A-4K Kahu - The modernized Kiwi

Oh I thought it wasn’t allowed, if thats the case, then sure thing.

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Personally would love to see the kahu in warthunder adds much more representation for kiwi aircraft in the game. it would be a good tech tree or squadron vehicle in my mind, and due to its f16-f18 componenets it would sit in my mind around 10.3 fitting in with some of the earliest aircraft with the aim 9ll and mavericks


+1 for the Kahu in the British air tree! While Gaijin’s at it, I’d love to see more Skyhawks, like the A-4M in the US tree and the A-4SU in the Japanese tree.


Looks to be a good ground attack for UK tree, 10.3 ground minimum.

NZ is close enough with the uk but is heavily aligned with the USA that’s nothing new, they have a very grand history. USA and NZ are basically day 1 that’s mentioned multiple times by both the USA and NZ.

Hell they both frequently say how important their relationship is and how important an ally each are.

NZ is pushing for greater trade and strategic alignment with the USA.

These things are said over and over and over.

Even the US Department of State will tell you these things

NZs relationship with the UK has been deteriorating for sometime now started around the time they gained independence (1947) or some recount as (1987)


Crown is just the name of the government.

NZ has been legally independent since 1947



The addition of the A-4K (Kahu) could/should open the door for the A-4K (Early) ( one of the K’s as an event vehicle) The TA-4K (was a trainer but like the strike master Mk.88 also armed) (or the pre K TA-4G) the A-4G (10 of the A-4K were originally A-4G) likely not all of them but the addition of either the A-4K (Early), A-4K (Kahu) or A-4G could follow suite which would be very nice to see.

And I mean there’s 2 A-4K models if that doesn’t scream one tech tree one event idk what does.


NZ is a massive trading country. We’re gonna say we wish to be a greater partner with literally anyone. Including china. That still does not change that fact that we are a commonwealth REALM and are still very much under the crown. We’re going to be partnered with the us military just as much as anybody else but were still a very english based military. Theres a reason why our military is calles “THE ROYAL NEW ZEALAND…”


Hell they both frequently say how important their relationship is and how important an ally each are.

That was true until 1984 which NZ US relationship was demoted from “ally” to “friend” and it’s still the case to this day

Hell they both frequently say how important their relationship is and how important an ally each are.

Refer back to the first counterpoint

NZ is pushing for greater trade and strategic alignment with the USA.

Again used to be true until recently. NZ at the end of the day still has trade ties with Aus & even Japan than with the US even at it’s height.

NZs relationship with the UK has been deteriorating for sometime now started around the time they gained independence (1947) or some recount as (1987)

Deteriorating isn’t correct at all. We still have good relationship with the UK, “becoming less relevant” is a more accurate term but mainly due to UK’s overall declining global relevance/ declining superpower status


In terms of the Mavericks, Up to Four AGM-65B’s could be mounted on the airframe with one being mounted on each wing pylon, with the exception of the AGM-65G’s which can only be mounted on Pylon’s 2 and 4 due to the Weight.

The Aircraft could also cruise at Mach 1.22 above 24,000ft with a total weight of 14.800lb’s

the radar would not be optimal for AtA, however it could be set up with a Full AtG and AtS radar suite for ground attack, with the mavericks being able to be slaved to radar targets

Not sure what you’re talking about here, I’d be pretty concerened if a A-4 went supersonic!


For aus stuff, it’s bc it’s US export equipment. Idk about Canada though. This one has a radar which iirc the a4m doesn’t have

Not just that but it’d mean that either A, it could supercruise or B, it had an afterburner.


Close up photo of the right hand gun

Wide shot


Some more interesting photos I’ve found.

Close up of the radar itself with the radome lifted.


Close up of the port gun.



Countermeasure pod being fitted.



Rear starboard RWR antenna.



Also the RNZAF 50 years anniversary camo for the pre-Kahu TA-4K looks great, although I doubt we’re going to see it in game.



That camo is gorgeous

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Does A-4M have radar like A-4K?

I mean it’s an A-4 with F-16 parts and AIM-9’s + Mavericks, it’s all American stuff

No, it has targeting equipment.

Besides the A-4K going to the UK tree means that, the US (A-4M), UK (A-4K), JP (A-4SU), and DE (A-4AR) all get upgraded scooters.

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So US will be stuck with a worse variant of its own jet yet again if A-4K goes to UK?

Pretty much, blame the US DOD for not upgrading the A-4M to the same degree as the RNZAF. Besides I think (could be wrong), the A-4M gets better suspended armament than the A-4K, so it would be a tradeoff between the two.


A-4K still better than all those other ones. Rwr better than on A-4M, and ofc the F-16 radar

Also, if you really wanna go the doctrine route, the A-4K should be the same BR as the F-16A or F-15A, better yet, the F-15E

I mean, come on, the A-4K is an American airframe upgraded with American avionics using American missiles

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