you really want to with your other stuff…)

but i digress… there a tons of really crappy mechanics in the game but there is no alternative in sight… so lets keep playing and suffering… gaijin will not change without a majon puplic shitstorm that will never happen as other games do the same crap these days and the majority of modern gamers dont give a f***.

I miss the times when gaming was “unpopular” and only practices by people that WANTED to play good games and not just get rid of some workstress and time…

I mean, a lot of what was done to alleviate the in game economy was in direct response to a public outrage a year and a half ago. They have done some things to help, its not a lot but its something.
I think the way forwards is a more permanent solution as most of what they have done so far is lower the total amount of RP needed a couple of times, but that just delays things as it doesn’t take many updates for them to have added vehicles enough for the grind to be the same RP amount again.

I think this is just a part of getting older… There are many younger people out there that still play for fun and for good games. but when life catches up things change.

I think it’s not just my problem playing WW2 or Cold War vehicles.

I think F2P players should have the option to progress faster. It would help fill the gaps where some BR has only premiums in the match.

It was just the explanation why u have only 4 nations with 27k battles.

I dont disagree with you!

The game needs a major rework on all grind aspect to keep up with modern times and other games if they want to continue.
I think we are right now on a breakong point where they either change more or they start to fall apart lile AW did.

Right now the only reason they gained player was covid and a shit ton of ads.

Once they stop making ads i bet my left nut that we will lose an easy 100k online in a year.

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What gaijin need this understand is that they can change/ experiment game mechanics all they want, but when it comes to economy and research they have to make the player base happy. It’s simple.

The example that only a percentage of people pay is often used here. It’s hard to maintain this when people in clans are always buying something (I’m not mentioning matches in which there are only premium vehicles.). Maybe let the vehicles not be nerfed after purchase, it will convince the rest to spend money.

How many times have you seen a player 15-20 level with vehicles for $500. I’ve met such people often. And last thing. Most of my friends gave up on the game mainly for two reasons, nerfs and grind.

With a premium account, doing anything at the top tier is next to impossible. I’m somehow managing, slowly but surely, but that’s because I’m married with kids and nothing in life will surprise me anymore.

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How long has it been since they changed, that you can’t lose SL if you have premium on defeat?
Before that grinding the IDF 8.0-9.0 lines, i regularly lost 5k SL because the vehicles were that expensive.

While having played a lot, i also play other games. I’ve always had premium and play GFAB.
Playing mostly for fun and to spade everything, i’ve unlocked in most TT at least Tier 6-7, where as i’ve unlocked everything in GER, SWE, GBR. Purchasing everything is another matter, but working on it ;P

Unlocked USA 11.0, USSR 10.3, ITA 10.3, FRA/JPN unlocking 11.7, CHN 8.7, ISR unlocked 11.0.

that change was made over a year ago (July 2023):

(note that you have to have auto repair on for it to work)

(note that you have to have auto repair on for it to work)

and that u kinda have to suck in the game to even considering to ever get smt out of that feature…especially since repair cost is now dynamic

edit* dynamic and motivates to do suicide tactics…

well, in air RB i get use for it regularly (how often don’t you just get smacked with an ARH missile before you have done anything at all in a match?).
In ground, not so much.

True but lets be honest… since planes dont cost 40k+ anymore… who cares? Having a Prem acc guarantess you already to make always a profit… having a bottom limit that u never reach anyway is kinda obsolete, even when you get smacked by a ARH missle out of nowhere.

like is said the Magach 6 variants, merkava 1, and the Merk 3 series all have a single tier 3 APFSDS.
running around stock and getting wasted by the ever present premiums, Leo1 L44, T55-Am1, OF-40, turms, Type 96A (p), leo 123, KVT, etc, etc.

even losing 1k SL is still a net loss for that battle.

It’s less useful after the other SL improvements yes, but its more like a safety net for players that might not be that good but stil want to climb to more modern vehicles at a reasonable pace. it’s not a huge change, but it is nice to have.

and i am not saing its a bad mechanic, i just say its a mechanic for like less then 1% of the battles…

But to a different topic…

what u think will happen in the next years? There arent that many tanks and planes that are considered more modern and can fill new Brs. And i hope they start to put more older stuff into the game and in best case even create a new reward system that gives you at least smt when playing your favourite stuff. Idk like gimme a reason to play my Tiger1, gimme gunmarks, gimme boosters that i can grind for every week (so i need to play less of what i dont like or havent spaded yet) or gimme just smt (not a decal though, no one needs that)

oh and fucking get that stupid 45mm APHE out of the russian planes ASAP!

I looked up your average placement in Ground Realistic and it is 79% (NICE! good job man!). which means that you play better than ~98.8% (!!) of all players in the game. So everyone below you (basically almost all players) are going to have use for the mechanic way more often than you :) Source.

1% of games for you might mean 10-15% for someone else or 0.1% for a third player.

In air realistic you are at 57% average placement, which is slightly above average (lets say exact middle for sake of argument). so half of the players are going to have more use for it than you do and the other half are going to have less use than you do. but still, it’s something many forget.

Yea, again, i dont think its a bad mechanic, i just say that we have bigger issues unaddressed and developing that system while you just released dynamic repair costs seems a bit weird to me… yea its nice but dont they have a projectplan or smt in developement? Also the only reason that bottom limit was even considered was the SL reward nerv in the first place…
so in line they

first reduced SL rewards-> then introduced dynamic repair and → then prem acc “insurance” to never get loss in a battle…

thats so fucked up in so many ways… but whatever… barely anyone has complained with the old Reward system about the 40k+ repair costs… only after the reduction it was a big problem… they lid the fire themself and then they fought it themself to claim that they have done smt and celebrate themself… fu** off.

It was developed at the same time and released like within a month of the dynamic repairs, it was basically part of the same “wave” of economy changes. So i would view it more of like a “package” of changes where that mechanic was a part of it.
Had it come a year later i would agree with you.